This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Protocol Independent Multicast Operational data. Copyright (c) 2019-20...
Version: 2020-07-01
module Cisco-IOS-XE-pim-oper { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix pim-ios-xe-oper; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import cisco-semver { prefix cisco-semver; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 1800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Protocol Independent Multicast Operational data. Copyright (c) 2019-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2020-07-01" { description "Initial revision"; reference "1.0.0"; } cisco-semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef multicast-addr-family { type enumeration { enum "multicast-af-ipv4" { value 0; description "Multicast IPv4 address family"; } enum "multicast-af-ipv6" { value 1; description "Multicast IPv6 address family"; } } description "Multicast address family"; } typedef pim-modes { type enumeration { enum "pim-dense" { value 0; description "PIM dense mode"; } enum "pim-sparse" { value 1; description "PIM sparse mode"; } enum "pim-sparse-dense" { value 2; description "PIM sparse dense mode"; } enum "pim-passive" { value 3; description "PIM passive mode"; } } description "Multicast PIM modes"; } typedef pim-per-rp-capability { type bits { bit pim-rp-pfp-sa-originator { position 0; description "PIM RP Populate from Packet SA Originator"; } bit pim-rp-static-override { position 1; description "PIM RP Static-Override"; } bit pim-rp-static { position 2; description "PIM RP Static"; } bit pim-rp-dynamic { position 3; description "PIM RP Dynamic"; } bit pim-rp-bidir { position 4; description "PIM RP Bidirectional"; } bit pim-rp-elected { position 5; description "PIM Elected RP"; } } description "PIM per RP Capabilities"; } typedef pim-rp-mapping-capability { type bits { bit pim-rp-auto-rp-enabled { position 0; description "PIM Auto-RP enabled"; } bit pim-rp-candidate { position 1; description "PIM Candidate RP"; } bit pim-rp-bsr { position 2; description "PIM Bootstrap Router"; } } description "PIM RP Mapping Capabilities"; } typedef pim-neighbor-capability { type bits { bit pim-neighbor-bidir { position 0; description "PIM neighbor bidirectional"; } bit pim-neighbor-proxy { position 1; description "PIM neighbor proxy"; } bit pim-neighbor-state-refresh { position 2; description "PIM neighbor state refresh"; } bit pim-neighbor-gen-id { position 3; description "PIM neighbor generation identifier"; } bit pim-neighbor-drlb { position 4; description "PIM neighbor designated router load balancing"; } bit pim-neighbor-dr { position 5; description "PIM neighbor designated router"; } bit pim-neighbor-def-dr { position 6; description "PIM neighbor default designated router"; } } description "PIM Neighbor Capabilities"; } container pim-oper-data { config false; description "Protocol Independent Multicast Operational data"; list pim-rp-mapping-entry { key "vrf"; description "PIM Rendezvous Point Mapping operational entry"; leaf vrf { type string; description "PIM RP VRF name"; } leaf if-name { when "(contains(../pim-rp-mapping-caps, 'pim-rp-auto-rp-enabled'))"; type string; description "PIM RP mapping interface"; } leaf pim-rp-mapping-caps { type pim-rp-mapping-capability; description "PIM RP mapping capabilities"; } leaf auto-rp-mapping-count { type uint64; description "PIM Auto-RP mapping count"; } leaf auto-rp-mapping-limit { type uint64; description "PIM Auto-RP mapping limit"; } leaf bsr-mapping-count { type uint64; description "PIM RP BSR mapping count"; } leaf bsr-mapping-limit { type uint64; description "PIM RP BSR mapping limit"; } list pim-rp-mapping-state { key "acl"; description "PIM RP mapping state list"; leaf acl { type string; description "PIM RP acl name"; } list state { description "PIM RP state list per ACL"; leaf rp { type inet:ip-address; description "PIM RP address"; } leaf info-source { when "(contains(../pim-per-rp-caps, 'pim-rp-dynamic'))"; type inet:ip-address; description "PIM RP info-source address"; } leaf pim-per-rp-caps { type pim-per-rp-capability; description "PIM per RP capability flags"; } leaf rp-uptime { when "(contains(../pim-per-rp-caps, 'pim-rp-dynamic'))"; type yang:date-and-time; description "PIM RP mapping uptime"; } leaf will-expire { when "(contains(../pim-per-rp-caps, 'pim-rp-dynamic'))"; type empty; description "PIM RP mapping expiry applicability"; } leaf expires { when "(../will-expire)"; type yang:date-and-time; description "PIM RP mapping expiry time"; } leaf candidate-rp-priority { type uint32; description "PIM RP candidate priority"; } leaf holdtime { type uint32; units "seconds"; description "PIM RP mapping holdtime"; } } // list state } // list pim-rp-mapping-state } // list pim-rp-mapping-entry list pim-neighbor-entry { key "af vrf if-name"; description "PIM neighbor entry"; leaf af { type multicast-addr-family; description "PIM neighbor address family"; } leaf vrf { type string; description "PIM neighbor VRF name"; } leaf if-name { type string; description "PIM neighbor interface name"; } list pim-neighbor-state { key "pim-neighbor-address"; description "PIM neighbor state list"; leaf pim-neighbor-address { type inet:ip-address; description "PIM neighbor address"; } container state { description "PIM neighbor state"; leaf version { type uint8; description "PIM neighbor version"; } leaf dr-priority { type uint32; description "PIM neighbor designated router priority"; } leaf gen-id { type uint32; description "PIM neighbor generation identifier"; } leaf neighbor-uptime { type yang:date-and-time; description "PIM neighbor uptime"; } leaf expires { type yang:date-and-time; description "PIM neighbor expiry time"; } leaf pim-neighbor-caps { type pim-neighbor-capability; description "PIM neighbor capabilities"; } leaf pim-dr { type inet:ip-address; description "PIM neighbor designated router"; } leaf pim-if-addr { type inet:ip-address; description "PIM neighbor interface address"; } leaf neighbor-count { type uint32; description "PIM neighbor count"; } leaf query-interval { type uint32; units "milliseconds"; description "PIM neighbor query interval"; } leaf jp-interval { type uint32; units "milliseconds"; description "PIM neighbor join prune interval"; } leaf pim-mode { type pim-modes; description "PIM neighbor mode"; } } // container state } // list pim-neighbor-state } // list pim-neighbor-entry } // container pim-oper-data } // module Cisco-IOS-XE-pim-oper
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