This module contains definitions for the Calvados model objects. Copyright (c) 2012-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights rese...
Version: 2003-11-24
module CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix CISCO_ENTITY_FRU_CONTROL_MIB; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import tailf-common { prefix tailf; } import SNMPv2-TC { prefix SNMPv2-TC; } import INET-ADDRESS-MIB { prefix INET-ADDRESS-MIB; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-sysadmin-entity-mib { prefix ENTITY-MIB; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains definitions for the Calvados model objects. Copyright (c) 2012-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2003-11-24"; tailf:id ""; tailf:snmp-mib-module-name "CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB"; container CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB { container cefcFRUPower { tailf:snmp-oid ""; config false; leaf cefcMaxDefaultInLinePower { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type cefcMaxDefaultInLinePowerType; default "12500"; } leaf cefcMaxDefaultHighInLinePower { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type uint32; } } // container cefcFRUPower container cefcMIBNotificationEnables { tailf:snmp-oid ""; config false; leaf cefcMIBEnableStatusNotification { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type SNMPv2-TC:TruthValue; default "false"; } } // container cefcMIBNotificationEnables container cefcFRUPowerSupplyGroupTable { config false; list cefcFRUPowerSupplyGroupEntry { tailf:sort-order "snmp"; tailf:snmp-oid ""; key "entPhysicalIndex"; leaf entPhysicalIndex { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type ENTITY-MIB:PhysicalIndex; } leaf cefcPowerRedundancyMode { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type PowerRedundancyType; } leaf cefcPowerUnits { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type string { length "0 .. 255"; } config false; } leaf cefcTotalAvailableCurrent { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type FRUCurrentType; config false; } leaf cefcTotalDrawnCurrent { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type FRUCurrentType; config false; } leaf cefcPowerRedundancyOperMode { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type PowerRedundancyType; config false; } } // list cefcFRUPowerSupplyGroupEntry } // container cefcFRUPowerSupplyGroupTable container cefcFRUPowerStatusTable { config false; list cefcFRUPowerStatusEntry { tailf:sort-order "snmp"; tailf:snmp-oid ""; key "entPhysicalIndex"; leaf entPhysicalIndex { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type ENTITY-MIB:PhysicalIndex; } leaf cefcFRUPowerAdminStatus { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type PowerAdminType; config false; } leaf cefcFRUPowerOperStatus { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type PowerOperType; config false; } leaf cefcFRUCurrent { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type FRUCurrentType; config false; } } // list cefcFRUPowerStatusEntry } // container cefcFRUPowerStatusTable container cefcFRUPowerSupplyValueTable { config false; list cefcFRUPowerSupplyValueEntry { tailf:sort-order "snmp"; tailf:snmp-oid ""; key "entPhysicalIndex"; leaf entPhysicalIndex { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type ENTITY-MIB:PhysicalIndex; } leaf cefcFRUTotalSystemCurrent { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type FRUCurrentType; } leaf cefcFRUDrawnSystemCurrent { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type FRUCurrentType; } leaf cefcFRUTotalInlineCurrent { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type FRUCurrentType; } leaf cefcFRUDrawnInlineCurrent { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type FRUCurrentType; } } // list cefcFRUPowerSupplyValueEntry } // container cefcFRUPowerSupplyValueTable container cefcModuleTable { config false; list cefcModuleEntry { tailf:sort-order "snmp"; tailf:snmp-oid ""; key "entPhysicalIndex"; leaf entPhysicalIndex { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type ENTITY-MIB:PhysicalIndex; } leaf cefcModuleAdminStatus { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type ModuleAdminType; config false; } leaf cefcModuleOperStatus { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type ModuleOperType; config false; } leaf cefcModuleResetReason { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type ModuleResetReasonType; config false; } leaf cefcModuleStatusLastChangeTime { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type yang:timestamp; config false; } leaf cefcModuleLastClearConfigTime { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type yang:timestamp; config false; } leaf cefcModuleResetReasonDescription { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type string { length "0 .. 255"; } config false; } leaf cefcModuleStateChangeReasonDescr { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type string { length "0 .. 255"; } config false; } leaf cefcModuleUpTime { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type FRUTimeSeconds; config false; } } // list cefcModuleEntry } // container cefcModuleTable container cefcIntelliModuleTable { config false; list cefcIntelliModuleEntry { tailf:sort-order "snmp"; tailf:snmp-oid ""; key "entPhysicalIndex"; config false; leaf entPhysicalIndex { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type ENTITY-MIB:PhysicalIndex; } leaf cefcIntelliModuleIPAddrType { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type INET-ADDRESS-MIB:InetAddressType; config false; } leaf cefcIntelliModuleIPAddr { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type INET-ADDRESS-MIB:InetAddress; config false; } } // list cefcIntelliModuleEntry } // container cefcIntelliModuleTable container cefcFanTrayStatusTable { config false; list cefcFanTrayStatusEntry { tailf:sort-order "snmp"; tailf:snmp-oid ""; key "entPhysicalIndex"; config false; leaf entPhysicalIndex { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type ENTITY-MIB:PhysicalIndex; } leaf cefcFanTrayOperStatus { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type cefcFanTrayOperStatusType; config false; } } // list cefcFanTrayStatusEntry } // container cefcFanTrayStatusTable container cefcPhysicalTable { config false; list cefcPhysicalEntry { tailf:sort-order "snmp"; tailf:snmp-oid ""; key "entPhysicalIndex"; config false; leaf entPhysicalIndex { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type ENTITY-MIB:PhysicalIndex; } leaf cefcPhysicalStatus { tailf:snmp-oid ""; type cefcPhysicalStatusType; config false; } } // list cefcPhysicalEntry } // container cefcPhysicalTable } // container CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB typedef PowerRedundancyType { type enumeration { enum "notsupported" { value 1; } enum "redundant" { value 2; } enum "combined" { value 3; } } } typedef PowerAdminType { type enumeration { enum "on" { value 1; } enum "off" { value 2; } enum "inlineAuto" { value 3; } enum "inlineOn" { value 4; } } } typedef PowerOperType { type enumeration { enum "offEnvOther" { value 1; } enum "on" { value 2; } enum "offAdmin" { value 3; } enum "offDenied" { value 4; } enum "offEnvPower" { value 5; } enum "offEnvTemp" { value 6; } enum "offEnvFan" { value 7; } enum "failed" { value 8; } enum "onButFanFail" { value 9; } } } typedef FRUCurrentType { type int32 { range "-1000000000 .. 1000000000"; } } typedef ModuleAdminType { type enumeration { enum "enabled" { value 1; } enum "disabled" { value 2; } enum "reset" { value 3; } enum "outOfServiceAdmin" { value 4; } } } typedef ModuleOperType { type enumeration { enum "unknown" { value 1; } enum "ok" { value 2; } enum "disabled" { value 3; } enum "okButDiagFailed" { value 4; } enum "boot" { value 5; } enum "selfTest" { value 6; } enum "failed" { value 7; } enum "missing" { value 8; } enum "mismatchWithParent" { value 9; } enum "mismatchConfig" { value 10; } enum "diagFailed" { value 11; } enum "dormant" { value 12; } enum "outOfServiceAdmin" { value 13; } enum "outOfServiceEnvTemp" { value 14; } enum "poweredDown" { value 15; } enum "poweredUp" { value 16; } enum "powerDenied" { value 17; } enum "powerCycled" { value 18; } enum "okButPowerOverWarning" { value 19; } enum "okButPowerOverCritical" { value 20; } enum "updatingFPD" { value 21; } } } typedef ModuleResetReasonType { type enumeration { enum "unknown" { value 1; } enum "powerUp" { value 2; } enum "parityError" { value 3; } enum "clearConfigReset" { value 4; } enum "manualReset" { value 5; } enum "watchDogTimeoutReset" { value 6; } enum "resourceOverflowReset" { value 7; } enum "missingTaskReset" { value 8; } enum "lowVoltageReset" { value 9; } enum "controllerReset" { value 10; } enum "systemReset" { value 11; } enum "switchoverReset" { value 12; } enum "upgradeReset" { value 13; } enum "downgradeReset" { value 14; } enum "cacheErrorReset" { value 15; } enum "deviceDriverReset" { value 16; } enum "softwareExceptionReset" { value 17; } enum "restoreConfigReset" { value 18; } enum "abortRevReset" { value 19; } enum "burnBootReset" { value 20; } enum "standbyCdHealthierReset" { value 21; } enum "nonNativeConfigClearReset" { value 22; } enum "memoryProtectionErrorReset" { value 23; } } } typedef FRUTimeSeconds { type uint32 { range "0 .. 4294967295"; } } typedef cefcMaxDefaultInLinePowerType { type int32 { range "0 .. 12500"; } } typedef cefcFanTrayOperStatusType { type enumeration { enum "unknown" { value 1; } enum "up" { value 2; } enum "down" { value 3; } enum "warning" { value 4; } } } typedef cefcPhysicalStatusType { type enumeration { enum "other" { value 1; } enum "supported" { value 2; } enum "unsupported" { value 3; } enum "incompatible" { value 4; } } } } // module CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB
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