The Sonet APS line failure code - this is the failure
encountered by the APS line.
csApsChannelMismatch: Transmitted K1 byte and
received K2 byte do not match.
csApsProtectionByteFail: It could mean either K1 byte
with invalid type of switch
request bits was received, or,
priority of received K1 byte
is lower than the transmitted
K1 byte.
csApsFEProtectionFailure: Remote end error detected.
csApsModeMismatch: APS architecture mode mismatch.
The indication of the APS line failure status with a bit
map representing multiple failures.
noApsLineFailure bit indicates current failure status.
This bit should be set ONLY if no other bit is set.
csApsChannelMismatchBit is set when the APS line is in
csApsProtectionByteFailBit is set when the APS line is
in csApsProtectionByteFail failure code.
csApsFEProtectionFailureBit is set when the APS line is
in csApsFEProtectionFailure.
csApsModeMismatchBit is set when the APS line is in
The reason why APS switch happened. When the working
line on one end fails, its other end is told to do
an APS switch. The following options in the increasing
order of priority indicate what type of switch request
it is.
csApsRevertive : Switch back to working line after the
Wait-to-Restore interval is over, and failures are
cleared. It is the lowest priority.
csApsManual : Manual switch causes APS switch unless a
request of equal or higher priority is in effect.
csApsSignalDefectLow : Switch happened because threshold
for 'csApsSigFaultBER' was exceeded.
csApsSignalDefectHigh : Same as above, but higher priority.
csApsSignalFailureLow : Switch happened because threshold
for 'csApsSigDegradeBER' was exceeded.
csApsSignalFailureHigh : Same as above, but higher
csApsForceSwitch : Forced switch forces hardware to switch
the active line even if the other line (could be
working line or protection line) is in alarm.
csApsLockOut : This is the highest priority switch. This
will override all other requests.
csApsNoSwitch : This is a state when no switch happens.