This MIB module defines a MIB which provides mechanisms to monitor an NTP server. The MIB is derived from the Technical Report ...

Typedef Base type Abstract
NTPAssocIdentifier int32 The association identifier of the peer. Every peer with which an NTP server is associated with is identified by an association identifier.
NTPLeapIndicator enumeration This is a two-bit code warning of an impending leap second to be inserted in the NTP timescale. The bits are set before 23:59 on the day of insertion and reset after 00:00 on the following day. This causes the number of seconds (rollover interval) in the day of insertion to be increased or decreased by one. The two bits are coded as below, 00, no warning 01, last minute has 61 seconds 10, last minute has 59 seconds 11, alarm condition (clock not synchronized)
NTPPollInterval int32 The minimum interval between transmitted NTP messages, in seconds as a power of two. For instance, a value of six indicates a minimum interval of 64 seconds.
NTPRefId binary The reference clock identifier. In the case of stratum 0 (unspecified) or stratum 1 (primary reference source), this is a four-octet, left-justified, zero-padded ASCII string as defined in RFC-1305. In the case of stratum 2 and greater (secondary reference) this is the four-octet Internet address of the peer selected for synchronization. Some examples of stratum 0 identifiers are, DCN, DCN routing protocol NIST, NIST public modem TSP, TSP time protocol DTS, Digital Time Service Some examples of stratum 1 identifiers are, ATOM, Atomic clock (calibrated) VLF, VLF radio (OMEGA,, etc.) LORC, LORAN-C radionavigation GOES, GOES UHF environment satellite GPS, GPS UHF satellite positioning
NTPSignedTimeValue binary The time in seconds that could represent signed quantities like time delay with respect to some source. This textual-convention is specific to Cisco implementation of NTP where 32-bit integers are used for such quantities. The signed integer part is in the first 16 bits and the fraction part is in the last 16 bits.
NTPStratum int32 Indicates the stratum of the clock. The stratum defines the accuracy of a time server. Higher the stratum, lower the accuracy. 0, unspecified 1, primary reference (e.g., calibrated atomic clock, radio clock) 2-255, secondary reference (via NTP)
NTPTimeStamp binary NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsigned fixed-point number, in seconds relative to 00:00 on 1 January 1900. The integer part is in the first 32 bits and the fraction part is in the last 32 bits.
NTPUnsignedTimeValue binary The time in seconds that could represent unsigned quantities like maximum error of the local clock with respect to some source. This textual-convention is specific to Cisco implementation of NTP where 32-bit integers are used for such quantities. The unsigned integer part is in the first 16 bits and the fraction part is in the last 16 bits.

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