Specifies the IP SLA codec type to be used with the UDP
jitter operation. The following codec types are defined:
notApplicable(0) - no CodecType is defined
g711ulaw(1) - uses G.711 U Law 64000 bps
g711alaw(2) - uses G.711 A Law 64000 bps
g729a(3) - uses G.729 8000 bps
Specifies the type of IP SLA operation to be performed.
icmpEcho(1) - The value 'icmpEcho' will cause the
IP SLA application to perform a timed
ICMP echo request/response operation.
udpEcho(2) - The value 'udpEcho' will cause the IP SLA
application to perform a timed udp packet
send/receive operation.
tcpConnect(3) - The value 'tcpConnect' will cause the IP
SLA application to perform a timed TCP
connect operation.
udpJitter(4) - The value 'udpjitter' will cause the IP
SLA application to perform delay variance
analysis using UDP timestamp packets.
icmpjitter(5) - The value 'icmpjitter' will cause the IP
SLA application to perform delay variance
analysis using ICMP timestamp packets.
The following are specific reaction variables for an
IP SLA operation to react upon:
rtt(1) - Round Trip Time
jitterSDAvg(2) - Jitter average from source to
jitterDSAvg(3) - Jitter average from destination
to source
packetLossSD(4) - Packet loss from source to
packetLossDS(5) - Packet loss from destination
to source
mos(6) - Mean Opinion Score
timeout(7) - Timeout of the operation
connectionLoss(8) - Connection failed to the destination
verifyError(9) - Data corruption occurs
jitterAvg(10) - Jitter average in both directions
icpif(11) - Calculated Planning Impairment Factor
packetMIA(12) - Missed packets in operation
packetLateArrival(13) - Packets arriving late
packetOutOfSequence(14) - Packets arriving out of sequence
maxOfPositiveSD(15) - Maximum positive jitter from
source to destination
maxOfNegativeSD(16) - Maximum negative jitter from
source to destination
maxOfPositiveDS(17) - Maximum positive jitter from
destination to source
maxOfNegativeDS(18) - Maximum negative jitter from
destination to source.
successivePacketLoss(19)- Successive packet dropped
maxOfLatencyDS(20) - Maximum Latency from
Destination to Source
maxOfLatencySD(21) - Maximum Latency from Source
to Destination
latencyDSAvg(22) - Latency average from Destination
to Source
latencySDAvg(23) - Latency average from Source
to Destination
packetLoss(24) - Packets loss in both directions