This MIB module defines Textual Conventions and OBJECT-IDENTITIES for use in documents defining management information base (MIB...

  • Version: 2005-09-30


      module CISCO-CEF-TC {
        yang-version 1;
        prefix CISCO-CEF-TC;
        import ietf-yang-smiv2 {
          prefix smiv2;
        organization "Cisco Systems, Inc.";
          "Postal: Cisco Systems, Inc.
        170 West Tasman Drive
        San Jose, CA 95134-1706
        Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
          "This MIB module defines Textual Conventions and
        OBJECT-IDENTITIES for use in documents defining
        management information base (MIBs) modules for 
        managing Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF).";
        revision "2005-09-30" {
            "Initial version of this MIB module.";
        smiv2:alias "ciscoCefTextualConventions" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        typedef CefIpVersion {
          type enumeration {
            enum "ipv4" {
              value 1;
            enum "ipv6" {
              value 2;
            "The version of CEF IP forwarding.";
        typedef CefAdjLinkType {
          type enumeration {
            enum "ipv4" {
              value 1;
            enum "ipv6" {
              value 2;
            enum "mpls" {
              value 3;
            enum "raw" {
              value 4;
            enum "unknown" {
              value 5;
            "Link type for the adjacency. The adjacency link type 
          identifies protocol stack on neighbour device which will 
          process packets fed through adjacency.";
        typedef CefAdjacencySource {
          type bits {
            bit atom {
              position 0;
            bit linkRawAdj {
              position 1;
            bit ipPseudowireAdj {
              position 2;
            bit arp {
              position 3;
            bit p2pAdj {
              position 4;
            bit frMap {
              position 5;
            bit atmPVC {
              position 6;
            bit atmSVC {
              position 7;
            bit atmTVC {
              position 8;
            bit nbma {
              position 9;
            bit mpoa {
              position 10;
            bit atmBundle {
              position 11;
            bit lec {
              position 12;
            bit nhrp {
              position 13;
            bit ipv6ND {
              position 14;
            bit cmcc {
              position 15;
            bit ipv6SixtoFourTunnel {
              position 16;
            bit ipv6IsaTapTunnel {
              position 17;
            bit ipv6AutoTunnel {
              position 18;
            bit fibLc {
              position 19;
            bit virtual {
              position 20;
            bit multicast {
              position 21;
            bit unknown {
              position 22;
            "The mechanism by which the adjacency is learned.
          As the mechanism of learning the adjacency can be
          multiple (e.g. 'arp' and 'atmPVC'), hence the 
          value of this object represents the bit mask of
          adjacency sources.";
        typedef CefPathType {
          type enumeration {
            enum "receive" {
              value 1;
            enum "connectedPrefix" {
              value 2;
            enum "attachedPrefix" {
              value 3;
            enum "attachedHost" {
              value 4;
            enum "attachedNexthop" {
              value 5;
            enum "recursiveNexthop" {
              value 6;
            enum "adjacencyPrefix" {
              value 7;
            enum "specialPrefix" {
              value 8;
            enum "unknown" {
              value 9;
            "Type of the CEF Path.
          receive(1)          : path for the address
                                configured on any of the
                                interface in the device.
          connectedPrefix(2)  : connected prefix path
          attachedPrefix(3)   : attached prefix path
          attachedHost(4)     : attached host path 
          attachedNexthop(5)  : attached next hop path
          recursiveNexthop(6) : recursive next hop path
          adjacencyPrefix(7)  : adjacency prefix path
          specialPrefix(8)    : special prefix path
          unknown(9):         : unknown  path
        typedef CefPrefixSearchState {
          type enumeration {
            enum "running" {
              value 1;
            enum "matchFound" {
              value 2;
            enum "noMatchFound" {
              value 3;
            "The state of prefix search operation. 
          The description of each state is given below:
            running(1)      : this state signifies that a prefix 
                              search request is running.
            matchFound(2)   : this state signifies that a prefix 
                              search request is completed and a prefix
                              match has been found.
            noMatchFound(3) : this state signifies that a prefix 
                              search request is completed and a prefix
                              match has not been found.";
        typedef CefForwardingElementSpecialType {
          type enumeration {
            enum "illegal" {
              value 1;
            enum "punt" {
              value 2;
            enum "drop" {
              value 3;
            enum "discard" {
              value 4;
            enum "null" {
              value 5;
            enum "glean" {
              value 6;
            enum "unresolved" {
              value 7;
            enum "noRoute" {
              value 8;
            enum "none" {
              value 9;
            "Type of special forwarding element 
          illegal(1)   : illegal special forwarding element.
                         the packet will be dropped.
          punt(2)      : the packet will be punted to the
                         next switching path
          drop(3)      : not supported for Destination IP to next hop
                         interface and the packet will be dropped
          discard(4)   : the packet is for Destination IP through
                         next hop interface and it will be discarded
          null(5)      : the packet is for Destination IP to null0,
                         it will be dropped
          glean(6)     : an attempt will be made to complete the
                         encapsulation string through address 
          unResolved(7): unresolved forwarding element.
                         the packet will be dropped unconditionally. 
          noRoute(8)   : no route forwarding element.
                         This forwarding element will result
                         in rate limited punts to the next
                         switching path(to generate ICMP 
                         no route message) 
          none(9)      : not a special forwarding element and
                         the value of this object should be
                         ignored ";
        typedef CefMplsLabelList {
          type binary {
            length "0..255";
            "This contains a list of MPLS Labels, 
          each separated by the ';' (semi-colon) character.  
          MPLS Label values are in accordance with the
          MplsLabel TEXTUAL-CONVENTION defined in the
          The following is en example containing two MPLS labels: 
          An empty string value for this object indicates
          no MPLS Labels in this list. ";
        typedef CefAdminStatus {
          type enumeration {
            enum "enabled" {
              value 1;
            enum "disabled" {
              value 2;
            "Admin status of CEF. The admin status of CEF
          may differ from the oper status of CEF depending
          upon the success of the admin operation.";
        typedef CefOperStatus {
          type enumeration {
            enum "up" {
              value 1;
            enum "down" {
              value 2;
            "Operational status of CEF.";
        typedef CefFailureReason {
          type enumeration {
            enum "none" {
              value 1;
            enum "mallocFailure" {
              value 2;
            enum "hwFailure" {
              value 3;
            enum "keepaliveFailure" {
              value 4;
            enum "noMsgBuffer" {
              value 5;
            enum "invalidMsgSize" {
              value 6;
            enum "internalError" {
              value 7;
            "Reason of CEF Failure:
          none(1)                : no failure 
          mallocFailure(2)       : memory allocation failed for CEF
          hwFailure(3)           : hardware interface failure 
                                   for CEF
          keepaliveFailure(4)    : keepalive was not received from 
                                   the CEF peer entity
          noMsgBuffer(5)         : message buffers were exhausted 
                                   while preparing IPC message to be 
                                   sent to the CEF peer entity
          invalidMsgSize(6)      : IPC message was received with 
                                   invalid size from the
                                   CEF peer entity
          internalError(7)       : Some other internal error was 
                                   detected for CEF";
        typedef CefCCType {
          type enumeration {
            enum "lcDetect" {
              value 1;
            enum "scanFibLcRp" {
              value 2;
            enum "scanFibRpLc" {
              value 3;
            enum "scanRibFib" {
              value 4;
            enum "scanFibRib" {
              value 5;
            enum "scanFibHwSw" {
              value 6;
            enum "scanFibSwHw" {
              value 7;
            enum "fullScanRibFib" {
              value 8;
            enum "fullScanFibRib" {
              value 9;
            enum "fullScanFibRpLc" {
              value 10;
            enum "fullScanFibLcRp" {
              value 11;
            enum "fullScanFibHwSw" {
              value 12;
            enum "fullScanFibSwHw" {
              value 13;
            "Type of the consistency checker.
          lcDetect         : This is an active consistency checker
                             which is triggered when a packet cannot 
                             be forwarded because the prefix is not
                             in the forwarding table. It Detects 
                             missing prefixes on the linecard CEF 
                             database by sending the missing prefixes 
                             to the RP.
          scanFibLcRp      : This is an passive consistency checker
                             which performs a passive scan check of
                             the table on the line card.
                             This consistency checker operates on 
                             the line card by examining the FIB table 
                             for a configurable time period and sending 
                             the next n prefixes to the RP. 
          scanFibRpLc      : This is an passive consistency checker
                             which performs a passive scan check of
                             RP by examining the FIB table for 
                             a configurable period and
                             sending the next n prefixes to the 
                             line card. 
          scanRibFib       : This is an passive consistency checker
                             which compares routing information base 
                             (RIB) to the FIB table at a configurable
                             interval and provides the number of 
                             entries missing from the FIB table. 
          scanFibRib       : This is an passive consistency checker
                             which compares FIB Tables to the 
                             routing information base (RIB) 
                             at a configurable interval and provides 
                             the number of entries missing from the 
                             FIB table. 
          scanFibHwSw      : This is an passive consistency checker
                             which compares FIB Tables in hardware
                             to the FIB Tables in RP.
          scanFibSwHw      : This is an passive consistency checker
                             which compares FIB Tables in RP
                             to the FIB Tables in hardware.
          fullScanRibFib   : This is an active consistency checker
                             which is triggered by Management Station 
                             request. It compares the entire routing 
                             information base (RIB) to the FIB table
                             and provide the number of entries missing
                              from the FIB Table.
          fullScanFibRib   : This is an active consistency checker
                             which is triggered by Management Station 
                             request. It compares the FIB table to the 
                             routing information base (RIB)
                             and provide the number of entries missing
                             from the FIB Table.
          fullScanFibRpLc  : This is an active consistency checker
                             which is triggered by Management Station 
                             request. It compares the RP FIB Table 
                             with FIB Table on each LC and report 
          fullScanFibLcRp  : This is an active consistency checker
                             which is triggered by Management Station 
                             request. It compares the Fib Table on LC 
                             with FIB table on RP and report 
          fullScanFibHwSw  : This is an active consistency checker
                             which is triggered by Management Station 
                             request. It compares the Fib Table in 
                             hardware with FIB table in RP and report 
          fullScanFibSwHw  : This is an active consistency checker
                             which is triggered by Management Station 
                             request. It compares the Fib Table in RP 
                             with FIB table in hardware and report 
        typedef CefCCAction {
          type enumeration {
            enum "ccActionStart" {
              value 1;
            enum "ccActionAbort" {
              value 2;
            enum "ccActionNone" {
              value 3;
            "The action to be performed for the consistency
            ccActionStart(1)   :  start the Consistency checker
            ccActionAbort(2)   :  abort the Consistency checker 
                                  operation. After aborting, the 
                                  active process must recover. 
                                  This can take some time, and 
                                  during this period, the scan 
                                  cannot be restarted.
            ccActionNone(3)    :  no operation is being performed 
                                  on consistency checkers.";
        typedef CefCCStatus {
          type enumeration {
            enum "ccStatusIdle" {
              value 1;
            enum "ccStatusRunning" {
              value 2;
            enum "ccStatusDone" {
              value 3;
            "The status of consistency checker operation. 
          The description of each state is given below:
            ccStatusIdle(1)    :  this state signifies that
                                  no consistency checker request
                                  is being performed.
            ccStatusRunning(2) :  this state signifies that 
                                  consistency checker request is 
                                  in progress.
            ccStatusDone(3)     : this state signifies that 
                                  consistency checker request is 
        typedef CefOctetString {
          type string {
            smiv2:display-hint "255o";
            "Used instead of SnmpAdminString
          from SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB. Does not
          force DISPLAY-HINT 255t";
      }  // module CISCO-CEF-TC

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