This module defines textual conventions used throughout cisco enterprise mibs.
Version: 2011-11-11
module CISCO-TC { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:smiv2:CISCO-TC"; prefix CISCO-TC; import ietf-yang-smiv2 { prefix smiv2; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module defines textual conventions used throughout cisco enterprise mibs."; revision "2011-11-11" { description "Added CiscoEntityIndexList TC."; } revision "2011-06-17" { description "-Added the following enums for FcIfOperStatusReason: fcRedirectIsolation, portActLicenseNotAvailable, sdmIsolation, fcidAllocationFailed, unavailableNPVUpstreamPort, unavailableNPVPrefUpstreamPort, sfpReadError, stickyDownOnLinkFailure, tooManyLinkFlapsErr, unidirectionalUDLD, txRxLoopUDLD, neighborMismatchUDLD, authzPending, hotStdbyInBundle, incompleteConfig, incompleteTunnelCfg, hwProgrammingFailed, tunnelDstUnreachable, suspendByMtu, sfpInvalid, sfpAbsent, portCapabilitiesUnknown, channelErrDisabled, vrfMismatch, vrfForwardReferencing, dupTunnelConfigDetected, primaryVLANDown, vrfUnusable, errDisableHandShkFailure, errDisabledBPDUGuard, dot1xSecViolationErrDisabled, emptyEchoUDLD, vfTaggingCapErr, portDisabled, tunnelModeNotConfigured, tunnelSrcNotConfigured, tunnelDstNotConfigured, tunnelUnableToResolveSrcIP tunnelUnableToResolveDstIP, tunnelVrfDown, sifAdminDown, phyIntfDown, ifSifLimitExceeded, sifHoldDown, noFcoe, dcxCompatMismatch, isolateBundleLimitExceeded, sifNotBound, errDisabledLacpMiscfg, satFabricIfDown, invalidSatFabricIf, noRemoteChassis, vicEnableNotReceived, vicDisableReceived, vlanVsanMappingNotEnabled, stpNotFwdingInFcoeMappedVlan, moduleOffline, udldAggModeLinkFailure, stpInconsVpcPeerDisabled, setPortStateFailed, suspendedByVpc, vpcCfgInProgress, vpcPeerLinkDown, vpcNoRspFromPeer, protoPortSuspend, tunnelSrcDown, cdpInfoUnavailable, fexSfpInvalid, errDisabledIpConflict, fcotClkRateMismatch, portGuardTrustSecViolation, sdpTimeout, satIncompatTopo, waitForFlogi, satNotConfigured, npivNotEnabledInUpstream, vsanMismatchWithUpstreamSwPort, portGuardBitErrRate, portGuardSigLoss, portGuardSyncLoss, portGuardLinkReset, portGuardCreditLoss, bitErrorRate, signalLoss, syncLoss, linkReset, creditLoss, ipQosMgrPolicyAppFailure, pauseRateLimitErrDisabled, lstGrpUplinkDown, stickyDnLinkFailure, routerMacFailure, dcxMultipleMsapIds, dcxHundredPdusRcvdNoAck, enmSatIncompatibleUplink, enmLoopDetected, nonStickyExternallyDisabled, subGroupIdNotAssigned, vemUnlicensed, profileNotFound, nonExistentVlan, vlanInvalidType, vlanDown, vpcPeerUpgrade, ipQosDcbxpCompatFailure, nonCiscoHbaVfTag, domainIdConfigMismatch, sfpSpeedMismatch, xcvrInitializing, xcvrAbsent, xcvrInvalid, vfcBindingInvalid, vlanNotFcoeEnabled, pvlanNativeVlanErr, ethL2VlanDown, ethIntfInvalidBinding, pmonFailure, l3NotReady, speedMismatch, flowControlMismatch, vdcMode, suspendedDueToMinLinks, enmPinFailLinkDown, inactiveM1PortFpathActiveVlan, parentPortDown, moduleRemoved, corePortMct, nonCorePortMct, ficonInorderNotActive, invalidEncapsulation, modemLineDeasserted, ipSecHndshkInProgress, sfpEthCompliantErr, cellularModemUnattached, outOfGlblRxBuffers, sfpFcCompliantErr, ethIntfNotLicensed, domainIdsInvalid, fabricNameInvalid."; } revision "2010-02-24" { description "Added CiscoURLStringOrEmpty textual convention."; } revision "2009-06-18" { description "Added the new textual convention CiscoVrfName"; } revision "2009-03-10" { description "Added the new textual convention CiscoInterfaceIndexList"; } revision "2009-02-26" { description "Added the new textual convention Cisco2KVlanList"; } revision "2008-04-02" { description "Added the new textual convention CiscoBridgeDomain."; } revision "2007-02-15" { description "Added following textual conventions: CiscoVlanList, CiscoCosList, CiscoPbbServiceIdentifier"; } revision "2006-07-06" { description "Added the following enums to IfOperStatusReason: - elpFailureAllZeroPeerWWNRcvd, - preferredPathIsolation."; } revision "2006-04-13" { description "Added enumeration to IfOperStatusReason from 113-131 ('dpvmVsanSuspended' to 'domainOther')."; } revision "2005-06-24" { description "Added CvE164Address textual convention."; } revision "2005-06-16" { description "Added following textual conventions: CiscoURLString CiscoHTTPResponseStatusCode EntLogicalIndexOrZero."; } revision "2004-10-11" { description "Added IfOperStatusReason textual convention."; } revision "2004-06-08" { description "Added CiscoPortListRange textual convention."; } revision "2004-04-14" { description "Added CiscoPortList textual convention. Removed Unsigned32 textual convention."; } revision "2002-12-18" { description "Changed MilliSeconds TC to CiscoMilliSeconds as it was overlapping with the one in a standard MIB."; } revision "2002-12-12" { description "Added the 'http' enumeration to CiscoNetworkProtocol."; } revision "2002-12-02" { description "Added Unsigned64 textual convention."; } revision "2002-09-22" { description "Added ListIndex, ListIndexOrZero, TimeIntervalSec, TimeintervalMin, MicroSeconds and MicroSeconds TC from Andiamo's TC MIB ."; } revision "2002-09-17" { description "Added ConfigIterator & BulkConfigResult textual convention for bulk provisioning. Added CountryCodeITU textual convention for ITU-T defined country codes for non-standard facilities."; } revision "2002-04-16" { description "Added PerfHighIntervalCount TEXTUAL-CONVENTION."; } revision "2001-07-07" { description "Added enumerations to CiscoNetworkProtocol"; } revision "2001-01-18" { description "Added CiscoAlarmSeverity textual convention. Changed SAPType display hint to d. Changed INTEGER to Integer32 in CiscoPort and CiscoIpProtocol TCs. Changed SnmpAdminString to OCTET STRING in CiscoLocationSpecifier. Removed IMPORTs for ciscoProducts and SnmpAdminString."; } revision "2000-11-21" { description "Added CiscoLocationClass, CiscoLocationSpecifier CiscoInetAddressMask, CiscoAbsZeroBasedCounter32, CiscoSnapShotAbsCounter32 textual conventions."; } revision "1998-10-28" { description "Added CiscoRowOperStatus, EntPhysicalIndexOrZero, Port and IpProtocol textual conventions."; } revision "1997-03-13" { description "Added SAPType, CountryCode textual convention."; } revision "1996-08-14" { description "Added InterfaceIndexOrZero textual convention."; } revision "1996-07-08" { description "Added new CiscoNetworkProtocol enumerations."; } revision "1996-02-22" { description "Added Unsigned32 textual conventions."; } revision "1995-06-07" { description "Miscellaneous updates/corrections, including making CiscoNetworkProtocol enumerations contiguous."; } smiv2:alias "ciscoTextualConventions" { smiv2:oid ""; } typedef Layer2Cos { type int32 { range "0..7"; } description "An integer that is in the range of the layer 2 CoS values. It corresponds to the IEEE 802.1P CoS value which defines eight (2^3) user priority levels. Note: the IEEE 802.1P has been merged into IEEE 802.1D."; reference "IEEE 802.1D, 2004 Edition, Annex G User priorities and traffic classes."; } typedef CiscoNetworkProtocol { type enumeration { enum "ip" { value 1; } enum "decnet" { value 2; } enum "pup" { value 3; } enum "chaos" { value 4; } enum "xns" { value 5; } enum "x121" { value 6; } enum "appletalk" { value 7; } enum "clns" { value 8; } enum "lat" { value 9; } enum "vines" { value 10; } enum "cons" { value 11; } enum "apollo" { value 12; } enum "stun" { value 13; } enum "novell" { value 14; } enum "qllc" { value 15; } enum "snapshot" { value 16; } enum "atmIlmi" { value 17; } enum "bstun" { value 18; } enum "x25pvc" { value 19; } enum "ipv6" { value 20; } enum "cdm" { value 21; } enum "nbf" { value 22; } enum "bpxIgx" { value 23; } enum "clnsPfx" { value 24; } enum "http" { value 25; } enum "unknown" { value 65535; } } description "Represents the different types of network layer protocols."; } typedef CiscoNetworkAddress { type binary; description "Represents a network layer address. The length and format of the address is protocol dependent as follows: ip 4 octets decnet 2 octets pup obsolete chaos 2 octets xns 10 octets first 4 octets are the net number last 6 octets are the host number x121 appletalk 3 octets first 2 octets are the net number last octet is the host number clns lat vines 6 octets first 4 octets are the net number last 2 octets are the host number cons apollo 10 octets first 4 octets are the net number last 6 octets are the host number stun 8 octets novell 10 octets first 4 octets are the net number last 6 octets are the host number qllc 6 octets bstun 1 octet - bi-sync serial tunnel snapshot 1 octet atmIlmi 4 octets x25 pvc 2 octets (12 bits) ipv6 16 octets cdm nbf bgpIgx clnsPfx upto 20 octets http upto 70 octets first 4 octets are the IPv4 host address next 2 octets are the TCP port number remaining(1 upto 64) octets are the URI"; } typedef Unsigned64 { type yang:counter64; description "An unsigned 64 bit integer. We use SYNTAX Counter64 for the encoding rules."; } typedef InterfaceIndexOrZero { type int32 { range "0..2147483647"; } description "Either the value 0, or the ifIndex value of an interface in the ifTable."; } typedef SAPType { type int32 { range "0..254"; } description "Service Access Point - is a term that denotes the means by which a user entity in layer n+1 accesses a service of a provider entity in layer n."; } typedef CountryCode { type binary { length "0|2"; } description "Represents a case-insensitive 2-letter country code taken from ISO-3166. Unrecognized countries are represented as empty string."; } typedef CountryCodeITU { type uint32 { range "0..255"; } description "This textual convention represents a country or area code for non-standard facilities in telematic services."; reference "ITU-T T.35 - Section 3.1 Country Code"; } typedef EntPhysicalIndexOrZero { type int32 { range "0..2147483647"; } description "This textual convention is an extension of entPhysicalIndex. If non-zero, the object is an entPhysicalIndex. If zero, no appropriate entPhysicalIndex exists. Any additional semantics are object specific."; } typedef CiscoRowOperStatus { type enumeration { enum "active" { value 1; } enum "activeDependencies" { value 2; } enum "inactiveDependency" { value 3; } enum "missingDependency" { value 4; } } description "Represents the operational status of an table entry. This textual convention allows explicitly representing the states of rows dependent on rows in other tables. active(1) - Indicates this entry's RowStatus is active and the RowStatus for each dependency is active. activeDependencies(2) - Indicates that the RowStatus for each dependency is active, but the entry's RowStatus is not active. inactiveDependency(3) - Indicates that the RowStatus for at least one dependency is not active. missingDependency(4) - Indicates that at least one dependency does not exist in it's table."; } typedef CiscoPort { type int32 { range "0..65535"; } description "The TCP or UDP port number range."; reference "Transmission Control Protocol. J. Postel. RFC793, User Datagram Protocol. J. Postel. RFC768"; } typedef CiscoIpProtocol { type int32 { range "0..255"; } description "IP protocol number range."; reference "Internet Protocol. J. Postel. RFC791"; } typedef CiscoLocationClass { type enumeration { enum "chassis" { value 1; } enum "shelf" { value 2; } enum "slot" { value 3; } enum "subSlot" { value 4; } enum "port" { value 5; } enum "subPort" { value 6; } enum "channel" { value 7; } enum "subChannel" { value 8; } } description "An enumerated value which provides an indication of the general location type of a particular physical and/or logical interface. chassis - a system framework for mounting one or more shelves/slots/cards. shelf - a cabinet that holds one or more slots. slot - card or subSlot holder. subSlot - daughter-card holder. port - a physical port (e.g., a DS1 or DS3 physical port). subPort - a logical port on a physical port (e.g., a DS1 subPort on a DS3 physical port). channel - a logical interface (e.g., a DS0 channel, signaling channel, ATM port, other virtual interfaces). subChannel - a sub-channel on a logical interface."; } typedef CiscoLocationSpecifier { type binary { length "0..255"; } description "Use this TC to define objects that indicate the physical entity and/or logical interface location of a managed entity on a managed device. In SNMP, a standard mechanism for indicating the physical location of entities is via the ENTITY-MIB. However, that approach is not satisfactory in some cases because: 1. The entity requiring a location-based naming may be associated with an entity which can not be represented as a physical entity in the ENTITY-MIB, 2. NMS applications may desire a more direct name/representation of a physical entity than is available via the ENTITY-MIB, e.g., a physical entity which is named via a hierarchy of levels in the ENTITY-MIB. The value of an object defined using this TC is an ASCII string consisting of zero or more elements separated by commas. Each element is of the form = . An example of this syntax is 'slot=5,port=3'. The syntax of the string is formally specified using ABNF notation (with one exception, noted below), as follows: location-specifier = elem *(',' elem) ; subject to ; size restriction specified in the SYNTAX ; clause below elem = loctype '=' number number = %x00-FFFFFFFF / %d0-4294967295 loctype = 1*32VCHAR It is recommended that loctype use one of the enumerated labels defined for CiscoLocationClass. (NOTE: To conform to ABNF notation as defined in RFC2234, substitute the single-quote symbol with a double-quote symbol in the above rules.) A zero length of CiscoLocationSpecifier is object-specific and must be defined as part of the description of any object which uses this syntax."; reference "RFC2234, Augmented BNF for syntax specifications: ABNF"; } typedef CiscoInetAddressMask { type uint32 { range "0..128"; } description "Denotes a generic Internet subnet address mask. The Internet subnet address mask is represented as the number of contiguous 1-bit from MSB (most significant bit) of the Internet subnet address mask. A CiscoInetAddressMask value is always interpreted within the context of an InetAddressType value. The InetAddressType only object or InetAddressType with InetAddress objects which define the context must be registered immediately before the object which uses the CiscoInetAddressMask textual convention. In other words, the object identifiers for the InetAddressType object and the CiscoInetAddressMask object MUST have the same length and the last sub-identifier of the InetAddressType object MUST be 1 less than the last sub-identifier of the CiscoInetAddressMask object and MUST be 2 less than the last sub-identifier of the CiscoInetAddressMask object if an InetAddress object is defined between InetAddressType and CiscoInetAddressMask objects. The maximum value of the CiscoInetAddressMask TC is 32 for the value 'ipv4(1)' in InetAddressType object and 128 for the value 'ipv6(2)' in InetAddressType object. The value zero is object-specific and must therefore be defined as part of the description of any object which uses this syntax. Examples of the usage of zero might include situations where Internet subnet mask was unknown, or when none subnet masks need to be referenced."; reference "RFC2851, Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses."; } typedef CiscoAbsZeroBasedCounter32 { type yang:gauge32; description "This TC describes an object which counts events with the following semantics: objects of this type will be set to zero(0) on creation and will thereafter count appropriate events, it locks at the maximum value of 4,294,967,295 if the counter overflows. This TC may be used only in situations where wrapping is not possible or extremely unlikely situation."; } typedef CiscoSnapShotAbsCounter32 { type uint32; description "This TC describes an object which stores a snap-shot value with the following semantics: objects of this type will take a snap-shot value from their associated CiscoAbsZeroBasedCounter32 type objects on creation."; } typedef CiscoAlarmSeverity { type enumeration { enum "cleared" { value 1; } enum "indeterminate" { value 2; } enum "critical" { value 3; } enum "major" { value 4; } enum "minor" { value 5; } enum "warning" { value 6; } enum "info" { value 7; } } description "Represents the perceived alarm severity associated with a service or safety affecting condition and/or event. These are based on ITU severities, except that info(7) is added. cleared(1) - Indicates a previous alarm condition has been cleared. It is not required (unless specifically stated elsewhere on a case by case basis) that an alarm condition that has been cleared will produce a notification or other event containing an alarm severity with this value. indeterminate(2) - Indicates that the severity level cannot be determined. critical(3) - Indicates that a service or safety affecting condition has occurred and an immediate corrective action is required. major(4) - Indicates that a service affecting condition has occurred and an urgent corrective action is required. minor(5) - Indicates the existence of a non-service affecting condition and that corrective action should be taken in order to prevent a more serious (for example, service or safety affecting) condition. warning(6) - Indicates the detection of a potential or impending service or safety affecting condition, before any significant effects have been felt. info(7) - Indicates an alarm condition that does not meet any other severity definition. This can include important, but non-urgent, notices or informational events."; reference "ITU-X.733"; } typedef PerfHighIntervalCount { type yang:counter64; description "A 64 bit counter associated with a performance measurement in a previous 15 minute measurement interval. In the case where the agent has no valid data available for a particular interval the corresponding object instance is not available and upon a retrieval request a corresponding error message shall be returned to indicate that this instance does not exist (for example, a noSuchName error for SNMPv1 and a noSuchInstance for SNMPv2 GET operation). In a system supporting a history of n intervals with IntervalCount(1) and IntervalCount(n) the most and least recent intervals respectively, the following applies at the end of a 15 minute interval: - discard the value of IntervalCount(n) - the value of IntervalCount(i) becomes that of IntervalCount(i-1) for n >= i > 1 - the value of IntervalCount(1) becomes that of CurrentCount - the TotalCount, if supported, is adjusted. This definition is based on CounterBasedGauge64 TEXTUAL CONVENTION defined in RFC2856. The PerfHighIntervalCount type represents a non-negative integer, which may increase or decrease, but shall never exceed a maximum value, nor fall below a minimum value. The maximum value can not be greater than 2^64-1 (18446744073709551615 decimal), and the minimum value can not be smaller than 0. The value of a PerfHighIntervalCount, has its maximum value whenever the information being modeled is greater than or equal to its maximum value, and has its minimum value whenever the information being modeled is smaller than or equal to its minimum value. If the information being modeled subsequently decreases below (increases above) the maximum (minimum) value, the PerfHighIntervalCount also decreases (increases). Note that this TC is not strictly supported in SMIv2, because the 'always increasing' and 'counter wrap' semantics associated with the Counter64 base type are not preserved. It is possible that management applications which rely solely upon the (Counter64) ASN.1 tag to determine object semantics will mistakenly operate upon objects of this type as they would for Counter64 objects. This textual convention represents a limited and short-term solution, and may be deprecated as a long term solution is defined and deployed to replace it."; reference "RFC 2856(HCNUM-TC MIB). RFC 2493(PerfHist-TC-MIB)."; } typedef ConfigIterator { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "This object type is a control object type which applies to writable objects in the same SNMP PDU related to the same table containing those objects. It controls an operation which repeatedly applies the specified configuration data to more than one rows in a table. The operation starts from the row specified by the index of the instance and repeats for the number of rows as the value of the object. ConfigIterator object needs to be accompanied by one set of writable objects which are of the same instance to apply to. For example, a SNMP PDU contains { objectA.10 = 1, objectB.10 = 'E1', objectC.10 = 44, objectRepetition.10 = 100 } The SYNTAX of objectRepetition is ConfigIterator. This will apply value 1 to objectA, value 'E1' to objectB, value 44 to objectC in the table starting from row 10 repeatedly for 100 rows. The iteration is based on the number of rows, not based on the value of the index. For sparse tables, the index 10, 20, 30, 110, and 120 counts for 5 rows, the operation will go beyond index 100 in the previous SNMP PDU example. The iteration will stop prematurely when it comes to the following situations: (1) When the number of the rows in the table is less than the designated row indicated by the ConfigIterator object. (2) When it encounters the first error in any row, the operation won't continue to next row. The operation of ConfigIterator object applies only to the writable objects having the same index as the ConfigIterator object in one SNMP PDU. For example, a SNMP PDU contains { objectD.5 = 38, objectE.6 = 'T1', objectF.5 = 'false', objectIterator.5 = 10 } The SYNTAX of objectIterator is ConfigIterator. This will apply value 38 to objectD, value 'false' to objectF in the table starting from row 5 repeatedly for 10 rows. Since the object objectE.6 has different index (6) from the index of objectIterator, the repetition won't be applied to it. However the value of objectE in the row 6 will be set to 'T1' according to regular SNMP SET orperation. If there is row overlapping of the iteration in a SNMP PDU, it will be operated as they are in two different SNMP PDUs. For example, a SNMP PDU contains { objectD.5 = 38, objectD.6 = 40, objectE.6 = 'T1', objectF.5 = 'false', objectIterator.5 = 10 objectIterator.6 = 10 } This will apply value 38 to objectD, value 'false' to objectF starting from row 5 repeatedly for 10 rows, and apply value 40 to objectD, value 'T1' to objectE starting from row 6 repeatedly for 10 rows. The final value of objectD.6 can be 38 or 40, it depends on the SNMP stack of the system starts SNMP SET for the row 5 before the row 6 or the other way around. The object defined as ConfigIterator will be set to value 1 after the iteration operation is kick-off regardless the system has completed the operation to the designated rows or not. Therefore retrieving the value of this object is meaningless. It acts as the one time operation for bulk configuration. The object defined as ConfigIterator has no meaning by itself, it has to be combined with one or more than one writable objects from the same table and within the same SNMP PDU for the repetition operation. For example, a SNMP PDU contains { objectG.2 = 49, objectH.2 = 'AE'h objectIterator.4 = 20 } The SYNTAX of objectIterator is ConfigIterator. Since there are no objects having the same index as the index of objectIterator in the PDU, the result of this SNMP operation will set value 49 to objectG and value 0xAE to objectH of the row 2 only as regular SNMP SET operation. The index of the instance indicates the starting row for the iteration. The order of the iteration depends, for instance, on: (1) physical hardware position, or (2) logical index. It depends on the characters of the table which contains the ConfigIterator object. Iteration can be done through some or all the components of the index for a table. The description of the iterator object in that table should describe which part of the index the iteration is applied to. The operation for this object type is based on the best effort. When the agent receives a SNMP PDU containing this data type, the return status of the SNMP request reflects only the result of the SET operation has applied to the starting row. It may return a SNMP response with SUCCESS status regardless the number of rows for the data actually been deployed later on. Therefore it is possible the data might not be completely deployed to the number of rows designated by the ConfigIterator and the operation stops prematurely due to an error it first encounters after n rows (n < the value of ConfigIterator object). Usually the error report mechanism for this type of operation is accomplished by combining this type of object with the other two objects in the same table: (1) An OwnerString object (2) An object indicates the result of the operation. When issuing this bulk configuration request, the SNMP manager should provide its identifier in (1) object. After issuing the request, it should check the value of (1) object if it is the same with it own name. If they are the same, then the value of the object presents in (2) is the result from the previous operation from this manager. Otherwise, another SNMP manager might issue the bulk configuration to the same table before the previous bulk operation has been completed. These two objects will represent the last bulk operation in the table."; } typedef BulkConfigResult { type binary { length "0..255"; } description "This textual convention defines the format of the displayable textual result from the bulk configuration operation specified as ConfigIterator type. The format should be: 'COMPLETION= error occured>/, ERROR=/: ' For example: 'COMPLETION=22/100,ERROR=38/44:Invalid Ds1 line coding for the line type'"; } typedef ListIndex { type int32 { range "1..2147483647"; } description "A unique value greater than zero, for each of the list that is defined. The object using this convention should give all the object specific details including the list type."; } typedef ListIndexOrZero { type int32 { range "0..2147483647"; } description "This textual convention is an extension of the ListIndex. In addition to the ListIndex range, this also includes 0 in its range of values. This value could be object specific and should be given the description of that object. In most cases, a value 0 means that the it does not represent any lists."; } typedef TimeIntervalSec { type uint32; description "A period of time, measured in units of 1 second."; } typedef TimeIntervalMin { type uint32; description "A period of time, measured in units of 1 minute."; } typedef CiscoMilliSeconds { type uint32; description "Represents time unit value in milliseconds."; } typedef MicroSeconds { type uint32; description "Represents time unit value in microseconds."; } typedef CiscoPortList { type binary { length "0..256"; } description "Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight ports. The object defined by this textual convention can specify a port range of 2k ports in its description. Example: 1 - 2048, 2049 - 4096, etc. The first octet represents the first 8 ports of the range of ports specified by the object, the second octet represents the next 8 ports, etc. When a port range is not specified, a default port range of '1 - 2048' is assumed. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the lowest numbered port, and the least significant bit represents the highest numbered port. Thus, each port of the bridge is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that port is included in the set of ports; the port is not included if its bit has a value of '0'. Note that if the length of this string is less than 256 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size, and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets, to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs."; } typedef CiscoPortListRange { type enumeration { enum "oneto2k" { value 1; } enum "twoKto4K" { value 2; } enum "fourKto6K" { value 3; } enum "sixKto8K" { value 4; } enum "eightKto10K" { value 5; } enum "tenKto12K" { value 6; } enum "twelveKto14K" { value 7; } enum "fourteenKto16K" { value 8; } } description "Indicates the port range. oneto2K(1) indicates that the port number range is from 1 to 2048. twoKto4K(2) indicates that the port number range is from 2049 to 4096. fourKto6K(3) indicates that the port number range is from 4097 to 6144. sixKto8K(4) indicates that the port number range is from 6145 to 8192. eightKto10K(5) indicates that the port number range is from 8193 to 10240. tenKto12K(6) indicates that the port number range is from 10241 to 12288. twelveKto14K(7) indicates that the port number range is from 12289 to 14336. fourteenKto16K(8) indicates that the port number range is from 14337 to 16384. When an object is defined with this textual convention, it must be accompanied by an object of CiscoPortList syntax."; } typedef IfOperStatusReason { type enumeration { enum "other" { value 1; } enum "none" { value 2; } enum "hwFailure" { value 3; } enum "loopbackDiagFailure" { value 4; } enum "errorDisabled" { value 5; } enum "swFailure" { value 6; } enum "linkFailure" { value 7; } enum "offline" { value 8; } enum "nonParticipating" { value 9; } enum "initializing" { value 10; } enum "vsanInactive" { value 11; } enum "adminDown" { value 12; } enum "channelAdminDown" { value 13; } enum "channelOperSuspended" { value 14; } enum "channelConfigurationInProgress" { value 15; } enum "rcfInProgress" { value 16; } enum "elpFailureIsolation" { value 17; } enum "escFailureIsolation" { value 18; } enum "domainOverlapIsolation" { value 19; } enum "domainAddrAssignFailureIsolation" { value 20; } enum "domainOtherSideEportIsolation" { value 21; } enum "domainInvalidRcfReceived" { value 22; } enum "domainManagerDisabled" { value 23; } enum "zoneMergeFailureIsolation" { value 24; } enum "vsanMismatchIsolation" { value 25; } enum "parentDown" { value 26; } enum "srcPortNotBound" { value 27; } enum "interfaceRemoved" { value 28; } enum "fcotNotPresent" { value 29; } enum "fcotVendorNotSupported" { value 30; } enum "incompatibleAdminMode" { value 31; } enum "incompatibleAdminSpeed" { value 32; } enum "suspendedByMode" { value 33; } enum "suspendedBySpeed" { value 34; } enum "suspendedByWWN" { value 35; } enum "domainMaxReTxFailure" { value 36; } enum "eppFailure" { value 37; } enum "portVsanMismatchIsolation" { value 38; } enum "loopbackIsolation" { value 39; } enum "upgradeInProgress" { value 40; } enum "incompatibleAdminRxBbCredit" { value 41; } enum "incompatibleAdminRxBufferSize" { value 42; } enum "portChannelMembersDown" { value 43; } enum "zoneRemoteNoRespIsolation" { value 44; } enum "firstPortUpAsEport" { value 45; } enum "firstPortNotUp" { value 46; } enum "peerFCIPPortClosedConnection" { value 47; } enum "peerFCIPPortResetConnection" { value 48; } enum "fcipPortMaxReTx" { value 49; } enum "fcipPortKeepAliveTimerExpire" { value 50; } enum "fcipPortPersistTimerExpire" { value 51; } enum "fcipPortSrcLinkDown" { value 52; } enum "fcipPortSrcAdminDown" { value 53; } enum "fcipPortAdminCfgChange" { value 54; } enum "fcipSrcPortRemoved" { value 55; } enum "fcipSrcModuleNotOnline" { value 56; } enum "invalidConfig" { value 57; } enum "portBindFailure" { value 58; } enum "portFabricBindFailure" { value 59; } enum "noCommonVsanIsolation" { value 60; } enum "ficonVsanDown" { value 61; } enum "invalidAttachment" { value 62; } enum "portBlocked" { value 63; } enum "incomAdminRxBbCreditPerBuf" { value 64; } enum "tooManyInvalidFlogis" { value 65; } enum "deniedDueToPortBinding" { value 66; } enum "elpFailureRevMismatch" { value 67; } enum "elpFailureClassFParamErr" { value 68; } enum "elpFailureClassNParamErr" { value 69; } enum "elpFailureUnknownFlowCtlCode" { value 70; } enum "elpFailureInvalidFlowCtlParam" { value 71; } enum "elpFailureInvalidPortName" { value 72; } enum "elpFailureInvalidSwitchName" { value 73; } enum "elpFailureRatovEdtovMismatch" { value 74; } enum "elpFailureLoopbackDetected" { value 75; } enum "elpFailureInvalidTxBbCredit" { value 76; } enum "elpFailureInvalidPayloadSize" { value 77; } enum "bundleMisCfg" { value 78; } enum "bitErrRuntimeThreshExceeded" { value 79; } enum "linkFailLinkReset" { value 80; } enum "linkFailPortInitFail" { value 81; } enum "linkFailPortUnusable" { value 82; } enum "linkFailLossOfSignal" { value 83; } enum "linkFailLossOfSync" { value 84; } enum "linkFailNosRcvd" { value 85; } enum "linkFailOLSRcvd" { value 86; } enum "linkFailDebounceTimeout" { value 87; } enum "linkFailLrRcvd" { value 88; } enum "linkFailCreditLoss" { value 89; } enum "linkFailRxQOverflow" { value 90; } enum "linkFailTooManyInterrupts" { value 91; } enum "linkFailLipRcvdBb" { value 92; } enum "linkFailBbCreditLoss" { value 93; } enum "linkFailOpenPrimSignalTimeout" { value 94; } enum "linkFailOpenPrimSignalReturned" { value 95; } enum "linkFailLipF8Rcvd" { value 96; } enum "linkFailLineCardPortShutdown" { value 97; } enum "fcspAuthenfailure" { value 98; } enum "fcotChecksumError" { value 99; } enum "ohmsExtLoopbackTest" { value 100; } enum "invalidFabricBindExchange" { value 101; } enum "tovMismatch" { value 102; } enum "ficonNotEnabled" { value 103; } enum "ficonNoPortNumber" { value 104; } enum "ficonBeingEnabled" { value 105; } enum "ePortProhibited" { value 106; } enum "portGracefulShutdown" { value 107; } enum "trunkNotFullyActive" { value 108; } enum "fabricBindingSwitchWwnNotFound" { value 109; } enum "fabricBindingDomainInvalid" { value 110; } enum "fabricBindingDbMismatch" { value 111; } enum "fabricBindingNoRspFromPeer" { value 112; } enum "dpvmVsanSuspended" { value 113; } enum "dpvmVsanNotFound" { value 114; } enum "trackedPortDown" { value 115; } enum "ecSuspendedOnLoop" { value 116; } enum "isolateBundleMisCfg" { value 117; } enum "noPeerBundleSupport" { value 118; } enum "portBringupIsolation" { value 119; } enum "domainNotAllowedIsolated" { value 120; } enum "virtualIvrDomainOverlapIsolation" { value 121; } enum "outOfService" { value 122; } enum "portAuthFailed" { value 123; } enum "bundleStandby" { value 124; } enum "portConnectorTypeErr" { value 125; } enum "errorDisabledReInitLmtReached" { value 126; } enum "ficonDupPortNum" { value 127; } enum "localRcf" { value 128; } enum "twoSwitchesWithSameWWN" { value 129; } enum "invalidOtherSidePrincEFPReqRecd" { value 130; } enum "domainOther" { value 131; } enum "elpFailureAllZeroPeerWWNRcvd" { value 132; } enum "preferredPathIsolation" { value 133; } enum "fcRedirectIsolation" { value 134; } enum "portActLicenseNotAvailable" { value 135; } enum "sdmIsolation" { value 136; } enum "fcidAllocationFailed" { value 137; } enum "externallyDisabled" { value 138; } enum "unavailableNPVUpstreamPort" { value 139; } enum "unavailableNPVPrefUpstreamPort" { value 140; } enum "sfpReadError" { value 141; } enum "stickyDownOnLinkFailure" { value 142; } enum "tooManyLinkFlapsErr" { value 143; } enum "unidirectionalUDLD" { value 144; } enum "txRxLoopUDLD" { value 145; } enum "neighborMismatchUDLD" { value 146; } enum "authzPending" { value 147; } enum "hotStdbyInBundle" { value 148; } enum "incompleteConfig" { value 149; } enum "incompleteTunnelCfg" { value 150; } enum "hwProgrammingFailed" { value 151; } enum "tunnelDstUnreachable" { value 152; } enum "suspendByMtu" { value 153; } enum "sfpInvalid" { value 154; } enum "sfpAbsent" { value 155; } enum "portCapabilitiesUnknown" { value 156; } enum "channelErrDisabled" { value 157; } enum "vrfMismatch" { value 158; } enum "vrfForwardReferencing" { value 159; } enum "dupTunnelConfigDetected" { value 160; } enum "primaryVLANDown" { value 161; } enum "vrfUnusable" { value 162; } enum "errDisableHandShkFailure" { value 163; } enum "errDisabledBPDUGuard" { value 164; } enum "dot1xSecViolationErrDisabled" { value 165; } enum "emptyEchoUDLD" { value 166; } enum "vfTaggingCapErr" { value 167; } enum "portDisabled" { value 168; } enum "tunnelModeNotConfigured" { value 169; } enum "tunnelSrcNotConfigured" { value 170; } enum "tunnelDstNotConfigured" { value 171; } enum "tunnelUnableToResolveSrcIP" { value 172; } enum "tunnelUnableToResolveDstIP" { value 173; } enum "tunnelVrfDown" { value 174; } enum "sifAdminDown" { value 175; } enum "phyIntfDown" { value 176; } enum "ifSifLimitExceeded" { value 177; } enum "sifHoldDown" { value 178; } enum "noFcoe" { value 179; } enum "dcxCompatMismatch" { value 180; } enum "isolateBundleLimitExceeded" { value 181; } enum "sifNotBound" { value 182; } enum "errDisabledLacpMiscfg" { value 183; } enum "satFabricIfDown" { value 184; } enum "invalidSatFabricIf" { value 185; } enum "noRemoteChassis" { value 186; } enum "vicEnableNotReceived" { value 187; } enum "vicDisableReceived" { value 188; } enum "vlanVsanMappingNotEnabled" { value 189; } enum "stpNotFwdingInFcoeMappedVlan" { value 190; } enum "moduleOffline" { value 191; } enum "udldAggModeLinkFailure" { value 192; } enum "stpInconsVpcPeerDisabled" { value 193; } enum "setPortStateFailed" { value 194; } enum "suspendedByVpc" { value 195; } enum "vpcCfgInProgress" { value 196; } enum "vpcPeerLinkDown" { value 197; } enum "vpcNoRspFromPeer" { value 198; } enum "protoPortSuspend" { value 199; } enum "tunnelSrcDown" { value 200; } enum "cdpInfoUnavailable" { value 201; } enum "fexSfpInvalid" { value 202; } enum "errDisabledIpConflict" { value 203; } enum "fcotClkRateMismatch" { value 204; } enum "portGuardTrustSecViolation" { value 205; } enum "sdpTimeout" { value 206; } enum "satIncompatTopo" { value 207; } enum "waitForFlogi" { value 208; } enum "satNotConfigured" { value 209; } enum "npivNotEnabledInUpstream" { value 210; } enum "vsanMismatchWithUpstreamSwPort" { value 211; } enum "portGuardBitErrRate" { value 212; } enum "portGuardSigLoss" { value 213; } enum "portGuardSyncLoss" { value 214; } enum "portGuardLinkReset" { value 215; } enum "portGuardCreditLoss" { value 216; } enum "ipQosMgrPolicyAppFailure" { value 217; } enum "pauseRateLimitErrDisabled" { value 218; } enum "lstGrpUplinkDown" { value 219; } enum "stickyDnLinkFailure" { value 220; } enum "routerMacFailure" { value 221; } enum "dcxMultipleMsapIds" { value 222; } enum "dcxHundredPdusRcvdNoAck" { value 223; } enum "enmSatIncompatibleUplink" { value 224; } enum "enmLoopDetected" { value 225; } enum "nonStickyExternallyDisabled" { value 226; } enum "subGroupIdNotAssigned" { value 227; } enum "vemUnlicensed" { value 228; } enum "profileNotFound" { value 229; } enum "nonExistentVlan" { value 230; } enum "vlanInvalidType" { value 231; } enum "vlanDown" { value 232; } enum "vpcPeerUpgrade" { value 233; } enum "ipQosDcbxpCompatFailure" { value 234; } enum "nonCiscoHbaVfTag" { value 235; } enum "domainIdConfigMismatch" { value 236; } enum "sfpSpeedMismatch" { value 237; } enum "xcvrInitializing" { value 238; } enum "xcvrAbsent" { value 239; } enum "xcvrInvalid" { value 240; } enum "vfcBindingInvalid" { value 241; } enum "vlanNotFcoeEnabled" { value 242; } enum "pvlanNativeVlanErr" { value 243; } enum "ethL2VlanDown" { value 244; } enum "ethIntfInvalidBinding" { value 245; } enum "pmonFailure" { value 246; } enum "l3NotReady" { value 247; } enum "speedMismatch" { value 248; } enum "flowControlMismatch" { value 249; } enum "vdcMode" { value 250; } enum "suspendedDueToMinLinks" { value 251; } enum "enmPinFailLinkDown" { value 252; } enum "inactiveM1PortFpathActiveVlan" { value 253; } enum "parentPortDown" { value 254; } enum "moduleRemoved" { value 255; } enum "corePortMct" { value 256; } enum "nonCorePortMct" { value 257; } enum "ficonInorderNotActive" { value 258; } enum "invalidEncapsulation" { value 259; } enum "modemLineDeasserted" { value 260; } enum "ipSecHndshkInProgress" { value 261; } enum "sfpEthCompliantErr" { value 262; } enum "cellularModemUnattached" { value 263; } enum "outOfGlblRxBuffers" { value 264; } enum "sfpFcCompliantErr" { value 265; } enum "ethIntfNotLicensed" { value 266; } enum "domainIdsInvalid" { value 267; } enum "fabricNameInvalid" { value 268; } } description "The cause of current operational state of the interface. GLOSSARY: BB - Buffer-to-Buffer. BB_Credit - Buffer-to-Buffer credit, a link level flow control mechanism. B_Port - A Fibre Channel, Bridging port. BPDU - Bridge Protocol Data Unit. CDP - Cisco Discovery Protocol. Class F - A connectionless service with notification on non-delivery between E_Ports, used for control, coordination, and configuration of the Fabric. Class N - Refers to any class of service (different types of frame delivery services) other than Class F. E_D_TOV - Error Detect Timeout Value. ENM - Egress Non-Multicast. ELP - Exchange Link Parameter. E-mode - A fibre channel port providing E_Port functionality. E_Port - A Fabric Expansion Port. EPP - Exchange Peer Parameters. ESC - Exchange Switch Capabilities. Fabric - The set of physically connected fibre channel switches. FEX - Fabric EXtender. FC-FS - Fibre Channel Framing and Signaling. FCIP - Fibre Channel over IP protocol. FCID - Fibre Channel Domain ID. FCOE - Fibre Channel Over Ethernet. FCOT - Fibre channel optical transmitter. FC-PH - The Fibre Channel Physical and Signaling standard. FCSP - Fibre Channel Security Protocol. Fibre Channel - The primary protocol for building SANs. FICON - An I-O protocol used between IBM (and compatible) mainframes and storage. FLOGI - Fabric Login, used by a node port to establish a session with the fabric. GBIC - Gigabit Interface Converter; a removable transceiver module permitting Fibre Channel and Gigabit Ethernet physical-layer transport. Interconnect_Ports - Switch Ports that assume either the E_Port or B_Port mode are generally referred to as Interconnect_Ports. LACP - Link Access Control Protocol. LIP - Loop Initialization Primitive sequence. LR - Link Reset, the FC-PH defined primitive sequence used to initiate a link reset. MTU - Maximun transmission unit. NOS - Not Operational Sequence, the FC-PH defined primitive sequence to indicate that the transmitting port has detected a link failure (or) offline condition. VIC - Virtual Interface Card. VPC - Virtual Port Channel. NPIV - N Port Identifier Virtualization. NPV - NPort Virtualizer. Nx_Port - A Fiber Channel Node Port. OLS - Offline Sequence, the FC-PH defined primitive sequence to indicate that the port is entering into offline state. OHMS - Online Health Management System. PMON - Port Monitor. R_A_TOV - Resource Allocation Timeout Value. RCF - Reconfigure Fabric. Rxbbcredit - Receive BB credit value configured for a FC interface. SAN - Storage Area Network; a network linking computing devices to disk or tape arrays and other devices over Fibre Channel. SIF - Service Information Field. SDM - Security Device Manager. SDP - Secure Device Provisioning. SFP - Small Formfactor Pluggable. TE_Port - Trunking E_Port. TOV - Time out value. UDLD - Uni Directional Link Detection. VDC - Virtual Device Context. VEM - Virtual Ethernet Module. VFC - Virtual Fibre Channel. VRF - VPN Routing and Forwarding. VSAN - Virtual Storage Area Network. WWN - World Wide Name. xE_Port - A Fiber channel port that can assume either E_Port or TE_Port mode. The enumerated values which provides the cause of the current operational state of the interface are, 'other(1)' - reasons other than defined here. 'none(2)' - no failure. 'hwFailure(3)' - hardware failure. 'loopbackDiagFailure(4)' - loopback diagnostics failure. 'errorDisabled(5)' - the port is not operational due to some error conditions that require administrative attention. 'swFailure(6)' - software failure. 'linkFailure(7)' - physical link failure. 'offline(8)' - physical link is in offline state as defined in the FC-FS standards. 'nonParticipating(9)' - during loop initialization, the port is not allowed to participate in loop operations. 'initializing(10)' - port is being initialized. 'vsanInactive(11)'- port VSAN is inactive. The port becomes operational again when the port VSAN is active. 'adminDown(12)' - ifAdminStatus is 'down'. 'channelAdminDown(13)' - this port is a member of a port channel and that port channel's ifAdminStatus is 'down'. 'channelOperSuspended(14)' - this port is a member of a port channel and its operational parameters are incompatible with the port channel parameters. 'channelConfigurationInProgress(15)' - this port is undergoing a port channel configuration. 'rcfInProgress(16)' - an isolated xE_port is transmitting an reconfigure fabric, requesting a disruptive reconfiguration in an attempt to build a single, non-isolated fabric. Only the Interconnect_Ports can become isolated. 'elpFailureIsolation(17)' - during a port initialization the prospective Interconnect_Ports find incompatible link parameters. 'escFailureIsolation(18) - during a port initialization the prospective Interconnect_Ports are unable to proceed with initialization as a result of ESC. 'domainOverlapIsolation(19)' - there is a overlap in domains while attempting to connect two existing fabrics. 'domainAddrAssignFailureIsolation(20)' - the elected principal switch is not capable of performing domain address manager functions so no Nx_port traffic can be forwarded across switches, hence all Interconnect_Ports in the switch are isolated. 'domainOtherSideEportIsolation(21)' - the peer E_port is isolated. 'domainInvalidRcfReceived(22)' - invalid RCF received. 'domainManagerDisabled(23) - domain manager is disabled. 'zoneMergeFailureIsolation(24)' - the two Interconnect_Ports cannot merge zoning configuration after having exchanged merging request for zoning. 'vsanMismatchIsolation(25)' - this VSAN is not configured on both sides of a trunk port. 'parentDown(26)' - the physical port to which this interface is bound is down. 'srcPortNotBound(27)'- no source port is specified for this interface. 'interfaceRemoved(28)' - interface is being removed. 'fcotNotPresent(29)' - FCOT (GBIC) not present. 'fcotVendorNotSupported(30)' - FCOT (GBIC) vendor is not supported. 'incompatibleAdminMode(31)' - port administrative mode is incompatible with port capabilities. 'incompatibleAdminSpeed(32)' - port speed is incompatible with port capabilities. 'suspendedByMode(33)' - port that belongs to a port channel is suspended due to incompatible operational mode. 'suspendedBySpeed(34)' - port that belongs to a port channel is suspended due to incompatible operational speed. 'suspendedByWwn(35)' - port that belongs to a port channel is suspended due to incompatible remote switch WWN. 'domainMaxReTxFailure(36)' - domain manager failure after maximum retries. 'eppFailure(37)' - trunk negotiation protocol failure after maximum retries. 'portVsanMismatchIsolation(38)' - an attempt is made to connect two switches using non-trunking ports having different port VSANs. 'loopbackIsolation(39)' - port is connected to another port in the same switch. 'upgradeInProgress(40)' - linecard upgrade in progress. 'incompatibleAdminRxBbCredit(41)' - receive BB credit is incompatible. 'incompatibleAdminRxBufferSize(42)' - receive buffer size is incompatible. 'portChannelMembersDown(43)' - no operational members. 'zoneRemoteNoRespIsolation(44)' - isolation due to remote zone server not responding. 'firstPortUpAsEport(45)' - in a over subscribed line card, when the first port in a group is up in E-mode, other ports in that group cannot be brought up. 'firstPortNotUp(46)' - in a over subscribed line card, first port cannot be brought up in E-mode when the other ports in the group are up. 'peerFcipPortClosedConnection(47)' - port went down because peer FCIP port closed TCP connection. 'peerFcipPortResetConnection(48)' - port went down because the TCP connection was reset by the peer FCIP port. 'fcipPortMaxReTx(49)' - FCIP port went down due to maximum TCP re-transmissions reached the configured limit. 'fcipPortKeepAliveTimerExpire(50)' - FCIP port went down due to TCP keep alive timer expired. 'fcipPortPersistTimerExpire(51)' - FCIP port went down due to TCP persist timer expired. 'fcipPortSrcLinkDown(52)' - FCIP port went down due to Ethernet link down. 'fcipPortSrcAdminDown(53)' - FCIP port went down because the source Ethernet link was administratively shutdown. 'fcipPortAdminCfgChange(54)' - FCIP port went down due to configuration change. 'fcipSrcPortRemoved(55)' - FCIP port went down due to source port removal. 'fcipSrcModuleNotOnline(56)' - FCIP port went down due to source module not online. 'invalidConfig(57)' - this port has a misconfiguration with respect to port channels. 'portBindFailure(58)' - port got isolated due to port bind failure. 'portFabricBindFailure(59)' - port got isolated due to fabric bind failure. 'noCommonVsanIsolation(60)' - trunk is isolated because there are no common VSANs with peer. 'ficonVsanDown (61)' - FICON VSAN down. 'invalidAttachment (62)' - invalid attachment. 'portBlocked (63)' - port blocked due to FICON. 'incomAdminRxBbCreditPerBuf (64)' - disabled due to incompatible administrative port rxbbcredit, performance buffers. 'tooManyInvalidFlogis (65)' - suspended due to too many invalid FLOGIs. 'deniedDueToPortBinding (66)' - suspended due to port binding. 'elpFailureRevMismatch (67)' - isolated for ELP failure due to revision mismatch. 'elpFailureClassFParamErr (68)' - isolated for ELP failure due to Class F parameter error. 'elpFailureClassNParamErr (69)' - isolated for ELP failure due to Class N parameter error. 'elpFailureUnknownFlowCtlCode (70)' - isolated for ELP failure due to invalid flow control code. 'elpFailureInvalidFlowCtlParam (71)' - isolated for ELP failure due to invalid flow control parameter. 'elpFailureInvalidPortName(72)' - isolated for ELP failure due to invalid port name. 'elpFailureInvalidSwitchName (73)' - isolated for ELP failure due to invalid switch name. 'elpFailureRatovEdtovMismatch (74)' - isolated for ELP failure due to R_A_TOV or E_D_TOV mismatch. 'elpFailureLoopbackDetected (75)' - isolated for ELP failure due to loopback detected. 'elpFailureInvalidTxBbCredit (76)' - isolated for ELP failure due to invalid transmit BB credit. 'elpFailureInvalidPayloadSize (77)' - isolated for ELP failure due to invalid payload size. 'bundleMisCfg (78)' - misconfiguration in port channel membership detected. 'bitErrRuntimeThreshExceeded (79)' - bit error rate too high. It has exceeded the run time threshold. 'linkFailLinkReset (80)' - link failure due to link reset. 'linkFailPortInitFail (81)' - link failure due to port initialization failure. 'linkFailPortUnusable (82)' - link failure due to port unusable. 'linkFailLossOfSignal (83)' - link failure due to loss of signal. 'linkFailLossOfSync (84)' - link failure due to loss of sync. 'linkFailNosRcvd (85)' - link failure due to non-operational sequences received. 'linkFailOLSRcvd (86)' - link failure due to offline sequences received. 'linkFailDebounceTimeout (87)' - link failure due to re-negotiation failed. 'linkFailLrRcvd (88)' - link failure when link reset(LR) operation fails due to non-empty receive queue. 'linkFailCreditLoss (89)' - link failure due to excessive credit loss indications. 'linkFailRxQOverflow (90)' - link failure due to receive queue overflow. 'linkFailTooManyInterrupts (91)' - link failure due to excessive port interrupts. 'linkFailLipRcvdBb (92)' - link failure when loop initialization(LIP) operation fails due to non empty receive queue. 'linkFailBbCreditLoss (93)' - link failure when link reset(LR) operation fails due to queue not empty. 'linkFailOpenPrimSignalTimeout (94)' - link failure due to open primitive signal timeout while receive queue not empty. 'linkFailOpenPrimSignalReturned (95)' - link failure due to open primitive signal returned while receive queue not empty. 'linkFailLipF8Rcvd (96)' - link failure due to F8 LIP received. 'linkFailLineCardPortShutdown (97)' - link failure due to port shutdown. 'fcspAuthenFailure (98)' - fibre channel security protocol authorization fail. 'fcotChecksumError (99)' - FCOT SPROM checksum error. 'ohmsExtLoopbackTest (100)' - link suspended due to external loopback diagnostics failure. 'invalidFabricBindExchange (101)' - invalid fabric binding exchange. 'tovMismatch (102)' - link isolation due to TOV mismatch. 'ficonNotEnabled (103)' - FICON not enabled. 'ficonNoPortNumber (104)' - no FICON port number. 'ficonBeingEnabled (105)' - FICON is being enabled. 'ePortProhibited (106)' - port down because FICON prohibit mask in place for E/TE port. 'portGracefulShutdown (107)' - port has been shutdown gracefully. 'trunkNotFullyActive (108)' - some of the VSANs which are common with the peer are not up. 'fabricBindingSwitchWwnNotFound (109)' - peer switch WWN not found in fabric binding active database. 'fabricBindingDomainInvalid (110)' - peer domain ID is invalid in fabric binding active database. 'fabricBindingDbMismatch (111)' - fabric binding active database mismatch with peer. 'fabricBindingNoRspFromPeer (112)' - fabric binding no response from peer. 'dpvmVsanSuspended (113)' - dpvm vsan is suspended. 'dpvmVsanNotFound (114)' - dpvm vsan not found. 'trackedPortDown (115)' - port down because tracked port is down. 'ecSuspendedOnLoop (116)' - port suspended because extended BB credits are configured on loop port. 'isolateBundleMisCfg (117)' - port isolated due to bundle mis-configuration. 'noPeerBundleSupport (118)' - peer port does not support bundle. 'portBringupIsolation (119)' - trunk port isolated during bringup time. 'domainNotAllowedIsolated (120)' - port isolated due to domain not allowed. 'virtualIvrDomainOverlapIsolation (121)' - port isolated due to virtual IVR domain overlap. 'outOfService (122)' - port is in out of service state. 'portAuthFailed (123)' - port has encountered an 802.1x authentication failure. 'bundleStandby (124)' - port cannot be brought up in a bundle, since the bundle has max members. 'portConnectorTypeErr (125)' - Error in the port connector type (SFP). 'errorDisabledReInitLmtReached (126)' - the port is not operational after trying to initialize the port multiple times due to some erorrs. 'ficonDupPortNum (127)' - the ficon vsan has a duplicate port number. 'localRcf (128)' - fcdomain applied a locally disruptive reconfiguration (the local domain became invalid; no RCF frames have been sent outside the local switch). 'twoSwitchesWithSameWWN (129)' - merge attempt between VSANs containing the same WWN. If the user attempts to merge two different VSANs and both have at least one switch with the same WWN then the link in between the VSANs is isolated. 'invalidOtherSidePrincEFPReqRecd (130)' - EFP request frame indicating a principal switch other than the locally known one. 'domainOther (131)' - other domain manager reasons not defined here. 'elpFailureAllZeroPeerWWNRcvd (132)' - isolated for ELP failure due to peer WWN is received with all zeros. 'preferredPathIsolation (133)' - port isolated due to preferred path not able to program the routes. 'fcRedirectIsolation (134)' - port isolated due to FC Redirect not being able to program routes. 'portActLicenseNotAvailable (135)' - port not brought up due to lack of port activation licenses. 'sdmIsolation (136)' - port isolated due to SDM (Security Device Manager) not being able to program routes. 'fcidAllocationFailed (137)' - port down due to failure in FCID (Fibre Channel Domain ID) allocation. 'externallyDisabled (138)' - port externally disabled. 'unavailableNPVUpstreamPort (139)' - NPV (NPort Virtualizer) upstream port not available. 'unavailableNPVPrefUpstreamPort (140)' - NPV (NPort Virtualizer) preferred upstream port not available. 'sfpReadError (141)' - the port is not operational due to SFP (Small Formfactor Pluggable) read error. 'stickyDownOnLinkFailure (142)' - the port is not operational due to link failure in the sticky down mode. 'tooManyLinkFlapsErr (143)' - too many link flaps on the port in a short interval. 'unidirectionalUDLD (144)' - unidirectional UDLD (Uni Directional Link Detection) detected. 'txRxLoopUDLD (145)' - UDLD (Uni Directional Link Detection) Tx Rx loop. 'neighborMismatchUDLD (146)' - UDLD (Uni Directional Link Detection) neighbor mismatch. 'authzPending (147)' - authorization pending. 'hotStdbyInBundle (148)' - hot standby in bundle. 'incompleteConfig (149)' - all parameters on the port have not been configured. 'incompleteTunnelCfg (150)' - incomplete tunnel config. 'hwProgrammingFailed (151)' - hardware programming failed. 'tunnelDstUnreachable (152)' - no route to tunnel destination address. 'suspendByMtu (153)' - MTU allocation failed. 'sfpInvalid (154)' - SFP (Small Formfactor Pluggable) is not Cisco certified. 'sfpAbsent (155)' - SFP (Small Formfactor Pluggable) is absent. 'portCapabilitiesUnknown (156)' - the capabilities of the port are unknown. 'channelErrDisabled (157)' - the port-channel to which the port belongs is in error disabled state. 'vrfMismatch (158)' - Mismatch in source and transport VRF (VPN Routing and Forwarding). 'vrfForwardReferencing (159)' - Forward referencing transport VRF (VPN Routing and Forwarding). 'dupTunnelConfigDetected (160)' - two tunnel interfaces with same configuration is not allowed. 'primaryVLANDown (161)' - primary VLAN is in down state. 'vrfUnusable (162)' - VRF (VPN Routing and Forwarding) is unusable. 'errDisableHandShkFailure (163)' - port is not operational due to an internal handshake failure. 'errDisabledBPDUGuard (164)' - BPDUGuard (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) triggered error disable on the port. 'dot1xSecViolationErrDisabled (165)' - error disabled due to dot1x security violation. 'emptyEchoUDLD (166)' - UDLD (Uni Directional Link Detection) empty echo. 'vfTaggingCapErr (167)' - VF Tagging capability mismatch error. 'portDisabled (168)' - Port disabled. 'tunnelModeNotConfigured (169)' - Tunnel Mode is not configured. 'tunnelSrcNotConfigured (170)' - Tunnel Source is not configured. 'tunnelDstNotConfigured (171)' - Tunnel Destination is not configured. 'tunnelUnableToResolveSrcIP (172)' - Unable to resolve tunnel source IP address. 'tunnelUnableToResolveDstIP (173)' - Unable to resolve tunnel destination IP address. 'tunnelVrfDown (174)' - Tunnel VRF down. 'sifAdminDown (175)' - SIF (Service Information Field) is admin down. 'phyIntfDown (176)' - Physical interface is down. 'ifSifLimitExceeded (177)' - Interface SIF (Service Information Field)limit is exceeded. 'sifHoldDown (178)' - SIF (Service Information Field) hold down. 'noFcoe (179)' - No FCOE (Fibre Channel Over Ethernet) configuration. 'dcxCompatMismatch (180)' - DCX Compatibility Mismatch. 'isolateBundleLimitExceeded (181)' - Isolation due to bundle limit exceeded. 'sifNotBound (182)' - SIF (ervice Information Field) is not bound. 'errDisabledLacpMiscfg (183)' - Error Disabled due to LACP (Link Access Control Protocol) misconfig. 'satFabricIfDown (184)' - Satellite fabric interface down. 'invalidSatFabricIf (185)' - Invalid satellite fabric interface. 'noRemoteChassis (186)' - No remote chassis. 'vicEnableNotReceived (187)' - VIC enable not received. 'vicDisableReceived (188)' - VIC disable received. 'vlanVsanMappingNotEnabled (189)' - VLAN VSAN mapping not enabled. 'stpNotFwdingInFcoeMappedVlan (190)' - STP not forwarding in FCOE Mapped Vlan. 'moduleOffline (191)' - Module Offline. 'udldAggModeLinkFailure (192)' - UDLD (Uni Directional Link Detection) aggresive mode link failure. 'stpInconsVpcPeerDisabled (193)' - STP inconsistent VPC (Virtual Port Channel) peer disabled. 'setPortStateFailed (194)' - Set port state failed. 'suspendedByVpc (195)' - Suspended by VPC (Virtual Port Channel). 'vpcCfgInProgress (196)' - VPC (Virtual Port Channel) configuration in progress. 'vpcPeerLinkDown (197)' - VPC (Virtual Port Channel) peer link down. 'vpcNoRspFromPeer (198)' - VPC (Virtual Port Channel) no response from peer. 'protoPortSuspend (199)' - Proto port suspend. 'tunnelSrcDown (200)' - Tunnel source down. 'cdpInfoUnavailable (201)' - CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) information unavailable. 'fexSfpInvalid (202)' - FEX (Fabric Extender) SFP (Small Formfactor Pluggable) invalid. 'errDisabledIpConflict (203)' - Error Disabled due to IP conflict. 'fcotClkRateMismatch (204)' - FCOT CLK rate mismatch. 'portGuardTrustSecViolation (205)' - Error disabled due to port guard (Cisco Trusted Security Violation). 'sdpTimeout (206)' - SDP (Secure Device Provisioning) timeout. 'satIncompatTopo (207)' - Satellite incompatible topology. 'waitForFlogi (208)' - Wait for FLOGI. 'satNotConfigured (209)' - Satellite not configured. 'npivNotEnabledInUpstream (210)' - NPIV (N Port Identifier Virtualization) not enabled in upstream. 'vsanMismatchWithUpstreamSwPort (211)' - VSAN mismatch with upstream switch port. 'portGuardBitErrRate (212)' - Error disabled due to port guard (Bit Error Rate). 'portGuardSigLoss (213)' - Error disabled due to port guard (Signal Loss). 'portGuardSyncLoss (214)' - Error disabled due to port guard (Sync Loss). 'portGuardLinkReset (215)' - Error disabled due to port guard (Link Reset). 'portGuardCreditLoss (216)' - Error disabled due to port guard (Credit Loss). 'ipQosMgrPolicyAppFailure (217)' - IP QOS Manager policy application failure. 'pauseRateLimitErrDisabled (218)' - Port error disabled due to pause rate limit condition. 'lstGrpUplinkDown (219)' - EthPM LSTGRP downstream link down due to upstream link down. 'stickyDnLinkFailure (220)' - Port kept in error disabled state due to Link Failure. 'routerMacFailure (221)' - Router MAC failure. 'dcxMultipleMsapIds (222)' - Port error disabled due to multiple MSAP IDs (DCX). 'dcxHundredPdusRcvdNoAck (223)' - Hundred PDUs received without ACK (DCX). 'enmSatIncompatibleUplink (224)' - Satellite Incompatible Uplink. 'enmLoopDetected (225)' - Loop Detected (ENM). 'nonStickyExternallyDisabled (226)' - Disabled by VPD Manager with shut/no shut allowed. 'nonStickyExternallyDisabled (227)' - Sub-group ID not assigned. 'vemUnlicensed (228)' - VEM Unlicensed. 'profileNotFound (229)' - Profile not found. 'nonExistentVlan (230)' - VLAN does not exist. 'vlanInvalidType (231)' - Invalid VLAN type. 'vlanDown (232)' - VLAN down. 'vpcPeerUpgrade (233)' - VPC Peer Upgrade. 'ipQosDcbxpCompatFailure (234)' - IPQOS DCBXP compatibility failure. 'nonCiscoHbaVfTag (235)' - Error Disabled due to Non-Cisco HBA VF Tag. 'domainIdConfigMismatch (236)' - Domain ID config mismatch. 'sfpSpeedMismatch (237)' - SFP (Small Formfactor Pluggable) speed mismatch. 'xcvrInitializing (238)' - Transceiver initializing. 'xcvrAbsent (239)' - Transceiver absent. 'xcvrInvalid (240)' - Transceiver invalid. 'vfcBindingInvalid (241)' - Invalid VFC Binding. 'vlanNotFcoeEnabled (242)' - VLAN down due to FCOE disabled. 'pvlanNativeVlanErr (243)' - Private VLAN Native VLAN error. 'ethL2VlanDown (244)' - Ethernet L2 VLAN down. 'ethIntfInvalidBinding (245)' - Invalid Binding to Ethernet Interface. 'pmonFailure (246)' - PMON Failure. 'l3NotReady (247)' - L3 not ready. 'speedMismatch (248)' - Speed Mismatch. 'flowControlMismatch (249)' - Flow Control Mismatch. 'vdcMode (250)' - VDC mode 'suspendedDueToMinLinks (251)' - Suspended due to Min Links. 'enmPinFailLinkDown (252)' - ENM Pin Fail Link Down. 'inactiveM1PortFpathActiveVlan (253)' - Inactive M1 Port F Path Active VLAN. 'parentPortDown (254)' - Parent Port Down. 'moduleRemoved (255)' - Module Removed. 'corePortMct (256)' - Core Port MCT. 'nonCorePortMct (257)' - Non Core port MCT. 'ficonInorderNotActive (258)'- FICON Inorder Not Active. 'invalidEncapsulation (259)' - Invalid Encapsulation. 'modemLineDeasserted (260)' - Modem line Deasserted. 'ipSecHndshkInProgress (261)' - IP Sec Handshake in progress. 'sfpEthCompliantErr (262)' - Sfp Ethernet compliant error. 'cellularModemUnattached (263)' - Cellular Modem unattached. 'outOfGlblRxBuffers (264)' - Out of Global Rx Buffers. 'sfpFcCompliantErr (265)' - Sfp Fc compliant Error. 'ethIntfNotLicensed (266)' - Ethernet Interface Not Licensed. 'domainIdsInvalid (267)' - Domain IDs Invalid. 'fabricNameInvalid (268)' - Fabric Name Invalid."; } typedef EntLogicalIndexOrZero { type int32 { range "0..2147483647"; } description "This textual convention is an extension of entLogicalIndex. If non-zero, the semantic is same as entLogicalIndex object. If zero, no appropriate entLogicalIndex exists. Any additional semantics must be defined as part of the description of any object which uses this syntax."; } typedef CiscoURLString { type binary { length "1..255"; } description "This textual convention defines the URL string. The Universal Resource Locator(URL). The URL strings are compact string representation for a resource available via internet. This is the address location of the page to load. The string should represent a fully qualifying string with the format 'protocol:/server/page'. In general the string should point to any value that can be saved/loaded. Any limitation for the URL must be defined as part of the description of any object which uses this syntax."; reference "Uniform Resource Locators. RFC 1738."; } typedef CiscoURLStringOrEmpty { type binary { length "0..255"; } description "This textual convention is an extension of CiscoURLString. This extension permits the additional value of empty (zero length) string. The description of any object which uses this syntax must specifically describe the meaning of empty string value."; reference "Uniform Resource Locators. RFC 1738."; } typedef CiscoHTTPResponseStatusCode { type uint32 { range "100..599"; } description "This corresponds to the HTTP Status code. The Status-Code element in HTTP response is a 3-digit integer result code of the attempt to understand and satisfy the HTTP request The Status-Code is intended for use by automata. The first digit of the Status-Code defines the class of response. The last two digits do not have any categorization role. There are 5 values for the first digit: - 1xx: Informational - Request received, continuing process - 2xx: Success - The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted - 3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to complete the request - 4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled - 5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request."; reference "RFC 2616 Section 6.1.1 Status Code and Reason Phrase."; } typedef CvE164Address { type binary { length "1..128"; } description "A UTF-8 string limited to the character set defined for E.164, '0123456789*#,'. Note that represents the double quote which cannot be contained in a SMI description clause. OR An IA5String limited to the character set '0123456789*#,.'"; reference "ITU-T E.164, Q.931 chapter 4.5.10 ITU-H H.225.0 Annex H"; } typedef CiscoVlanList { type binary { length "0..128"; } description "Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight VLANs. The object defined by this textual convention can specify a VLAN range of 1k VLANs in its description. Example: 0 - 1023, 1024 - 2047, etc. The first octet represents the first 8 VLANs of the range of VLANs specified by the object, the second octet represents the next 8 VLANs, etc. When a VLAN range is not specified, a default VLAN range of '0 - 1023' is assumed. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit represents the highest numbered VLAN. Thus, each VLAN of the device is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that VLAN is included in the set of VLANs; the VLAN is not included if its bit has a value of '0'. Note that if the length of this string is less than 128 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size, and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets, to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs."; } typedef CiscoCosList { type bits { bit cos0 { position 0; } bit cos1 { position 1; } bit cos2 { position 2; } bit cos3 { position 3; } bit cos4 { position 4; } bit cos5 { position 5; } bit cos6 { position 6; } bit cos7 { position 7; } } description "Each bit represents a CoS value (0 through 7)."; } typedef CiscoPbbServiceIdentifier { type uint32 { range "1..16777216"; } description "An integer-value which identifies the service instance of the Provider Backbone Bridge frame."; reference "IEEE P802.1ah/D3.3 chapter 9.8, December 2006"; } typedef CiscoBridgeDomain { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } description "An object with this syntax contains a bridge domain number which is used to distinguish between multiple bridge domains. A bridge domain represents a set of (logical) Ethernet segments which are interconnected by 802.1D bridges. 802.1Q allows for a maximum of 4095 VLANs within a bridge domain. Some devices can be connected to multiple bridge domains, e.g., routers with some of their interfaces in one bridge domain and other interfaces in other bridge domain. In such devices, the combination of bridge-domain-number and VLAN-id can be used to uniquely identify any VLAN across all interfaces."; } typedef Cisco2KVlanList { type binary { length "0..256"; } description "Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight VLANs. The object defined by this textual convention can specify a VLAN range of 2k VLANs in its description. Example: 0 - 2047, 2048 - 4095, etc. The first octet represents the first 8 VLANs of the range of VLANs specified by the object, the second octet represents the next 8 VLANs, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN, and the least significant bit represents the highest numbered VLAN. Thus, each VLAN of the device is represented by a single bit within the value of this object. If that bit has a value of '1' then that VLAN is included in the set of VLANs; the VLAN is not included if its bit has a value of '0'. Note that if the length of this string is less than 256 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain the value zero. An NMS may omit any zero-valued octets from the end of this string in order to reduce SetPDU size, and the agent may also omit zero-valued trailing octets, to reduce the size of GetResponse PDUs."; } typedef CiscoInterfaceIndexList { type binary { length "0..256"; } description "This textual convention contains a list of ifIndex values. Each ifIndex value is represented by four octets. Every set of four octets represents a value of an instance of ifIndex object, defined in IF-MIB, corresponding to a particular interface. For example, the first octet to the fourth octet represent a value of the instance of ifIndex object for the first interface in the list. The fifth octet to the eighth octet represent a value of the instance of ifIndex object for the second interface in the list. Up to 64 interfaces can be represented by this textual convention."; } typedef CiscoVrfName { type binary { length "0..32"; } description "The name of the Virtual Private Network Routing and Forwarding (VRF) domain. Semantics of a zero length CiscoVrfName are object-specific and must be defined as part of the description of any object which uses this syntax."; } typedef CiscoEntityIndexList { type binary { length "0..256"; } description "This text convention contains a list of entPhysicalIndex values. Each entPhysicalIndex value is represented by four octets. Every set of four octets represents a value of an instance of entPhysicalIndex object, defined in ENTITY-MIB, corresponding to a particular physical entity. For example, the first octet to the fourth octet represents a value of the instance of entPhysicalIndex object for the first physical entity in the list. The fifth octet to the eighth octet represents a value of the instance of entPhysicalIndex object for the second physical entity in the list. Up to 64 physical entities can be represented by this textual convention."; } } // module CISCO-TC
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