Wireless Mesh Operational Data Copyright (c) 2016-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version: 2020-07-01
module Cisco-IOS-XE-wireless-mesh-oper { yang-version 1; namespace "http://cisco.com/ns/yang/Cisco-IOS-XE-wireless-mesh-oper"; prefix wireless-mesh-oper; import Cisco-IOS-XE-wireless-enum-types { prefix wireless-enum-types; } import Cisco-IOS-XE-wireless-types { prefix wireless-types; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import cisco-semver { prefix cisco-semver; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 1800 553-NETS E-mail: cs-yang@cisco.com"; description "Wireless Mesh Operational Data Copyright (c) 2016-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2020-07-01" { description "Added Daisy chain STP redundancy."; reference "4.3.0"; } revision "2019-11-01" { description "- Deprecated started-at as it reflects real time clock. Added new leaf start-time to reflect time of the day"; reference "4.2.0"; } revision "2019-05-01" { description "Added semantic version"; reference "4.1.0"; } revision "2018-12-10" { description "- Update descriptions - Added neigh-status in st-mesh-adj-minfo - Added the grouping flag-neigh-status - Remove eth-status in st-mesh-cable-modem - Remove eth-speed in st-mesh-cable-modem - Remove node-status from st-mesh-adj-minfo - Remove bh-rate in st-mesh-adj-minfo - Remove previous-role, parent-ap-mac-addr, depth and bhaul-mask leafs from st-mesh-ap-oper-data - Remove the following groupings and data nodes that reference them - st-mesh-astools - st-mesh-cm-ds-rx-freq - st-mesh-cm-us-tx-freq - st-mesh-cm-us-tx-pow - st-mesh-cm-us-cton-ratio - st-mesh-hop-list - st-mesh-dist-vector - st-mesh-dist-vector-arr - st-mesh-smooth-snr - Remove leafs sys-time, east-velocity, north-velocity, up-velocity from st-mesh-gps-info - Remove leafs flags, worst-dist-vector, antenna, num-routes, vectors, smooth-snrs, hopcount-version, update-flag from grouping st-mesh-adj-minfo - Remove leafs next-channel, next-antenna, dlink-antenna, dlink-chan, current-antenna, next-neighbor from st-mesh-adj-modinfo - Remove adj-ancestor-list and adj-list-len from st-mesh-ap-node-neigh-info - Removal of unused leaves - Cleaned up spelling errors in descriptions - Added Neighbour AP's base radio MAC address in Mesh adjacent information."; reference "4.0.0"; } revision "2018-05-01" { description "- Change type of bhaul-tx-rate in st-mesh-ap-oper-data from uint32 to mesh-dot11abg-data-rate - Added new data to st-mesh-ap-oper-data - Change type of data-rate in mesh-link-test-config from uint16 to mesh-linktest-rate - Added data-rate-index to mesh-link-test-config"; reference "3.0.0"; } revision "2018-01-24" { description "The first generally available version"; reference "2.0.0"; } revision "2017-09-25" { description "Initial revision"; reference "1.0.0"; } cisco-semver:module-version "4.3.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "4.2.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "4.1.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "4.0.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "3.0.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "2.0.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef flag-neigh-status { type bits { bit mesh-ae-updated { position 0; description "Received an update for this adjacent node"; } bit mesh-ae-parent { position 1; description "Neighbor mesh node is a parent mesh node of this mesh node"; } bit mesh-ae-tent-parent { position 2; description "Node is the tentative parent"; } bit mesh-ae-neigh { position 3; description "Its a neighbor mesh node. It can be on same or different mesh-sector"; } bit mesh-ae-black { position 4; description "Node is blacklisted"; } bit mesh-ae-hash { position 5; description "Whether node is on the hash table or not"; } bit mesh-ae-alloc { position 6; description "Whether the node is allocated"; } bit mesh-ae-permsnr { position 7; description "Management set the SNR variable"; } bit mesh-ae-child { position 8; description "Neighbor mesh node is child of this mesh node"; } bit mesh-ae-needupdate { position 9; description "Need an update to be considered again"; } bit mesh-ae-trigger { position 10; description "Send trigger to parent"; } bit mesh-ae-beacon { position 11; description "Neighbor mesh node found by passive scanning"; } bit mesh-ae-default { position 12; description "Neighbor mesh node connected using a mismatched bridge group name"; } } description "Mesh neighbor status"; } grouping st-mesh-node-pkt-queue-stats { description "Packet stats for different queues in AP radio"; leaf peak-length { type uint16; description "Peak number of packets waiting in the queue"; } leaf average-len { type uint16; description "Average number of packets waiting in the queue"; } leaf overflows { type uint16; description "Total number of packets dropped due to queue overflow"; } } // grouping st-mesh-node-pkt-queue-stats grouping st-mesh-node-pkt-queue-stats-key { description "Key for packet queue stats table"; leaf wtp-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "Radio MAC address common to the dot11 interface of the AP"; } leaf q-type { type wireless-types:mesh-node-pkt-queue-type; description "Queue type on the AP radio"; } } // grouping st-mesh-node-pkt-queue-stats-key grouping st-mesh-node-data-rate-stats { description "Statistics information about a mesh node for different data rates"; leaf tx-success { type uint32; description "Total number of packets successfully transmitted at a given data rate"; } leaf tx-attempts { type uint32; description "Total number of transmitted attempts at a given data rate"; } } // grouping st-mesh-node-data-rate-stats grouping st-mesh-node-data-rate-stats-key { description "Key for data rate statistics table"; leaf wtp-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "Radio MAC address common to the dot11 interface of the AP"; } leaf neigh-ap-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "Radio MAC address of neighbor Access Point"; } leaf data-rate-index { type uint32; description "Supported data rates of the mesh access point"; } } // grouping st-mesh-node-data-rate-stats-key grouping st-mesh-ap-security-stats-parent { description "Security stats at the parent Mesh Access Point"; leaf unknown-assoc-req { type uint32; description "Total number of unknown association requests received by this node, as a parent mesh node from a child mesh node"; } leaf invalid-assoc-req { type uint32; description "Total number of invalid association requests received by this node, as a parent mesh node from a child mesh node"; } leaf unknown-tgr-auth-req { type uint32; description "Total number of unknown TGR Auth requests received by this node, as a parent mesh node from a child mesh node"; } leaf invalid-tgr-auth-req { type uint32; description "Total number of invalid TGR Auth requests received by this node, as a parent mesh node from a child mesh node"; } leaf unknown-tgr-reassoc-req { type uint32; description "Total number of unknown TGR re-association requests received by this node, as a parent mesh node from a child mesh node"; } leaf invalid-tgr-reassoc-req { type uint32; description "Total number of invalid TGR re-association requests received by this node, as a parent mesh node from a child mesh node"; } } // grouping st-mesh-ap-security-stats-parent grouping st-mesh-ap-security-stats-child { description "Security stats at the Child Mesh Access Point"; leaf assoc-failure { type uint32; description "Total number of association requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that resulted in a failure"; } leaf assoc-timeout { type uint32; description "Total number of association requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that timed out"; } leaf assoc-success { type uint32; description "Total number of association requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that completed"; } leaf auth-failure { type uint32; description "Total number of authentication requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that resulted in a failure"; } leaf auth-timeout { type uint32; description "Total number of authentication requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that timed out"; } leaf auth-success { type uint32; description "Total number of authentication requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that completed"; } leaf tgr-auth-failure { type uint32; description "Total number of TGR authentication requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that resulted in a failure"; } leaf tgr-auth-timeout { type uint32; description "Total number of TGR authentication requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that timed out"; } leaf tgr-auth-success { type uint32; description "Total number of TGR authentication requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that completed"; } leaf tgr-reassoc-failure { type uint32; description "Total number of TGR re-association requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that resulted in a failure"; } leaf tgr-reassoc-timeout { type uint32; description "Total number of TGR re-association requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that timed out"; } leaf tgr-reassoc-success { type uint32; description "Total number of TGR re-association requests sent by a child mesh node to a parent mesh node, that completed"; } } // grouping st-mesh-ap-security-stats-child grouping st-mesh-ap-security-stats { description "Security stats at Mesh Access Point"; leaf wtp-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "Radio MAC address common to the dot11 interface of the AP"; } leaf tx-pkts-total { type uint32; description "Total number of packets transmitted by this mesh node during security negotiation"; } leaf rx-pkts-total { type uint32; description "Total number of packets received by this mesh node during security negotiation"; } leaf rx-pkts-error { type uint32; description "Total number of packets received with error by this mesh node during security negotiation"; } container stats-parent { description "Security stats at the parent Mesh Access Point"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-ap-security-stats-parent; } // container stats-parent container stats-child { description "Security stats at the Child Mesh Access Point"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-ap-security-stats-child; } // container stats-child } // grouping st-mesh-ap-security-stats grouping st-mesh-ap-oper-data { description "Operational data for a Mesh Access Point"; leaf wtp-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "Radio MAC address common to the dot11 interface of the AP"; } leaf bhaul-slot-id { type uint8; description "Backhaul Radio slot identifier used by this Access Point"; } leaf bhaul-rate-mcs-ss { type uint8; description "Mesh Backhaul 802.11ac MCS spatial stream"; } leaf active-trunk-native-vlan { type uint16; description "Trunk native VLAN of Mesh Access Point connected through wire"; } leaf configured-role { type wireless-types:ap-role; description "Configured AP role for this Mesh Access Point"; } leaf bhaul-radio-mode { type wireless-types:mesh-bhaul-mode; description "Backhaul Radio mode (11a, 11b, 11g) on this Access Point"; } leaf ap-mode { type wireless-types:enm-ewlc-spam-ap-modes; description "AP mode for this Mesh Access Point"; } leaf ap-role { type wireless-types:ap-role; description "AP role for this Mesh Access Point"; } leaf bhaul-radio-type { type wireless-types:mesh-bhaul-radio-type; description "Mesh Backhaul Radio type(802.11a, 802.11bg) on this Access Point"; } leaf bhaul-data-rate-type { type wireless-types:mesh-bhaul-data-rate-type; description "Mesh Backhaul data rate type(auto, 802.11a, 802.11bg, 11n mcs, 11ac) on this Access Point"; } leaf bhaul-tx-rate { type wireless-types:mesh-dot11abg-data-rate; description "Data rate used in the Backhaul Radio interface of this Access Point"; } leaf bhaul-rate-mcs-index { type uint32; description "Mesh Backhaul MCS data rate index"; } leaf neigh-child-cnt { type uint32; description "Number of child mesh neighbours for an Access Point"; } leaf ap-specific-bhaul-tx-rate { type boolean; description "Backhaul data rate is AP specific for this Access Point"; } leaf trunk-vlan-enabled { type boolean; description "Whether VLAN trunking is enabled or disabled for the Root Mesh Access point"; } leaf bhaul-child-presence { type boolean; description "If there are any child Mesh Access points present for this Mesh AP"; } leaf bhaul-over-ethernet { type boolean; description "Whether this Mesh Access point is connected to the Controller over Ethernet interface"; } leaf bgn-strict-match { type boolean; description "Whether Strict match of bridge group name is enabled or disabled for this Mesh Access Point"; } leaf use-default-bgn { type boolean; description "Whether default bridge group name can be used to find a parent Mesh Access Point by this AP"; } leaf daisy-chain-mode { type boolean; description "Whether daisy chain mode is enabled or disabled in this Mesh Access Point"; } leaf rap-strict-daisy-chain-mode { type boolean; description "Whether strict daisy chain mode is enabled or disabled in this Mesh Access Point"; } leaf block-child-enabled { type boolean; description "Whether child Mesh Access points are blocked to join to this Mesh Access Point"; } leaf ethernet-bridging-enabled { type boolean; description "Whether Ethernet bridging is enabled or disabled in this Mesh Access Point"; } leaf preferred-parent { type yang:mac-address; description "Preferred parent AP MAC Address configured on this Access Point"; } leaf parent-ap-awpp-addr { type yang:mac-address; description "AWPP Identity at the parent Mesh Access Point"; } leaf bridge-group-name { type string; description "Bridge group name configured on this Access Point"; } leaf psk-key-timestamp { type string; description "Time at which this PSK key was configured"; } leaf mesh-profile-configured { type string; description "Configured Mesh profile name for the Access Point"; } leaf mesh-profile-inuse { type string; description "Mesh profile name used by the Access Point"; } leaf daisychain-stp-redundancy { type boolean; description "This value indicates whether daisy chain STP redundancy is enabled or not for the Mesh Access Point"; } } // grouping st-mesh-ap-oper-data grouping st-mesh-gps-info { description "GPS related information for the Mesh Access point"; leaf wtp-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "Radio MAC address common to the dot11 interface of the AP"; } leaf location-flags { type uint8; description "Whether the access point has the GPS module installed or not"; } leaf latitude { type uint32; description "Latitude information in the GPS data received"; } leaf longitude { type uint32; description "Longitude information in the GPS data received"; } leaf altitude { type uint32; description "Altitude information in the GPS data received"; } } // grouping st-mesh-gps-info grouping st-mesh-cable-modem { description "Cable Modem related information for the Mesh Access point"; leaf wtp-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address of the Mesh Access Point"; } leaf cm-mac-address { type yang:mac-address; description "Cable modem MAC address"; } leaf ap-mac-address { type yang:mac-address; description "Cable modem AP MAC address"; } leaf ap-cm-int-mac-address { type yang:mac-address; description "Mesh AP cable modem interface MAC Address"; } leaf mask-bit { type uint32; description "Value of cable modem mask bit"; } leaf cm-sw-version { type string; description "Cable modem software version"; } leaf cm-status { type string; description "Docsis registration status for the cable modem interface of mesh AP"; } leaf cm-serial-number { type string; description "Cable modem serial number"; } } // grouping st-mesh-cable-modem grouping st-mesh-node-neigh-key { description "Key for mesh node neighbor table"; leaf wtp-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address of the Access Point"; } leaf neigh-ap-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address of neighbor mesh Access Point"; } } // grouping st-mesh-node-neigh-key grouping st-mesh-adj-minfo { description "Neighbor AP related information"; leaf channel { type uint8; description "Channel of the neighbor Access Point"; } leaf potl-parent-timeouts-left { type uint8; description "Remaining number of potential parent timeout"; } leaf timeouts-left-for-child { type uint8; description "Remaining number of timeouts for the child"; } leaf snr { type uint8; description "SNR value for the Mesh Access Point"; } leaf snr-up { type uint8; description "SNR of the link to the AP"; } leaf snr-down { type uint8; description "SNR of the link from the AP"; } leaf link-snr { type uint8; description "Calculated SNR of the link"; } leaf slot-id { type uint8; description "Radio slot id of neighbor AP"; } leaf chan-width { type uint8; description "Channel width used by the neighbor AP"; } leaf blacklist-timeouts-left { type uint16; description "Remaining number of blacklist timeouts"; } leaf neigh-type { type wireless-types:enm-mesh-node-neigh-type; description "Neighbor Mesh AP's role"; } leaf neigh-state { type wireless-types:enm-mesh-node-neigh-state; description "Neighbor Mesh AP's neighbor info update state"; } leaf rate { type uint32; description "Current rate of the Neighbor AP"; } leaf adjusted-ease { type uint32; description "Hops adjusted ease value"; } leaf unadjusted-ease { type uint32; description "Ease to the root AP through this AP"; } leaf rap-ease { type uint32; description "Unadjusted ease received in last hello message"; } leaf tx-pkts-parent { type uint32; description "Total number of packets transmitted to this node as a parent AP"; } leaf rx-pkts-parent { type uint32; description "Total number of packets received from this node as a parent AP"; } leaf poor-snr { type uint32; description "Number of packets received with poor SNR"; } leaf neigh-status { type flag-neigh-status; description "Neighbor status"; } leaf neigh-mac-addr { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address of the Neighbor AP"; } leaf neigh-base-mac-addr { type yang:mac-address; description "Base radio MAC address of the Neighbor AP"; } leaf ap-identity { type yang:mac-address; description "Identity of the mesh Access Point"; } leaf neigh-ap-name { type string; description "Neighbor AP name"; } leaf bridge-group-name { type string; description "Bridge group name of the neighbor AP"; } leaf last-update { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time at which the last hello is received from this neighbor"; } leaf parent-change-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time at which this AP became parent"; } } // grouping st-mesh-adj-minfo grouping st-mesh-neigh-per-stats { description "Mesh AP PER statistics"; leaf tx-pkts-total { type uint32; description "Total packets transmitted"; } leaf tx-pkts-success { type uint32; description "Total packets transmitted successfully"; } leaf retry-pkts-total { type uint32; description "Total packets retried"; } leaf rts-attempts { type uint32; description "Number of RTS attempts"; } leaf rts-success { type uint32; description "Number of successful RTS"; } } // grouping st-mesh-neigh-per-stats grouping st-mesh-node-dr-stats { description "Mesh AP data rate stats"; leaf last-update { type uint8; description "When the neighbor table was last updated"; } leaf rts-attempts { type uint32; description "Number of RTS attempts"; } leaf rts-success { type uint32; description "Number of successful RTS"; } } // grouping st-mesh-node-dr-stats grouping st-mesh-node-neigh-info { description "Mesh AP neighbor related information"; container mesh-neighs { description "Mesh AP neighbor details"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-adj-minfo; } // container mesh-neighs container neigh-per-stats { description "Mesh AP PER statistics"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-neigh-per-stats; } // container neigh-per-stats } // grouping st-mesh-node-neigh-info grouping st-mesh-adj-modinfo { description "Adjacency information for the mesh Access Point"; leaf rap { type uint8; description "Whether this is a root mode Mesh AP"; } leaf current-sector-hops { type uint8; description "Number of hops from RAP to this mesh AP in the sector"; } leaf neigh-state { type wireless-types:mesh-adj-state; description "Type of Neighbor Access Point"; } leaf malformed-neigh-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of packets received from Neighbor AP which could not be decoded"; } leaf poor-neigh-snr { type uint32; description "Total number of packets received from Neighbor AP which has SNR value below threshold"; } leaf blacklist-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of packets received from excluded Neighbor APs"; } leaf insufficient-memory { type uint32; description "Number of packets dropped due to insufficient memory"; } leaf rx-neigh-req { type uint32; description "Total number of neighbor requests received from Neighbor APs"; } leaf rx-neigh-resp { type uint32; description "Total number of neighbor responses received from Neighbor APs"; } leaf tx-neigh-req { type uint32; description "Total number of neighbor requests sent to Neighbor APs"; } leaf tx-neigh-resp { type uint32; description "Total number of neighbor responses sent to Neighbor APs"; } leaf authentication-failures { type uint32; description "Total number of Authentication failures with Neighbor APs"; } leaf parent-changes { type uint32; description "Total number of times this mesh node has changed its parent"; } leaf neigh-timeout { type uint32; description "Number of Neighbor timeouts"; } leaf rx-neigh-update { type uint32; description "Number of Neighbor updates received"; } leaf tx-neigh-update { type uint32; description "Number of Neighbor updates transmitted"; } leaf current-best-neigh { type uint32; description "Number of best neighbor APs"; } } // grouping st-mesh-adj-modinfo grouping st-mesh-ap-node-neigh-info { description "Adjacency and Ancestor information for the mesh Access Point"; leaf wtp-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address of the Mesh Access Point"; } container adj-modinfo { description "Adjacency information for the mesh Access Point"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-adj-modinfo; } // container adj-modinfo container dr-stats { description "Mesh AP data rate stats"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-node-dr-stats; } // container dr-stats } // grouping st-mesh-ap-node-neigh-info grouping st-mesh-node-battery { description "Battery related information for this mesh Access Point"; leaf wtp-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address of Mesh Access Point"; } leaf input-voltage { type uint16; units "volt"; description "AC voltage across the input terminals of the battery in outdoor mesh Access Point"; } leaf output-voltage { type uint16; units "volt"; description "Voltage across the output terminals of the battery in outdoor Mesh Access Point"; } leaf output-power { type uint16; units "watt"; description "Output power of the battery in outdoor Mesh Access Point"; } leaf internal-voltage { type uint16; units "volt"; description "Internal voltage of the battery in outdoor Mesh Access Point"; } leaf temperature { type uint16; units "celsius"; description "Temperature in celsius of the battery in outdoor mesh Access Point"; } leaf current { type uint16; units "ampere"; description "Current in the Battery of outdoor Mesh Access Point"; } leaf charge { type uint16; units "percentage"; description "Charging status in percentage for the Battery in outdoor Mesh Access Point"; } leaf alarms { type wireless-types:mesh-node-battery-alarm; description "Notification status for Battery related Alarms in outdoor Mesh Access Point"; } leaf sw-version { type string; description "Software version for the Battery in outdoor Mesh Access Point"; } leaf serial-number { type string; description "Serial number of the Battery in outdoor Mesh Access Point"; } } // grouping st-mesh-node-battery grouping st-mesh-eth-intf-stats { description "Statistics for the Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; leaf rx-ucast-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of unicast packets received on the Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; } leaf rx-n-ucast-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of Non-unicast packets received on the Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; } leaf tx-ucast-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of unicast packets transmitted on the Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; } leaf tx-n-ucast-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of Non-unicast packets transmitted on the Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; } } // grouping st-mesh-eth-intf-stats grouping st-mesh-trunk-vlan-list { description "Allowed VLANs list when in trunk mode for the Mesh Access Point"; leaf-list buffer { type uint16; max-elements 16; ordered-by user; description "Holds the list of allowed VLANs"; } } // grouping st-mesh-trunk-vlan-list grouping st-mesh-eth-intf-vlan { description "VLAN configurations for Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; leaf mode { type wireless-types:ethernet-port-type; description "Ethernet interface mode as whether Trunk or Access"; } leaf vlan-id { type uint16; description "VLAN identifier for the Ethernet interface of Mesh Access Point"; } leaf trunk-vlan-list-count { type uint16; description "Total number of allowed VLANs for the Ethernet interface of Mesh Access Point"; } container trunk-vlan-list { description "Allowed VLANs list when in trunk mode for the Mesh Access Point"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-trunk-vlan-list; } // container trunk-vlan-list } // grouping st-mesh-eth-intf-vlan grouping st-mesh-eth-intf-vlan-config { description "VLAN configurations for Mesh AP Ethernet interfaces"; container current-config { description "Current VLAN configurations for Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-eth-intf-vlan; } // container current-config container stored-config { description "Stored VLAN configurations for Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-eth-intf-vlan; } // container stored-config } // grouping st-mesh-eth-intf-vlan-config grouping st-mesh-eth-info { description "Information related to the status of Mesh AP Ethernet interfaces"; leaf intf-name { type string; description "Name of the Mesh AP Ethernet Interface"; } leaf port-number { type uint8; description "Ethernet interface port number of the Mesh AP"; } leaf speed { type uint8; description "Speed for the Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; } leaf duplex { type uint8; description "Duplex for the Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; } leaf status { type boolean; description "Status of Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; } container eth-stats { description "Statistics for the Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-eth-intf-stats; } // container eth-stats container eth-vlan-config { description "VLAN configurations for Mesh AP Ethernet interface"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-eth-intf-vlan-config; } // container eth-vlan-config } // grouping st-mesh-eth-info grouping st-mesh-eth-info-arr { description "List of Mesh AP Ethernet interfaces with their status information"; list buffer { max-elements 5; description "Holds the list of AP Ethernet interfaces with their status information"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-eth-info; } // list buffer } // grouping st-mesh-eth-info-arr grouping st-mesh-node-env-info { description "Mesh AP Ethernet interface related information"; leaf number-of-ports { type uint32; description "Number of Ethernet ports on the mesh AP"; } leaf bhaul-intf-name { type string; description "Backhaul interface name for the Mesh AP"; } container eth-if-status { description "Status of Mesh AP Ethernet interfaces"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-eth-info-arr; } // container eth-if-status } // grouping st-mesh-node-env-info grouping st-mesh-temperature { description "Temperature related information of Mesh AP "; leaf status { type uint32; description "Status of Mesh AP "; } leaf degree { type uint32; units "celsius"; description "Degree in celsius of Mesh AP "; } leaf heater-status { type uint32; description "Heater status of the Mesh AP"; } leaf temp-state { type uint32; description "Temperature state of the Mesh AP"; } leaf temp-fahrenheit { type uint32; units "fahrenheit"; description "Temperature info of a Mesh AP in fahrenheit"; } } // grouping st-mesh-temperature grouping st-mesh-peripheral-info { description "Peripheral device information for this mesh Access Point"; container temperature { description "Temperature information of the mesh AP"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-temperature; } // container temperature leaf cm-installed { type boolean; description "Whether cable modem is applicable for this Mesh AP"; } leaf fiber-sfp-installed { type boolean; description "Whether Fiber SFP is applicable for this mesh AP"; } leaf poe-out-status { type boolean; description "POE out status for this mesh AP"; } leaf orientation { type uint8; description "Orientation for this mesh AP"; } } // grouping st-mesh-peripheral-info grouping st-mesh-node-component-info { description "Information related to peripheral components for Mesh Access Point"; leaf wtp-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address of the Access Point"; } container env-info { description "Mesh AP Ethernet interface related information"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-node-env-info; } // container env-info container battery-state { description "Battery related information for this mesh Access Point"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-node-battery; } // container battery-state container peripheral-info { description "Peripheral device information for this mesh Access Point"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-peripheral-info; } // container peripheral-info } // grouping st-mesh-node-component-info grouping st-bgn-channel-comp-key { description "Key for subset channel list table"; leaf bgn { type string; description "Bridge group name for the access point in the mesh network"; } leaf channel { type uint8; description "Channel number in subset channel list"; } } // grouping st-bgn-channel-comp-key grouping st-subset-channel-list { description "Information related to subset channel list for a mesh network"; leaf rap-local-count { type uint8; description "Number of Root Access Points using the bridge group name and channel"; } } // grouping st-subset-channel-list grouping mesh-linktest-snr-profile { description "Mesh Linktest SNR Profile"; leaf-list buffer-snr { type uint32; max-elements 21; ordered-by user; description "List of SNR values during the linktest"; } } // grouping mesh-linktest-snr-profile grouping mesh-link-test-nf-profile { description "Represents Mesh Linktest NF Profile"; leaf-list buffer-nf { type uint32; max-elements 21; ordered-by user; description "List of NF values during the linktest"; } } // grouping mesh-link-test-nf-profile grouping mesh-link-test-rssi-profile { description "Represents Mesh Linktest RSSI Profile"; leaf-list buffer-rssi { type uint32; max-elements 21; ordered-by user; description "List of RSSI values"; } } // grouping mesh-link-test-rssi-profile grouping mesh-link-test-result { description "Results of Mesh Linktest"; leaf elapsed-time { type uint32; description "Time elapsed for the Mesh Linktest"; } leaf last-rx-rate { type uint32; description "RX rate received in the last response"; } leaf link-test-buffer-allocation-error { type uint32; description "Number of RX buffer allocation error"; } leaf link-test-queue-full-error { type uint32; description "Number of RX queue full error"; } leaf total-tx-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of packets transmitted"; } leaf total-rx-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of packets received"; } leaf good-rx-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of good packets received"; } leaf duplicate-rx-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of duplicate packets received"; } leaf short-rx-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of linktest packets which were shorter than expected"; } leaf big-rx-pkts { type uint32; description "Total number of packets which were bigger than expected"; } leaf rx-pkts-physical-errors { type uint32; description "Total number of packets received with error at physical layer"; } leaf rx-pkts-crc-errors { type uint32; description "Total number of packets with CRC error"; } leaf rx-pkts-seq-errors { type uint32; description "Total number of packets received with out of order sequence number"; } leaf rx-pkts-unknown-errors { type uint32; description "Total number of packets received with unknown error"; } leaf rx-pkts-prev-seq { type uint32; description "Sequence number of the last packet received"; } leaf rx-pkts-lost { type uint32; description "Total number of packets lost during linktest"; } leaf rx-pkts-average-snr { type int32; description "Average SNR(signal to noise) during linktest"; } leaf rx-pkts-highest-snr { type int32; description "Highest SNR(signal to noise) during linktest"; } leaf rx-pkts-lowest-snr { type int32; description "Lowest SNR(signal to noise) during linktest"; } leaf rx-pkts-average-nf { type int32; description "Average NF(noise floor) during linktest"; } leaf rx-pkts-highest-nf { type int32; description "Highest NF(noise floor) during linktest"; } leaf rx-pkts-lowest-nf { type int32; description "Lowest NF(noise floor) during linktest"; } leaf rx-pkts-average-rssi { type int32; description "Average RSSI during linktest"; } leaf rx-pkts-highest-rssi { type int32; description "Highest RSSI during linktest"; } leaf rx-pkts-lowest-rssi { type int32; description "Lowest RSSI during linktest"; } leaf last-elapsed-timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time elapsed after the last response"; } leaf last-rx-timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time at which the last packet was received"; } container snr-profile { description "Mesh Linktest SNR Profile"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:mesh-linktest-snr-profile; } // container snr-profile container nf-profile { description "Mesh Linktest NF Profile"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:mesh-link-test-nf-profile; } // container nf-profile container rssi-profile { description "Mesh Linktest RSSI Profile"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:mesh-link-test-rssi-profile; } // container rssi-profile } // grouping mesh-link-test-result grouping mesh-link-test-mac-endpoints { description "MAC address of APs participating in linktest"; leaf source-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address of the source AP"; } leaf destination-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address of the destination AP"; } } // grouping mesh-link-test-mac-endpoints grouping mesh-link-test-config { description "Mesh linktest configuration parameters"; leaf data-rate { type wireless-types:mesh-linktest-rate; description "Data rate in Mbps which will is supported by both APs"; } leaf data-rate-index { type wireless-types:mesh-linktest-rate-idx; description "Data rate index used for linktest traffic"; } leaf status { type wireless-types:mesh-linktest-cfg-status; description "Current status of the linktest"; } leaf packet-size { type uint16; description "Size of the packets in bytes"; } leaf duration { type uint16; description "Time interval for the linktest in seconds"; } leaf pkts-per-sec { type uint32; description "Number of packets per seconds to be transmitted"; } } // grouping mesh-link-test-config grouping mesh-link-test { description "Mesh Linktest parameters"; leaf linktest-id { type uint32; description "Mesh linktest ID"; } leaf record-in-use { type boolean; description "Whether the linktest is in progress"; } leaf started-at { type yang:date-and-time; status deprecated; description "Time at which linktest started. Going forward, start-time should be used as started-at reflects the real time clock but not the current time of the day whereas start-time reflects current time of the day"; } container config { description "Mesh linktest config parameters"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:mesh-link-test-config; } // container config container results { description "Mesh linktest results parameters"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:mesh-link-test-result; } // container results leaf start-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Start time of the link test"; } } // grouping mesh-link-test grouping st-mesh-wmm-data { description "Details of WIFI multimedia data information"; leaf client-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "Client MAC address"; } leaf radio-type { type wireless-enum-types:enm-radio-type; description "Radio type"; } leaf direction { type uint8; description "Data traffic direction"; } leaf nominal-msdu-size { type uint16; description "Nominal MAC service data unit size"; } leaf bw-allocated { type uint16; description "Bandwidth allocated for the client"; } leaf mean-data-rate { type uint32; description "Average data rate of the radio"; } } // grouping st-mesh-wmm-data grouping st-mesh-ap-node-cac-info { description "Call admission control information of the mesh AP"; leaf wtp-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "Radio MAC address common to the dot11 interface of the AP"; } leaf bw-in-use-24ghz { type uint16; description "Maximum bandwidth being utilised for 24 ghz radio"; } leaf bw-in-use-5ghz { type uint16; description "Maximum bandwidth being utilised for 5 ghz radio"; } leaf mesh-call-in-progress-24ghz { type uint16; description "Number of access and mesh calls in progress on radio 24 ghz"; } leaf mesh-call-in-progress-5ghz { type uint16; description "Number of access and mesh calls in progress on radio 5 ghz"; } leaf mesh-call-rejected { type uint16; description "Number of mesh calls rejected on backhaul radio"; } leaf voice-bw-allocated-24ghz { type uint32; description "Voice bandwidth being allocated for 24 ghz radio"; } leaf voice-bw-allocated-5ghz { type uint32; description "Voice bandwidth being allocated for 5 ghz radio"; } list mesh-wmm-data { key "client-mac"; description "WIFI multimedia data information"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-wmm-data; } // list mesh-wmm-data } // grouping st-mesh-ap-node-cac-info container mesh-oper-data { config false; description "Mesh operational data"; list mesh-q-stats { key "wtp-mac q-type"; description "Mesh Access point packet queue statistics"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-node-pkt-queue-stats-key; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-node-pkt-queue-stats; } // list mesh-q-stats list mesh-dr-stats { key "wtp-mac neigh-ap-mac data-rate-index"; description "Mesh Access point data rate statistics"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-node-data-rate-stats-key; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-node-data-rate-stats; } // list mesh-dr-stats list mesh-sec-stats { key "wtp-mac"; description "Mesh Access point security statistics"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-ap-security-stats; } // list mesh-sec-stats list mesh-oper-data { key "wtp-mac"; description "Mesh Access point operational data"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-ap-oper-data; } // list mesh-oper-data list mesh-gps-info { key "wtp-mac"; description "GPS related information for the Mesh Access point"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-gps-info; } // list mesh-gps-info list mesh-ap-node-cac-info { key "wtp-mac"; description "Mesh call admission control related information"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-ap-node-cac-info; } // list mesh-ap-node-cac-info list mesh-cm { key "wtp-mac"; description "Cable Modem related information for the Mesh Access point"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-cable-modem; } // list mesh-cm list mesh-neigh { key "wtp-mac neigh-ap-mac"; description "Mesh AP neighbor related information"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-node-neigh-key; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-node-neigh-info; } // list mesh-neigh list mesh-ap-neigh { key "wtp-mac"; description "Adjacency and Ancestor information for the mesh Access Point"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-ap-node-neigh-info; } // list mesh-ap-neigh list mesh-subset-channel-list { key "bgn channel"; description "Subset channel list table"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-bgn-channel-comp-key; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-subset-channel-list; } // list mesh-subset-channel-list list mesh-comp-info { key "wtp-mac"; description "Information related to peripheral components for Mesh Access Point"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:st-mesh-node-component-info; } // list mesh-comp-info list mesh-linktest-parameters { key "linktest-id"; description "Mesh linktest related information"; uses wireless-mesh-oper:mesh-link-test; uses wireless-mesh-oper:mesh-link-test-mac-endpoints; } // list mesh-linktest-parameters } // container mesh-oper-data } // module Cisco-IOS-XE-wireless-mesh-oper
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