This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for install manager operational data. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 by Cisco Sys...
Version: 2021-07-01
module Cisco-IOS-XE-install-oper { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix install-ios-xe-oper; import Cisco-IOS-XE-common-types { prefix common-types-ios-xe; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import cisco-semver { prefix cisco-semver; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 1800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for install manager operational data. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2021-07-01" { description "Added controller version corresponding to the install package in the version record"; reference "1.2.0"; } revision "2021-03-01" { description " - Added support for install rollback points and install profiles. - New YANG definitions for install manager to provide ISSU specific operational data"; reference "1.1.0"; } revision "2020-07-01" { description "Initial revision"; reference "1.0.0"; } cisco-semver:module-version "1.2.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "1.1.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef install-package-type { type enumeration { enum "install-pkg-unknown" { value 0; description "Install package type unknown"; } enum "install-pkg-img" { value 1; description "Install package of type Super Image"; } enum "install-pkg-smu" { value 2; description "Install package of type Software Maintenance Upgrade"; } enum "install-pkg-subpkg" { value 3; description "Install package of type sub-package"; } enum "install-pkg-dmp" { value 4; description "Install package of type Data Model Package"; } enum "install-pkg-apsp" { value 5; description "Install package of type Access Point Service Pack"; } enum "install-pkg-apdp" { value 6; description "Install package of type Access Point Device Pack"; } } description "Install package type"; } typedef install-package-state { type enumeration { enum "install-state-new" { value 0; description "Install state for file is new"; } enum "install-state-added" { value 1; description "Image has been added"; } enum "install-state-act-uncommitted" { value 2; description "Install state is activated but not committed"; } enum "install-state-dact-uncommitted" { value 3; description "Install state is deactivated and uncommitted"; } enum "install-state-committed" { value 4; description "Install image is in committed state"; } enum "install-state-unknown" { value 5; description "Install state is not known"; } } description "Install package state"; } typedef install-package-verify-status { type enumeration { enum "install-package-verify-unknown" { value 0; description "Install package verification status is unknown"; } enum "install-package-verify-ok" { value 1; description "Install package is verified"; } enum "install-package-verify-fail" { value 2; description "Install package verification failed"; } enum "install-package-verify-deferred" { value 3; description "Install package verification is deferred"; } enum "install-package-verify-not-done" { value 4; description "Install package verification is not done"; } } description "Install package verification status"; } typedef install-pkg-reload-condition { type enumeration { enum "install-reload-cond-device-reload" { value 0; description "Install restart condition is restart required"; } enum "install-reload-cond-non-reload" { value 1; description "Install restart condition is no restart required"; } enum "install-reload-cond-restart" { value 2; description "Install restart condition is restart"; } enum "install-reload-cond-issu" { value 3; description "Install restart condition is ISSU dependent"; } enum "install-reload-cond-unknown" { value 4; description "Reload condition is not known"; } } description "Install package restart condition"; } typedef install-smu-subcategory { type enumeration { enum "install-smu-subcategory-apsp" { value 0; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category is Access Point Service Pack"; } enum "install-smu-subcategory-apdp" { value 1; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category is Access Point Device Pack"; } enum "install-smu-subcategory-unknown" { value 2; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category is unknown"; } } description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } typedef install-mode { type enumeration { enum "install-mode-bundle" { value 0; description "install mode is bundle"; } enum "install-mode-install" { value 1; description "Install boot mode is install"; } enum "install-mode-install-bundle" { value 2; description "Install boot mode is bundle"; } enum "install-mode-unknown" { value 3; description "Install boot mode is not known"; } } description "Install mode type"; } typedef install-smu-class { type enumeration { enum "install-smu-class-recommended" { value 0; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade class is recommended"; } enum "install-smu-class-optional" { value 1; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade class is optional"; } enum "install-smu-class-unknown" { value 2; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade class is unknown"; } } description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade class type"; } typedef install-crdu-attr { type enumeration { enum "install-crdu-attr-unrevertable" { value 0; description "Install hot patch type is not reversible"; } enum "install-crdu-attr-revertable" { value 1; description "Install hot patch type is reversible"; } enum "install-crdu-attr-unknown" { value 2; description "Install hot patch attribute is unknown"; } } description "Install hot patch attributes"; } typedef install-version-state { type enumeration { enum "install-version-state-provisioned-committed" { value 0; description "Install version state is provisioned and committed"; } enum "install-version-state-provisioned-uncommitted" { value 1; description "Install version state is provisioned and uncommitted"; } enum "install-version-state-in-progress" { value 2; description "Install version state is in-progress"; } enum "install-version-state-invalid" { value 3; description "Complete image is not available for this version"; } enum "install-version-state-present" { value 4; description "Install version state is present but not used"; } enum "install-version-state-unknown" { value 5; description "Install version state is not configured"; } } description "Install version state"; } typedef install-smu-license-level { type enumeration { enum "install-smu-lic-name-base-network-essentials" { value 0; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade license level is base-network-essentials"; } enum "install-smu-lic-name-base-network-advantage" { value 1; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade license level is base-network-advantage"; } enum "install-smu-lic-name-dna-essentials" { value 2; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade license level is dna-essentials"; } enum "install-smu-lic-name-dna-advantage" { value 3; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade license level is dna-advantage"; } enum "install-smu-lic-name-unknown" { value 4; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade license level is not known"; } } description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } typedef install-smu-impact-type { type enumeration { enum "install-smu-impact-ap-images" { value 0; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade impacts AP images"; } enum "install-smu-impact-unknown" { value 1; description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade impact is unknown"; } } description "Install Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } typedef install-header-package-type { type enumeration { enum "install-header-package-type-invalid" { value 0; description "Install header package type is invalid"; } enum "install-header-package-type-rommon" { value 1; description "Install header package is for ROMMON"; } enum "install-header-package-type-cc-base" { value 2; description "Install header package is for CC Base"; } enum "install-header-package-type-cc-spa" { value 3; description "Install header package is for CC supervisor card"; } enum "install-header-package-type-cc-srdriver" { value 4; description "Install header package is for CC SR driver"; } enum "install-header-package-type-cc-spawma" { value 5; description "Install header package is for CC shared port adaptor"; } enum "install-header-package-type-cc-iomd-sup" { value 6; description "Install header package is for CC supervisor card daemon"; } enum "install-header-package-type-cc-mips-base" { value 7; description "Install header package is for MIPS"; } enum "install-header-package-type-elc-base" { value 8; description "Install header package is for line card base"; } enum "install-header-package-type-elc-spa" { value 9; description "Install header package is for shared port adaptor card"; } enum "install-header-package-type-fp-base" { value 10; description "Install header package is for FP base"; } enum "install-header-package-type-rp-super" { value 11; description "Install header package is for RP super"; } enum "install-header-package-type-rp-base" { value 12; description "Install header package is for RP base"; } enum "install-header-package-type-rp-daemons" { value 13; description "Install header package is for RP daemons"; } enum "install-header-package-type-rp-iosd" { value 14; description "Install header package is for RP IOS daemon"; } enum "install-header-package-type-rp-security" { value 15; description "Install header package is for RP security"; } enum "install-header-package-type-firmware" { value 16; description "Install header package is for firmware"; } } description "Install header package type"; } typedef install-timer-state { type enumeration { enum "install-timer-state-unknown" { value 0; description "Install timer state is not known"; } enum "install-timer-state-active" { value 1; description "Install timer is running"; } enum "install-timer-state-inactive" { value 2; description "Install timer is not running"; } } description "Install timer state"; } typedef install-system-activity { type enumeration { enum "install-no-activity" { value 0; description "Install or ISSU operation is not in progress"; } enum "install-install-in-progress" { value 1; description "Install operation is in progress"; } enum "install-issu-in-progress" { value 2; description "ISSU operation is in progress"; } } description "System level install activity status"; } typedef install-issu-capability { type enumeration { enum "install-issu-disabled" { value 0; description "ISSU is supported on a given platform but user can not perform ISSU. System do not satisfy one or many ISSU specific criteria"; } enum "install-issu-enabled" { value 1; description "All ISSU specific system criteria are met. ISSU can be started"; } enum "install-issu-not-supported" { value 2; description "Platform does not support issu feature"; } } description "Capability of a system to start ISSU operation"; } typedef install-boot-mode { type enumeration { enum "install-boot-mode-unknown" { value 0; description "System booted in unknown mode"; } enum "install-boot-mode-install" { value 1; description "System booted in install mode"; } enum "install-boot-mode-bundle" { value 2; description "System booted in bundle mode, ISSU not supported in bundle mode"; } } description "System boot mode type"; } typedef install-profile-type { type enumeration { enum "install-profile-rollback" { value 0; description "Install rollback profile type"; } } description "Install profile types"; } container install-oper-data { config false; description "Install manager operational data"; list install-location-information { key "fru slot bay chassis"; description "Table of locations which contain install specific details"; leaf fru { type common-types-ios-xe:fru-type; description "Field replaceable unit type"; } leaf slot { type int16; description "Slot number"; } leaf bay { type int16; description "Bay number"; } leaf chassis { type int16; description "Chassis number"; } list install-packages { key "pkg-dir pkg-name"; description "Install package information"; leaf pkg-dir { type string; description "Package directory"; } leaf pkg-name { type string; description "Package name"; } leaf ios-dir { type string; description "IOS directory path of package"; } container pkg-data { description "Package data"; leaf pkg-name { type string; description "Package name"; } leaf version { type string; description "Version"; } leaf checksum { type string; description "Checksum"; } leaf pkg-size { type uint64; units "bytes"; description "Package size in bytes"; } leaf verify-status { type install-package-verify-status; description "Package verification status"; } choice pkg-type-choice { description "Package type"; container img-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Image attributes"; leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; description "Timestamp of the package file"; } leaf header-size { type uint32; units "bytes"; description "Header size in bytes"; } leaf header-package-type { type install-header-package-type; description "Package header type"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container img-attr container smu-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container smu-attr container subpkg-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Sub-package attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package information data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf subpkg-type { type string; description "Sub-package type"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container subpkg-attr container dmp-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Data Model Package attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container dmp-attr container apsp-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Access Point Service Pack attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container apsp-attr container apdp-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Access Point Device Pack attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container apdp-attr } // choice pkg-type-choice } // container pkg-data list install-related-packages { key "version pkg-name"; description "Included package information"; leaf version { type string; description "Version"; } leaf pkg-name { type string; description "Package name"; } container pkg-data { description "Package data"; leaf pkg-name { type string; description "Package name"; } leaf version { type string; description "Version"; } leaf checksum { type string; description "Checksum"; } leaf pkg-size { type uint64; units "bytes"; description "Package size in bytes"; } leaf verify-status { type install-package-verify-status; description "Package verification status"; } choice pkg-type-choice { description "Package type"; container img-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Image attributes"; leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; description "Timestamp of the package file"; } leaf header-size { type uint32; units "bytes"; description "Header size in bytes"; } leaf header-package-type { type install-header-package-type; description "Package header type"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container img-attr container smu-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container smu-attr container subpkg-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Sub-package attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package information data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf subpkg-type { type string; description "Sub-package type"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container subpkg-attr container dmp-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Data Model Package attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container dmp-attr container apsp-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Access Point Service Pack attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container apsp-attr container apdp-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Access Point Device Pack attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container apdp-attr } // choice pkg-type-choice } // container pkg-data list install-included-packages { key "inc-version inc-pkg-name"; description "Included package information"; leaf inc-version { type string; description "Version"; } leaf inc-pkg-name { type string; description "Package name"; } leaf pkg-name { type string; description "Package name"; } leaf version { type string; description "Version"; } leaf checksum { type string; description "Checksum"; } leaf pkg-size { type uint64; units "bytes"; description "Package size in bytes"; } leaf verify-status { type install-package-verify-status; description "Package verification status"; } choice pkg-type-choice { description "Package type"; container img-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Image attributes"; leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; description "Timestamp of the package file"; } leaf header-size { type uint32; units "bytes"; description "Header size in bytes"; } leaf header-package-type { type install-header-package-type; description "Package header type"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container img-attr container smu-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container smu-attr container subpkg-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Sub-package attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package information data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf subpkg-type { type string; description "Sub-package type"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container subpkg-attr container dmp-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Data Model Package attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container dmp-attr container apsp-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Access Point Service Pack attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container apsp-attr container apdp-attr { when "(../verify-status = 'install-package-verify-ok')"; description "Access Point Device Pack attributes"; leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } container pkg-info-data { description "Package info data"; container common-data { description "Common package data which is applicable to all types of packages"; container generic-info { description "Install package generic information applicable to all package types"; leaf name { type string; description "Internal package name"; } leaf build-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package build time"; } leaf release-date { type yang:date-and-time; description "Package release date"; } leaf user-name { type string; description "Name of the user that built the package"; } leaf package-name { type string; description "Extended internal package name info for variants"; } leaf build-name { type string; description "Release Name tag used for Package Build"; } } // container generic-info } // container common-data leaf defect { type string; description "Defect identifier fixed by this package"; } container smu-data { description "Software Maintenance Upgrade data"; leaf smu-id { type uint32; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade identifier"; } leaf smu-mode { type install-mode; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade mode"; } leaf-list smu-supersedes-list { type uint32; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade supersede list"; } leaf smu-subcategory { type install-smu-subcategory; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade sub-category"; } leaf smu-compatible-with { type string; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade compatible with"; } leaf smu-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade type"; } leaf activation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "Activation type"; } leaf deactivation-type { type install-pkg-reload-condition; description "De-activation type"; } leaf smu-impact { type install-smu-impact-type; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade impact type"; } leaf smu-class { type install-smu-class; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade class"; } leaf-list smu-fixes-list { type string; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade fixes"; } leaf smu-license-level { type install-smu-license-level; description "Software Maintenance Upgrade license level"; } leaf crdu-attr { type install-crdu-attr; description "Hot patch attribute"; } } // container smu-data } // container pkg-info-data } // container apdp-attr } // choice pkg-type-choice } // list install-included-packages } // list install-related-packages } // list install-packages list install-version-info { key "version version-extension"; description "Install version information"; leaf version { type string; description "Software image version"; } leaf version-extension { type string; description "Extended version octet to differentiate base images with same release version"; } leaf is-default { type boolean; description "Is this default version"; } leaf previous { type install-version-state; description "Is this previous version"; } leaf current { type install-version-state; description "Is this current version"; } leaf src-filename { type string; description "Source file name"; } leaf src-checksum { type string; description "Source file checksum"; } list install-package-state-info { key "package-type pkg-dir pkg-name"; description "Install package state information"; leaf package-type { type install-package-type; description "Package type"; } leaf pkg-dir { type string; description "Package directory"; } leaf pkg-name { type string; description "Package name"; } leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } } // list install-package-state-info leaf ctrl-ver { type string; description "Compatible controller version"; } } // list install-version-info list install-version-state-info { key "version-state"; description "Install version state information"; leaf version-state { type install-version-state; description "Version state"; } leaf version { type string; description "Software image version"; } leaf version-extension { type string; description "Extended version octet to differentiate base images with same release version"; } } // list install-version-state-info container oper-state { description "Install operational state information"; container auto-abort-timer { description "Install auto abort timer information"; leaf state { type install-timer-state; description "Install auto abort timer state"; } leaf end-time { when "(../state = 'install-timer-state-active')"; type yang:date-and-time; description "Install auto abort timer end time"; } } // container auto-abort-timer leaf added-profile { type string; description "Install added profile information"; } leaf sys-activity { type install-system-activity; description "System level install activity status"; } leaf sso-state { type boolean; description "System redundancy state"; } leaf boot-mode { type install-boot-mode; description "System boot mode"; } } // container oper-state list install-rbk-info { key "rbk-id"; description "Install rollback points information"; leaf rbk-id { type uint32; description "Rollback identifier"; } leaf date-created { type yang:date-and-time; description "Date of creation of rollback point"; } leaf pkg-commit-type { type install-package-type; description "Type of commit that created the rollback point"; } leaf reload-required { type boolean; description "Is reload required to rollback to this point"; } leaf is-valid { type boolean; description "Is rollback point valid"; } leaf rbk-label { type string; description "Label for this rollback point"; } leaf boot-mode { type install-mode; description "Boot mode when rollback point was created"; } container base-version { description "Base image version for the rollback point"; leaf version { type string; description "Software image version"; } leaf version-extension { type string; description "Extended version octet to differentiate base images with same release version"; } } // container base-version list install-pkg-state { key "package-type pkg-dir pkg-name"; description "Install package state information for this rollback point"; leaf package-type { type install-package-type; description "Package type"; } leaf pkg-dir { type string; description "Package directory"; } leaf pkg-name { type string; description "Package name"; } leaf package-state { type install-package-state; description "Package state"; } } // list install-pkg-state } // list install-rbk-info list install-rbk-label { key "rbk-label"; description "Install rollback labels information"; leaf rbk-label { type string; description "Rollback label information for the rollback point"; } leaf descr { type string; description "Description for the rollback point"; } leaf rbk-id { type uint32; description "Rollback identifier for the rollback point"; } } // list install-rbk-label list install-profile { key "name"; description "Install profiles information"; leaf name { type string; description "Name of the install profile"; } leaf descr { type string; description "Description of the install profile"; } choice profile-type-choice { description "Type of profile"; container rbk-profile-info { description "Rollback profile information"; leaf rbk-id { type uint32; description "Rollback identifier for the given profile name"; } } // container rbk-profile-info } // choice profile-type-choice } // list install-profile container issu-oper-state { description "ISSU operational state information"; leaf issu-cap { type install-issu-capability; description "Capability of a system to start ISSU operation"; } } // container issu-oper-state } // list install-location-information } // container install-oper-data } // module Cisco-IOS-XE-install-oper
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