This module contains client operational data aggregated across wireless processes. Copyright (c) 2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All...
Version: 2021-07-01
module Cisco-IOS-XE-wireless-client-global-oper { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix wireless-client-global-oper; import Cisco-IOS-XE-wireless-client-types { prefix wireless-client-types; } import cisco-semver { prefix cisco-semver; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 1800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains client operational data aggregated across wireless processes. Copyright (c) 2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2021-07-01" { description "Initial revision"; reference "1.0.0"; } cisco-semver:module-version "1.0.0"; container client-global-oper-data { config false; description "Root container for client operational data aggregated across wireless processes"; container client-live-stats { presence "client-live-stats"; description "Snapshot of statistics of current state of wireless clients"; leaf auth-state-clients { type uint32; description "Number of clients in authenticating state"; } leaf mobility-state-clients { type uint32; description "Number of clients in mobility state"; } leaf iplearn-state-clients { type uint32; description "Number of clients in IP learn state"; } leaf webauth-state-clients { type uint32; description "Number of clients in web authenticating state"; } leaf run-state-clients { type uint32; description "Number of clients in run state"; } leaf delete-state-clients { type uint32; description "Number of clients in deletion state"; } leaf random-mac-clients { type uint32; description "Number of clients using random MAC address"; } } // container client-live-stats container client-stats { presence "client-stats"; description "Summary of client statistics"; container co-client-del-reason { description "Client delete reason statistics"; leaf invalid-operation { type uint32; description "Invalid delete reason"; } leaf internal-generic-err { type uint32; description "Default delete reason"; } leaf deauth-or-disassoc-req { type uint32; description "Deauthentication or disassociation request received from client"; } leaf auth-fail { type uint32; description "Authentication or authorization failure"; } leaf webauth-fail { type uint32; description "Web authentication failure"; } leaf ap-delete { type uint32; description "AP initiated client delete"; } leaf bssid-down { type uint32; description "BSSID down"; } leaf capwap-down { type uint32; description "AP down"; } leaf connect-timeout { type uint32; description "Client connection timeout"; } leaf mab-fail { type uint32; description "MAC authentication by-pass failed"; } leaf datapath-fail { type uint32; description "Failure during data path plumbing"; } leaf wlan-change { type uint32; description "WLAN change"; } leaf vlan-change { type uint32; description "VLAN change"; } leaf admin-reset { type uint32; description "Admin reset due to manual deauthentication"; } leaf qos-fail { type uint32; description "QoS failure"; } leaf key-exchange-timeout { type uint32; description "Key exchange process timeout"; } leaf group-key-update { type uint32; description "Group key update timeout"; } leaf max-sa-queries { type uint32; description "Maximum secure association queries reached"; } leaf restart-purge { type uint32; description "Delete due to system restart"; } leaf client-block-list { type uint32; description "Default client block listed"; } leaf inter-instance-roam-succ { type uint32; description "Inter instance roam success"; } leaf intra-instance-roam-fail { type uint32; description "Intra instance roam failure"; } leaf mobility-roam-succ { type uint32; description "Inter controller roam success"; } leaf mobility-roam-fail { type uint32; description "Inter controller roam failure"; } leaf client-session-timeout { type uint32; description "Client session timeout"; } leaf client-idle-timeout { type uint32; description "Client idle timeout"; } leaf user-req { type uint32; description "User requested client delete"; } leaf nas-err { type uint32; description "Network access server identifier error"; } leaf aaa-service-unavailable { type uint32; description "AAA Service unavailable"; } leaf mobility-bssid-down { type uint32; description "Mobility BSSID down"; } leaf mobility-tunnel-down { type uint32; description "Mobility tunnel down"; } leaf dot11v-smart-roam-fail { type uint32; description "802.11v smart roam failed"; } leaf dot11v-timer-timeout { type uint32; description "802.11v disassociation imminent timeout"; } leaf dot11v-assoc-fail { type uint32; description "802.11v association failed"; } leaf ft-auth-response-fail { type uint32; description "Fast transition authentication response failure"; } leaf sae-auth-fail { type uint32; description "Simultaneous authentication of equals failure"; } leaf dot11-unspecified-fail { type uint32; description "802.11 unspecified failure"; } leaf dot11-fail-ignore-req { type uint32; description "802.11 failure due to ignore request"; } leaf dot11-ccx-qos-add-ts-no-bw { type uint32; description "802.11 failure due to addition of CCX QoS traffic stream with no bandwidth"; } leaf dot11-caps-unsupported { type uint32; description "802.11 capabilities not supported"; } leaf dot11-assoc-deny-unspec { type uint32; description "802.11 association denied due to unspecified reason"; } leaf dot11-max-client { type uint32; description "Maximum stations limit reached on AP"; } leaf dot11-denied-rates { type uint32; description "802.11 denied data rates"; } leaf dot11-poor-channel { type uint32; description "Poor channel conditions"; } leaf dot11-invalid-qos-param { type uint32; description "Invalid 802.11 QoS parameter"; } leaf dot11-invalid-ie { type uint32; description "Invalid 802.11 information element"; } leaf dot11-group-cipher-invalid { type uint32; description "802.11 group cipher invalid"; } leaf dot11-ucast-cipher-invalid { type uint32; description "802.11 unicast cipher invalid"; } leaf dot11-akmp-invalid { type uint32; description "802.11 authentication key management protocol invalid"; } leaf dot11-rsn-ver-no-supported { type uint32; description "802.11 unsupported robust secure network version"; } leaf dot11-invalid-rsn-ie { type uint32; description "802.11 invalid robust secure network information element "; } leaf dot11-cipher-suite-reject { type uint32; description "802.11 cipher suite rejected"; } leaf dot11-deny-ht-capab { type uint32; description "802.11 denied high throughput capabilities"; } leaf dot11-invalid-ft-frame { type uint32; description "Invalid 802.11 fast transition action frame count"; } leaf dot11-invalid-pmkid { type uint32; description "Invalid 802.11 pairwise master key identifier"; } leaf dot11-invalid-mdie { type uint32; description "Invalid 802.11 mobility domain information element"; } leaf dot11-invalid-ftie { type uint32; description "Invalid 802.11 fast transition information element"; } leaf dot11-ccx-qos-policy { type uint32; description "802.11 CCX QoS policy failure"; } leaf dot11-bandwidth-fail { type uint32; description "802.11 CCX insufficient bandwidth failure"; } leaf dot11-ccx-invalidqos-param { type uint32; description "802.11 CCX invalid QoS parameter"; } leaf dot11-ccx-non-opt-choice { type uint32; description "802.11 CCX non optimal association choice"; } leaf wired-iapp-disassoc { type uint32; description "Wired client deleted due to disassociation from AP"; } leaf wired-wgb-change { type uint32; description "Wired client deleted due to WGB change"; } leaf wired-vlan-change { type uint32; description "Wired client deleted due to VLAN change"; } leaf wired-wgb-delete { type uint32; description "Wired client deleted as WGB is removed"; } leaf avc-reanchoring { type uint32; description "Application visibility and control reanchoring"; } leaf wgb-client-direct-assoc { type uint32; description "WGB client direct association"; } leaf ap-upgrade { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to AP upgrade"; } leaf client-dhcp-fail { type uint32; description "Client DHCP failure"; } leaf eap-timeout-fail { type uint32; description "EAP timeout failure from client"; } leaf client-8021x-fail { type uint32; description "802.1x failure from client"; } leaf client-device-idle-timeout { type uint32; description "Client device idle state timeout"; } leaf captive-portal-sec-fail { type uint32; description "Captive portal security failure from client"; } leaf client-decrypt-fail { type uint32; description "Decryption failure from client"; } leaf client-intf-disable { type uint32; description "Client interface disabled"; } leaf client-disassociated { type uint32; description "User triggered disassociation from client"; } leaf client-misc-reason { type uint32; description "Miscellaneous reason from client"; } leaf client-unknown-reason { type uint32; description "Unknown reason from client"; } leaf client-peer-triggered { type uint32; description "Client peer triggered"; } leaf client-beacon-loss { type uint32; description "Beacon loss at client"; } leaf client-eap-id-timeout { type uint32; description "EAP identifier timeout from client"; } leaf client-dot1x-timeout { type uint32; description "802.1x timeout from client"; } leaf recv-eap-key-invalid-frame { type uint32; description "Invalid frame during key management"; } leaf recv-eap-key-install-bit { type uint32; description "Install bit received during key management"; } leaf recv-eap-key-err-bit { type uint32; description "Error bit during key management"; } leaf recv-eap-key-ack-bit { type uint32; description "Acknowledgement bit during key management"; } leaf recv-eap-key-invalid-key { type uint32; description "Invalid key during key management"; } leaf recv-eap-key-secure-bit { type uint32; description "Secure bit during key management"; } leaf recv-eap-key-desc-ver { type uint32; description "Key description version during key management"; } leaf recv-eapkey-wr-replay-cnt { type uint32; description "Wrong replay counter received during key management"; } leaf recv-eap-key-no-mic-bit { type uint32; description "MIC bit not set during key management"; } leaf recv-eap-key-mic-validate { type uint32; description "MIC validation failed during key management"; } leaf recv-eap-key-ptk-compute { type uint32; description "Pairwise transient key computation failure during key management"; } leaf client-credential-fail { type uint32; description "Client credential failure"; } leaf lost-carrier { type uint32; description "Client lost carrier"; } leaf reauth-fail { type uint32; description "Client reauthentication failure"; } leaf port-admin-disable { type uint32; description "Port admin disabled"; } leaf supplicant-restart { type uint32; description "Supplicant restarted"; } leaf ip-down-no-ip { type uint32; description "Client IP is invalid and IP is down"; } leaf anchor-throttled { type uint32; description "Anchor controller is throttled"; } leaf anchor-no-memory { type uint32; description "Anchor controller has no memory"; } leaf anchor-invalid-mbssid { type uint32; description "Client on anchor controller used invalid mobility BSSID"; } leaf anchor-create-req-fail { type uint32; description "Client create request failed on anchor"; } leaf db-populate-fail { type uint32; description "Failure during database populate"; } leaf dangling-cleanup-timer { type uint32; description "Client cleanup after dangling timer expiry"; } leaf exclude-static-config { type uint32; description "Client excluded based on static configuration"; } leaf exclude-assoc-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to association failure"; } leaf exclude-dot11-auth-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to 802.11 authentication failure"; } leaf exclude-dot1x-timeout { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to 802.1x authentication timeout"; } leaf exclude-dot1x-auth-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to 802.1x authentication failure"; } leaf exclude-web-auth-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to web authentication failure"; } leaf exclude-policy-bind-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to policy bind failure"; } leaf exclude-ip-theft { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to IP theft"; } leaf exclude-mac-theft { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to MAC theft"; } leaf exclude-mac-and-ip-theft { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to MAC and IP theft"; } leaf exclude-qos-policy-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to failure in QoS policy"; } leaf exclude-qospol-apsend-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to failure in sending QoS policy to AP"; } leaf exclude-qospol-bind-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to failure in binding QoS policy to AP"; } leaf exclude-qospol-unbind-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to failure in un-bind QoS policy to AP"; } leaf exclude-sta-ip-anchor-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to static IP failure at anchor"; } leaf exclude-vlan-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to VLAN failure"; } leaf exclude-acl-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to access control list failure"; } leaf exclude-punt-acl-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to punt access control list failure"; } leaf exclude-accounting-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to accounting failure"; } leaf exclude-cts-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to Cisco TrustSec failure"; } leaf exclude-fqdn-no-def-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to missing of FQDN access control list definition"; } leaf exclude-fqdn-poauth-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to mismatch in FQDN access control list configuration for post authentication"; } leaf exclude-fqdn-preauth-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to mismatch in FQDN access control list configuration for pre authentication"; } leaf exclude-fqdnzero-gid-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to FQDN zero group identifier fail"; } leaf exclude-misc-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to miscellaneous reason"; } leaf exclude-reauth-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to reauthentication failure"; } leaf exclude-wrong-psk { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to wrong PSK"; } leaf exclude-policy-fail { type uint32; description "Client excluded due to policy failure"; } leaf ap-idle-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to client idle timeout"; } leaf ap-client-acl-mismatch { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to access control list mismatch"; } leaf ap-auth-stop { type uint32; description "AP stopped authentication"; } leaf ap-assoc-expired-at-ap { type uint32; description "Association expired at AP"; } leaf fourway-handshake-fail { type uint32; description "Four-way handshake failed at AP"; } leaf ap-dhcp-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to DHCP timeout"; } leaf ap-reassoc-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to reassociation timeout"; } leaf ap-sa-query-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to security association query timeout"; } leaf ap-intra-ap-roam { type uint32; description "Intra access point roam"; } leaf ap-channel-switch-at-ap { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to channel switch at access point"; } leaf ap-del-bad-aid { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to invalid association identifier"; } leaf ap-del-req { type uint32; description "AP initiated request to delete client"; } leaf ap-del-intf-reset { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to interface reset"; } leaf ap-del-all-on-slot { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete for all clients on radio slot"; } leaf ap-del-link-change-reaper { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete as link to client has changed and uplink can be reaper"; } leaf ap-del-slot-disable { type uint32; description "AP initiated client delete as radio slot is disabled"; } leaf ap-del-mic-fail { type uint32; description "Message integrity check failure at access point"; } leaf ap-del-vlan-del { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to VLAN delete at access point"; } leaf ap-del-channel-change { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to channel change at access point"; } leaf ap-del-stop-reassoc { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to reassociation stop"; } leaf ap-del-pak-max-retry { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to maximum packet retry"; } leaf ap-del-tx-deauth { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to transmission of deauthentication frame"; } leaf ap-sensor-sta-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated client delete due to sensor station timeout"; } leaf ap-del-age-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to age timeout"; } leaf ap-del-tx-fail-thold { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to transmission failure threshold"; } leaf ap-uplink-recv-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to uplink receive timeout"; } leaf ap-snsrscan-nxtradio { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to sensor scan next radio"; } leaf ap-snsrscan-otherbssid { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to sensor scan with another BSSID"; } leaf aaa-server-unavailable { type uint32; description "AAA server unavailable"; } leaf aaa-not-ready { type uint32; description "AAA not ready"; } leaf no-dot1x-auth-config { type uint32; description "802.1x authentication configuration not available"; } leaf abort-recv { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to abort received"; } leaf assoc-connect-timeout { type uint32; description "Association connect timeout"; } leaf macauth-connect-timeout { type uint32; description "MAC authentication connect timeout"; } leaf l2auth-connect-timeout { type uint32; description "L2 authentication connect timeout"; } leaf webauth-connect-timeout { type uint32; description "Web authentication connect timeout"; } leaf mobility-connect-timeout { type uint32; description "Mobility connect timeout"; } leaf static-anchor-timeout { type uint32; description "Static IP anchor connection timeout"; } leaf sm-session-connect-timeout { type uint32; description "State machine session connection timeout"; } leaf iplearn-connect-timeout { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to timeout during IP learn"; } leaf datapath-ifid-exists { type uint32; description "Another client exists with same interface identifier"; } leaf radio-down { type uint32; description "Radio down"; } leaf fabric-reject { type uint32; description "Rejected due to fabric configuration"; } leaf guest-lan-invalid-mbssid { type uint32; description "Invalid mobility BSSID in guest LAN"; } leaf guest-lan-no-memory { type uint32; description "No memory on guest LAN controller"; } leaf guest-lan-create-req-fail { type uint32; description "Guest LAN create request fail"; } leaf tunnel-eogre-reset { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE reset"; } leaf tunnel-eogre-join-fail { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE join failure"; } leaf tun-eogre-reconcile { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE reconciliation"; } leaf wired-idle-timeout { type uint32; description "Wired client delete due to idle timeout"; } leaf ip-update-timeout { type uint32; description "IP update timeout"; } leaf remote-mobility-delete { type uint32; description "Remote mobility delete"; } leaf sae-auth-in-assoced-st { type uint32; description "Simultaneous authentication of equals authentication in association state"; } leaf nack-ifid-mismatch { type uint32; description "NACK interface identifier mismatch"; } leaf tunnnel-eogre-invalid-vlan { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE invalid VLAN"; } leaf tunnnel-eogre-empty-domain { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE empty domain"; } leaf tunnel-eogre-inv-domain { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE invalid domain"; } leaf tunnel-eogre-domain-shut { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE domain shut"; } leaf tunnel-eogre-invalid-gway { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE invalid gateway"; } leaf tunnel-eogre-gway-down { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE gateway down"; } leaf tunnel-eogreflex-no-actgw { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE flex no active gateway"; } leaf tunnel-eogre-rule-match { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE rule match"; } leaf tunnel-eogre-aaa-override { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE AAA override"; } leaf tunnel-eogre-mspayload { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE ms-payload"; } leaf tunnel-eogre-handoff-err { type uint32; description "Tunnel ethernet over GRE handoff error"; } leaf invalid-pmk-len { type uint32; description "Invalid pairwise master key length"; } leaf l3-vlan-oride-conn-timeout { type uint32; description "Web authentication VLAN override connection timeout"; } leaf user-trigger-unspecified { type uint32; description "User triggered unspecified"; } leaf usr-trigger-pwrof-wifiof { type uint32; description "User triggered power down turns Wi-Fi off"; } leaf connect-to-other-ssid { type uint32; description "User triggered connection to another SSID"; } leaf usr-trigger-remove-ssid { type uint32; description "User triggered to remove SSID"; } leaf usr-trigger-airplane-mode { type uint32; description "User triggered airplane mode"; } leaf l2connection-unspecify { type uint32; description "L2 connection unspecified"; } leaf l2connection-assoc { type uint32; description "L2 connection association"; } leaf fourway-handshake-unspec { type uint32; description "Unspecified four-way handshake"; } leaf eap-key-m1-fail { type uint32; description "EAP key message-1 failure"; } leaf eap-key-m3-fail { type uint32; description "EAP key message-3 failure"; } leaf eapkey-m3-m4-xchng-timeout { type uint32; description "EAP key Message-3 message-4 key exchange timeout"; } leaf dhcp-fail-unspecified { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to unspecified DHCP failure"; } leaf dhcp-fail-timeout { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to DHCP timeout fail"; } leaf dhcp-fail-timeout-roam { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to DHCP timeout failure after roaming"; } leaf dhcp-fail-lease-expired { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to DHCP lease expired failure"; } leaf dhcp-fail-nak-in-renew { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to DHCP negative acknowledgment during renew"; } leaf dhcpfail-ren-lease-ip { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to DHCP renew lease wrong IP failure"; } leaf dhcp-fail-int-err { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to DHCP internal error"; } leaf eap-fail-unspecified { type uint32; description "EAP unspecified failure"; } leaf eap-fail-code-fail { type uint32; description "EAP code failure"; } leaf eap-fail-infonot-enter { type uint32; description "EAP failed as information not entered"; } leaf eap-fail-mschap-err { type uint32; description "EAP fail due MS CHAP error"; } leaf eap-fail-sim-auth-fail { type uint32; description "EAP-SIM authentication failure"; } leaf eap-fail-timeout { type uint32; description "EAP failure due to timeout"; } leaf eap-fail-tls-cert-err { type uint32; description "EAP failure due to TLS certificate error"; } leaf no-internet-unspecified { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to no internet, unspecified issue"; } leaf no-internet-dns { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to no internet, DNS issue"; } leaf no-internet-arp { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to ARP error"; } leaf exclude-pol-template-fail { type uint32; description "Exclusion policy template fail"; } leaf ap-del-auth-expired { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to authentication expiry"; } leaf ap-del-disassoc { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to disassociation"; } leaf ap-del-tx-disassoc { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to transmission disassociation"; } leaf fastroam-mobility-fail { type uint32; description "Fast roam mobility failure"; } leaf policy-profile-deny { type uint32; description "Roam across policy profile deny"; } leaf dot11-aid-alloc-req { type uint32; description "802.11 association identifier allocation conflict request"; } leaf zone-change { type uint32; description "Client deleted due to IP zone change"; } leaf wlan-id-attr-mismatch { type uint32; description "WLAN-ID mismatch in access accept failures"; } leaf epsk-aaa-unknown-err { type uint32; description "Easy PSK AAA unknown error"; } leaf epsk-unspec-err { type uint32; description "Easy PSK unspecified error"; } leaf epsk-psk-mismatch { type uint32; description "PSK mismatch error with easy PSK"; } leaf easy-psk-radius-busy { type uint32; description "Easy PSK radius busy error"; } leaf easy-psk-limit-reached { type uint32; description "Easy PSK limit reached error"; } leaf easy-psk-bad-8021x-frame { type uint32; description "Easy PSK bad 802.1X frame error"; } leaf epsk-missing-param { type uint32; description "Easy PSK missing parameter error"; } leaf exclude-supp-name-fail { type uint32; description "Client exclusion due to supplicant name failure"; } leaf exclude-user-name-fail { type uint32; description "Client exclusion due to user name failure"; } leaf exclude-service-setid-fail { type uint32; description "Client exclusion due to SSID failure"; } leaf exclude-anch-vlanid-fail { type uint32; description "Client exclusion due to anchor VLAN ID failure"; } leaf exclude-psk-fail { type uint32; description "Client exclusion due to PSK failure"; } leaf exclude-psk-mode-fail { type uint32; description "Client exclusion due to PSK mode failure"; } leaf exclude-int-interval-fail { type uint32; description "Client exclusion due to interim interval failure"; } leaf random-mac { type uint32; description "Access denied due to locally administered MAC address"; } leaf ap-iplearn-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated client delete due to AP IP learn timeout"; } leaf ap-flexgroup-change { type uint32; description "AP initiated client delete due to flex group change"; } leaf ap-eapol-logoff { type uint32; description "AP initiated client delete due to EAPOL log off"; } leaf ap-eap-req-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated client delete due to EAP request timeout"; } leaf ap-fourway-handshake-fail { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due four way handshake failure"; } leaf ap-mic-validation { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due message integrity check failure"; } leaf ap-wrong-replay-counter { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due wrong replay counter"; } leaf ap-tunnel-down { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to AP tunnel being down"; } leaf inter-ap-roam { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to inter AP roam failure"; } leaf ap-unknown-client { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to unknown client"; } leaf ap-reauth-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to reauthentication timeout"; } leaf ap-cont-idle-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to continuous idle timeout"; } leaf ap-rldp-cleanup { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to RLDP cleanup"; } leaf ap-intra-switch-roam { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to intra-switch roam"; } leaf ap-pem-cleanup { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to PEM cleanup"; } leaf ap-rlan-central-switch { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to RLAN central switch"; } leaf ap-rlan-dp-add-fail { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to RLAN data path add failure"; } leaf ap-rlan-delete { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to RLAN Delete"; } leaf ap-rlan-inactive-timeout { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to RLAN inactive timeout"; } leaf ap-rlan-mab-fail { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to RLAN MAB failure"; } leaf ap-no-memory { type uint32; description "AP initiated client delete as the memory is exhausted on AP side"; } leaf ap-bssid-mismatch { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete as client state machine has BSSID mismatch"; } leaf ap-delete-no-acl { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete as client state machine has no ACL found"; } leaf ap-del-no-parent-wgb { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete as client state machine has no parent WGB"; } leaf ap-key-plumb-fail { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete as client state machine has key plumb failure"; } leaf ap-mesh-keyplumb-fail { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete as client state machine has mesh key plumb failure"; } leaf ap-datapath-add-fail { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete as client state machine has adding data path failure"; } leaf ap-auth-resp-reject { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete as client state machine authentication response got rejected"; } leaf ap-auth-resp-send-fail { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to client state machine authentication response send failure"; } leaf ap-assoc-resp-send-fail { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to client state machine association response send failure"; } leaf ap-assoc-resp-fail-stat { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to client state machine association response failure with status"; } leaf ap-webauth-timer-exp { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to client state machine webauth timer expired"; } leaf ap-dot1x-timer-exp { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to client state machine has 802.1x timer expired"; } leaf ap-deauth-disassoc-fail { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to client state machine has deauthentication and disassociation send failure"; } leaf ap-dvr-evt-class3-recv { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to class three event received on AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-evt-psp-unauth { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to power sleep event when not authenticated on AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-evt-ioctl-err { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to input output control event error at AP"; } leaf ap-flex-ft-fail { type uint32; description "AP initiated delete due to flex fast transition failure"; } leaf ap-dvr-add-fail { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to client state machine add failure at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-client-not-found { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete as client not found on AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-mgmtpkt-alloc-fail { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to management packet allocation failure at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-invalid-cipher { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to invalid cipher on AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-invalid-aid { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to invalid association identifier on AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-invalid-key { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to invalid key at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-fw-key-set-fail { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to firmware set key failure at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-invalid-htvht-rates { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to invalid high throughput and very high throughput rates on AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-invalid-leg-rates { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to invalid legacy rates on AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-no-olap-leg-rates { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to no overlapping legacy rates at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-max-vht-streams { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to maximum very high throughput streams at AP"; } leaf ap-driver-aid-inuse { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to association identifier in use at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-assoc-too-many { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to too many association requests at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-cipher-attach-fail { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to cipher attach failure at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-algo-mismatch { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to algorithm mismatch on AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-invalid-keylen { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to invalid key length at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-invalid-key-index { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to invalid key index at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-assoc-scb-noauth { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to rejected association due to authentication failure at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-stadb-init-fail { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to client addition to internal records failure at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-add-entry-fail { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to client association entry failure at AP"; } leaf ap-dvr-add-ent-fw-fail { type uint32; description "Driver initiated delete due to addition of client entry in firmware failure at AP"; } leaf ap-reason-internal-fail { type uint32; description "Driver related internal failure at AP"; } leaf link-localbridge-vlan-fail { type uint32; description "Client exclusion due to link-local VLAN failure"; } } // container co-client-del-reason } // container client-stats } // container client-global-oper-data } // module Cisco-IOS-XE-wireless-client-global-oper
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