This is the MIB module for the support of Channel Bonding Protocol for the Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS). Wideband DOCS...

  • Version: 2011-01-05


        yang-version 1;
        import DOCS-IF-MIB {
          prefix docs-if;
        import ENTITY-MIB {
          prefix entity-mib;
        import IF-MIB {
          prefix if-mib;
        import INET-ADDRESS-MIB {
          prefix inet-address;
        import SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB {
          prefix snmp-framework;
        import SNMPv2-TC {
          prefix snmpv2-tc;
        import ietf-inet-types {
          prefix inet;
        import ietf-yang-smiv2 {
          prefix smiv2;
        import ietf-yang-types {
          prefix yang;
        organization "Cisco Systems, Inc.";
          "Cisco Systems
        Customer Service
        Postal: Cisco Systems
        170 West Tasman Drive
        San Jose, CA 95134
        Phone:  +1 800 553-NETS
          "This is the MIB module for the support of Channel Bonding
        Protocol for the Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS).
        Wideband DOCSIS is a method of increasing downstream
        bandwidth by simultaneously transmitting DOCSIS data
        over multiple RF channels. This DOCSIS data is
        organized as a sequence of 188-byte MPEG-TS data packets.
        A Wideband CMTS (WCMTS) is a CMTS that also transmits
        Wideband MPEG-TS packets.
        An Edge QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) device is one
        which provides the QAM and used to couple the Wideband MPEG-TS
        packet onto the HFC plant.
        A Wideband Cable Modem (WCM) is a CableModem (CM) that
        is able to receive Wideband MPEG-TS packets.
        A wideband channel or Bonded Group (BG) is a logical
        grouping of one or more physical RF channels over which
        MPEG-TS packets are carried. Wideband channel carries DOCSIS
        bonded packets encapsulated in MPEG-TS packets from a
        WCMTS to one or more WCMs.
        Packets outgoing from WCMTS to the WCM are formatted with
        the DOCSIS Header. The DOCSIS packets are then formatted into
        MPEG-TS data packets. These are 188 byte MPEG packets
        containing the DOCSIS information.
        Within DOCSIS Header of the WB Channel there is an extended
        header called, DOCSIS Bonding Extended Header, the format of
        which is shown below:
        |  ----------------------------------------------------  |
        | |  TYPE | LEN |       BSID           |      SEQ        |
        |  ----------------------------------------------------  |
        | |    byte 0   |     byte 1-2         |    byte 3-4     |
                      DOCSIS Bonding Extended Header
        BSID is the Bonding Service IDentifier, it defines a sequence
        number for a Wideband channel. It is used by the WCM to
        re-sequence packets received over downstream channels to
        maintain packet order. SEQ is per service flow sequence number.
        Whereas TYPE is the type of the Bonding Extended Header and LEN
        specifies its length.
        A Narrowband Channel is a standard DOCSIS downstream channel
        which contains exactly one RF channel.
        The wideband protocol utilizes the existing narrowband
        downstream channel for carrying the MAC management and
        signaling messages and the associated narrowband upstream
        for return data traffic and signaling.
        The channel bonding protocol supports multiple wideband
        bonded groups. This will allow the WCM to listen to multiple
        bonded groups at the same time. This would support (for example)
        multicast video being sent to a CPE device on the LAN side of
        the WCM in addition to standard DOCSIS data.
        Channel Bonding allows two types of Bonding Group (BG) interfaces.
        These are Secondary BG interface and non-Secondary BG
        interface. The Secondary BG interfaces will carry the multicast
        traffic, whereas, the non-Secondary BG interface will carry the
        non-multicast traffic.
        This MIB also allows for configuration of the RF channels
        on the WCMTS, as well as the association between the RF and
        narrowband downstream channels with the BG channel.
        Fiber Node is an optical node which terminates the fiber based
        downstream signal as an electrical signal onto a coaxial RF cable.
        DEPI:  Downstream external physical interface. 
        TSID:  MPEG2 Transport Stream ID.
        SFP:   Small Form-Factor Pluggable.";
        revision "2011-01-05" {
            "Added ccwbWidebandObjGroupSup2 and ccwbWidebandNotifGroup.";
        revision "2010-07-15" {
            "Added ccwbWidebandObjGroupRev1.
          Deprecated ccwbWidebandObjGroup.";
        revision "2008-12-03" {
            "Added ccwbRFChannelUtilization and ccwbRFChanUtilInterval.";
        revision "2006-06-06" {
            "Initial version of this MIB module.";
        smiv2:alias "ccwbRFChannelQamTable" {
          description "This table contains information of the external edge QAM
    which provide the physical RF channels which are available
    to the wideband channels.";
          smiv2:oid "";
        smiv2:alias "ccwbRFChannelQamEntry" {
          description "An entry provides a list of attributes for a single
    RF channel which can be physically present on an external
    edge QAM device.
    An entry in this table exists for each configured
    RF channel on the WCMTS module that provides the
    wideband DOCSIS functionality.";
          smiv2:oid "";
        smiv2:alias "ciscoCableWidebandMIB" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        smiv2:alias "ciscoCableWidebandMIBNotifs" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        smiv2:alias "ciscoCableWidebandMIBObjects" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        smiv2:alias "ciscoCableWidebandMIBConform" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        smiv2:alias "ciscoCableWidebandMIBCompliances" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        smiv2:alias "ciscoCableWidebandMIBGroups" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        container CISCO-CABLE-WIDEBAND-MIB {
          config false;
          container ciscoCableWidebandMIBObjects {
            smiv2:oid "";
            leaf ccwbRFChanUtilInterval {
              smiv2:defval "0";
              smiv2:max-access "read-write";
              smiv2:oid "";
              type uint32 {
                range "0..86400";
              units "seconds";
                "The time interval in seconds over which the RF channels
              utilization index is calculated. All RF channels use the
              same interval.
              Setting a value of zero disables utilization reporting.
              This value should be persisted accross CMTS
            leaf ccwbSFPLinkTrapEnable {
              smiv2:max-access "read-write";
              smiv2:oid "";
              type int32 {
                range "0..1";
                "This object specifies whether ccwbSFPLinkDownNotification and
              ccwbSFPLinkUpNotification are generated.";
          }  // container ciscoCableWidebandMIBObjects
          container ccwbRFChannelTable {
            smiv2:oid "";
              "This table contains attributes of the physical
            RF channels. MPEG-TS packets are sent across RF
            channels within a wideband channel.
            These physical RF channels might be present on a
            different system but the WCMTS entity requires
            the knowledge of that system for its operation.";
            list ccwbRFChannelEntry {
              smiv2:oid "";
              key "entPhysicalIndex ccwbRFChannelNum";
                "An entry provides a list of attributes for a single
              downstream RF channel per WCMTS entity.
              An entry in this table exists for each configured
              RF channel on the WCMTS entity that provides the
              wideband DOCSIS functionality. The index, entPhysicalIndex,
              used here is the physical index of the wideband controller
              card. Since RF channels are considered part of the Wideband
              controller card, hence entPhysicalIndex is used for
              associating RF channels.";
              leaf entPhysicalIndex {
                type leafref {
                  path "/entity-mib:ENTITY-MIB/entity-mib:entPhysicalTable/entity-mib:entPhysicalEntry/entity-mib:entPhysicalIndex";
              leaf ccwbRFChannelNum {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type uint32 {
                  range "0..255";
                  "The WCMTS identification of the RF channel.
                The range of this object is limited to 0-18 in the
                case of annex A/256qam, and 0-23 for Annex B and C.";
              leaf ccwbRFChannelFrequency {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type uint32 {
                  range "0..1000000000";
                units "hertz";
                status deprecated;
                  "The center of the downstream frequency associated with
                this RF channel. The final downstream RF frequency
                may be provided by an edge QAM device or the CMTS itself.
                See the associated compliance object for a description of
                valid frequencies that may be written to this object.
                If the downstream frequency associated with this
                RF channel is greater than the maximum value reportable
                by this object then this object should report its
                maximum value (1,000,000,000) and ccwbRFChannelFrequencyRev1
                must be used to report the downstream frequency.
                This object is deprecated and replaced by
                  "DOCSIS-RFI-SPEC: SP-RFIv1.1-I05-000714, Tables 4-1, 6-14.";
              leaf ccwbRFChannelWidth {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type uint32 {
                  range "0..16000000";
                units "hertz";
                  "The bandwidth of this downstream RF channel. Most
                implementations are expected to support a channel width
                of 6 MHz (North America) and/or 8 MHz (Europe).
                See the associated compliance object for a description of
                the valid channel widths for this object.";
                  "DOCSIS-RFI-SPEC: SP-RFIv1.1-I05-000714, Table 6-14.";
              leaf ccwbRFChannelModulation {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type enumeration {
                  enum "unknownQam" {
                    value 0;
                  enum "qam64" {
                    value 1;
                  enum "qam256" {
                    value 2;
                  enum "qam1024" {
                    value 3;
                  "The modulation type associated with this downstream RF
                channel. See the associated conformance object for write
                conditions an limitations. See the DOCSIS specification
                for specifics on the modulation profiles implied by qam64
                qam256 and qam1024.
                qam64, qam256 and qam1024 are various modulation schemes
                often used in digital cable and cable modem applications.
                The numbers 64/256/1024 in qam represent constellation
                points, which is the measurement of qam transmission
                capability, the higher the number, higher the bits that
                can be transmitted.";
                  "DOCSIS-RFI-SPEC: SP-RFIv1.1-I05-000714, Table 6-14.";
              leaf ccwbRFChannelAnnex {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type enumeration {
                  enum "unknownAnnex" {
                    value 0;
                  enum "annexA" {
                    value 1;
                  enum "annexB" {
                    value 2;
                  enum "annexC" {
                    value 3;
                  "The value of this object indicates the conformance of
                the implementation to important regional cable standards.
                annexA : Annex A from ITU-J83 is used.
                annexB : Annex B from ITU-J83 is used.
                annexC : Annex C from ITU-J83 is used.";
                  "DOCSIS-RFI-SPEC: SP-RFIv1.1-I05-000714, Section 2.2.";
              leaf ccwbRFChannelMpegPkts {
                smiv2:max-access "read-only";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type yang:counter64;
                units "Packets";
                  "The number of MPEG packets transmitted on this RF
              leaf ccwbRFChannelStorageType {
                smiv2:defval "volatile";
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type snmpv2-tc:StorageType;
                  "The storage type for this conceptual row.";
              leaf ccwbRFChannelRowStatus {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type snmpv2-tc:RowStatus;
                  "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this table.
                It can be used for creating and deleting
                entries in this table.
                The ccwbRFChannelAnnex and ccwbRFChannelModulation must
                be valid for a row to be created.";
              leaf ccwbRFChannelUtilization {
                smiv2:max-access "read-only";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type uint32 {
                  range "0..100";
                units "percent";
                  "The calculated and truncated utilization for
                this RF channel over the previous complete measuring
                interval. The configured duration of the measurement
                intervals is defined in the ccwbRFChanUtilInterval object.
                The utilization index is a percentage expressing the
                ratio between bytes used to transmit data versus the
                total number of bytes transmitted in the raw bandwidth
                of the RF channel.";
              leaf ccwbRFChannelFrequencyRev1 {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type uint32 {
                  range "0..1050000000";
                units "hertz";
                  "The center of the downstream frequency associated with
                this RF channel. The final downstream RF frequency
                may be provided by an edge QAM device or the CMTS itself.
                See the associated compliance object for a description of
                valid frequencies that may be written to this object.";
                  "DOCSIS-RFI-SPEC: SP-RFIv1.1-I05-000714, Tables 4-1, 6-14.";
            }  // list ccwbRFChannelEntry
          }  // container ccwbRFChannelTable
          container ccwbWBtoRFMappingTable {
            smiv2:oid "";
              "A wideband channel is a logical grouping of one or more
            physical RF channels over which Wideband MPEG-TS packets
            are carried.
            This table contains association information of the wideband
            channels to the RF channels that are available for the WCMTS.";
            list ccwbWBtoRFMappingEntry {
              smiv2:oid "";
              key "ifIndex entPhysicalIndex ccwbRFChannelNum";
                "An entry provides a list of attributes for a single
              association between a wideband channel and a RF channel.
              An entry in this table exists for each association
              between a wideband channel and RF channel on the WCMTS.
              It is indexed by the ifIndex of the wideband channel
              and entPhysicalIndex and ccwbRFChannelNum which
              represents the RF channel.
              This object may be modified or deleted once they are
              already created.";
              leaf ifIndex {
                type leafref {
                  path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex";
              leaf entPhysicalIndex {
                type leafref {
                  path "/entity-mib:ENTITY-MIB/entity-mib:entPhysicalTable/entity-mib:entPhysicalEntry/entity-mib:entPhysicalIndex";
              leaf ccwbRFChannelNum {
                type leafref {
              leaf ccwbWBtoRFBandwidth {
                smiv2:defval "100";
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type yang:gauge32 {
                  range "1..100";
                units "percent";
                  "The percentage of the RF channel bandwidth allocated
                for this wideband channel.";
              leaf ccwbWBtoRFStorageType {
                smiv2:defval "volatile";
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type snmpv2-tc:StorageType;
                  "The storage type for this conceptual row.";
              leaf ccwbWBtoRFRowStatus {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type snmpv2-tc:RowStatus;
                  "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this table.
                It can be used for creating and deleting
                entries in this table.
                The ccwbWBtoRFBandwidth must be valid for a row to be
                created. When ccwbWBtoRFRowStatus is 'active', the object
                ccwbWBtoRFBandwidth can be modified.";
            }  // list ccwbWBtoRFMappingEntry
          }  // container ccwbWBtoRFMappingTable
          container ccwbWBtoNBMappingTable {
            smiv2:oid "";
              "This table contains information of the mapping
            of the wideband channels to the Narrowband channels
            that are available on the WCMTS.
            The wideband protocol utilizes the existing narrowband
            downstream channel for carrying the MAC management and
            signaling messages and the associated narrowband upstream
            for return data traffic and signaling.";
            list ccwbWBtoNBMappingEntry {
              smiv2:oid "";
              key "ifIndex ccwbWBtoNBifIndexForNB";
                "An entry provides a list of attributes for a
              association between a wideband channel and a narrowband
              An entry in this table exists for each association
              between a wideband channel and narrowband channel on the
              WCMTS. The valid ifType for the ifIndex used here is,
              leaf ifIndex {
                type leafref {
                  path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex";
              leaf ccwbWBtoNBifIndexForNB {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type if-mib:InterfaceIndex;
                  "The ifIndex of the narrowband cable interface
                associated with this wideband channel.";
              leaf ccwbWBtoNBStorageType {
                smiv2:defval "volatile";
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type snmpv2-tc:StorageType;
                  "The storage type for this conceptual row.";
              leaf ccwbWBtoNBRowStatus {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type snmpv2-tc:RowStatus;
                  "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this table.
                It can be used for creating and deleting
                entries in this table. The object ccwbWBtoNBifIndexForNB
                must be valid in order for row to be created.";
            }  // list ccwbWBtoNBMappingEntry
          }  // container ccwbWBtoNBMappingTable
          container ccwbWBBondGrpTable {
            smiv2:oid "";
              "This table provides information about a
            Wideband BG interface, whether its configured
            to carry multicast or non-multicast traffic.
            For multicast the BG interface type is
            Secondary and for non-multicast its non-Secondary.
            Other objects could be added to this later in
            the future.";
            list ccwbWBBondGrpEntry {
              smiv2:oid "";
              key "ifIndex";
                "An entry in this table provides information
              about each Wideband BG interface whose ifType is
              leaf ifIndex {
                type leafref {
                  path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex";
              leaf ccwbWBBondGrpSecondary {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type boolean;
                  "This object has the value 'true(1)' if the WB
                interface(BG) is Seconday and the value
                'false(2)' for non-Secondary.";
            }  // list ccwbWBBondGrpEntry
          }  // container ccwbWBBondGrpTable
          container ccwbWBCmStatusTable {
            smiv2:oid "";
              "This table contains Wideband Cable Modem(WCM) connectivity state.
            A WCM connectivity state can be associated with multiple
            Wideband interfaces.";
            list ccwbWBCmStatusEntry {
              smiv2:oid "";
              key "docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex";
                "Status information for a single Wideband Cable Modem.
              An entry in this table exists for each Wideband Cable Modem
              that is connected to the WCMTS.";
              leaf docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex {
                type leafref {
                  path "/docs-if:DOCS-IF-MIB/docs-if:docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable/docs-if:docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry/docs-if:docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex";
              leaf ccwbWBCmStatusValue {
                smiv2:max-access "read-only";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type enumeration {
                  enum "offline" {
                    value 1;
                  enum "others" {
                    value 2;
                  enum "initRangingRcvd" {
                    value 3;
                  enum "initDhcpReqRcvd" {
                    value 4;
                  enum "onlineNetAccessDisabled" {
                    value 5;
                  enum "onlineKekAssigned" {
                    value 6;
                  enum "onlineTekAssigned" {
                    value 7;
                  enum "rejectBadMic" {
                    value 8;
                  enum "rejectBadCos" {
                    value 9;
                  enum "kekRejected" {
                    value 10;
                  enum "tekRejected" {
                    value 11;
                  enum "online" {
                    value 12;
                  enum "initTftpPacketRcvd" {
                    value 13;
                  enum "initTodRequestRcvd" {
                    value 14;
                  enum "reset" {
                    value 15;
                  enum "rangingInProgress" {
                    value 16;
                  enum "dhcpGotIpAddr" {
                    value 17;
                  enum "rejStaleConfig" {
                    value 18;
                  enum "rejIpSpoof" {
                    value 19;
                  enum "rejClassFail" {
                    value 20;
                  enum "rejRegNack" {
                    value 21;
                  enum "bpiKekExpired" {
                    value 22;
                  enum "bpiTekExpired" {
                    value 23;
                  enum "shutdown" {
                    value 24;
                    "channelChgInitRangingRcvd" {
                    value 25;
                    "channelChgRangingInProgress" {
                    value 26;
                  enum "wbOnline" {
                    value 27;
                  enum "wbOnlinePrivacy" {
                    value 28;
                  enum "wbOnlineKekAssigned" {
                    value 29;
                  enum "wbOnlineTekAssigned" {
                    value 30;
                  enum "wbOnlineNetAccessDis" {
                    value 31;
                  enum "wbKekReject" {
                    value 32;
                  enum "wbTekReject" {
                    value 33;
                  enum "wbNetAccessDisReject" {
                    value 34;
                  enum "wbPrivacyEnabReject" {
                    value 35;
                  enum "wbKekExpire" {
                    value 36;
                  enum "wbTekExpire" {
                    value 37;
                  enum "wbNetAccessDisExpire" {
                    value 38;
                  enum "wbPrivacyEnabExpire" {
                    value 39;
                  "Current WB Cable Modem connectivity state, as specified
                in the RF Interface Specification. Returned status
                information is the WCM status as assumed by the WCMTS,
                and indicates the following events:
                The enumerations are:
                offline(1)                : modem considered offline.
                others(2)                 : states is in
                initRangingRcvd(3)        : modem sent initial ranging.
                initDhcpReqRcvd(4)        : dhcp request received.
                onlineNetAccessDisabled(5): modem registered, but network
                                            access for the WCM is disabled.
                onlineKekAssigned(6)      : modem registered, BPI enabled
                                            and KEK assigned.
                onlineTekAssigned(7)      : modem registered, BPI enabled
                                            and TEK assigned.
                rejectBadMic(8)           : modem did attempt to register
                                            but registration was refused
                                            due to bad mic.
                rejectBadCos(9)           : modem did attempt to register
                                            but registration was refused
                                            due to bad COS.
                kekRejected(10)           : KEK modem key assignment
                tekRejected(11)           : TEK modem key assignment
                online(12)                : modem registered, enabled for
                initTftpPacketRcvd(13)    : tftp packet received and option
                                            file transfer started.
                initTodRquestRcvd(14)     : Time of the Day (TOD) request
                reset(15)                 : modem is resetting.
                rangingInProgress(16)     : initial ranging is in progress.
                dhcpGotIpAddr(17)         : modem has got an IP address
                rejStaleConfig(18)        : modem did attempt to register
                                            but registration was refused
                                            due to stale Config.
                rejIpSpoof(19)            : modem did attempt to register
                                            but registration was refused
                                            due to IP Spoof.
                rejClassFail(20)          : modem did attempt to register
                                            but registration was refused
                                            due to Class failure.
                rejRegNack(21)            : modem did attempt to register
                                            but no acknowledgement was
                bpiKekExpired(22)         : KEK modem key assignment
                bpiTekExpired(23)         : TEK modem key assignment
                shutdown(24)              : modem is in shutdown state.
                channelChgInitRangingRcvd(25)  : modem sent initial ranging
                                                  during channel change.
                channelChgRangingInProgress(26) : initial ranging is in
                                                  progress during channel
                wbOnline(27)               : Wideband modem is online.
                wbOnlinePrivacy(28)        : Wideband modem is online Privacy
                wbOnlineKekAssigned(29)    : Wideband modem is online
                                             and KEK assigned.
                wbOnlineTekAssigned(30)    : Wideband modem is online
                                             and TEK assigned.
                wbOnlineNetAccessDis(31)   : Wideband modem registered but
                                             Network access disabled.
                wbKekReject(32)            : KEK wideband modem key assignment
                wbTekReject(33)            : TEK wideband modem key assignment
                wbNetAccessDisReject(34)   : wideband modem rejected -
                                             Net access disabled.
                wbPrivacyEnabReject(35)    : wideband modem rejected
                                             Privacy enabled.
                wbKekExpire(36)            : KEK Wideband modem key assignment
                wbTekExpire(37)            : TEK wideband modem key assignment
                wbNetAccessDisExpire(38)   : wideband modem expire - Network
                                             access disabled.
                wbPrivacyEnabExpire(39)    : wideband modem expire - Privacy
                This ccwbWBCmStatusValue could return initRangingRcvd(3)
                or rangingInProgress(16) when the ccwbWBCmStatusValue
                is ranging(2).
                This ccwbWBCmStatusValue will return others(2) when the
                ccwbWBCmStatusValue states is either rangingAborted(3),
                rangingComplete(4), and ipComplete(5).
                This ccwbWBCmStatusValue could return wbonline(27), or
                onlineNetAccessDisabled(5) for WCM with BPI disabled, or
                onlineNetAccessDisabled(5) or onlineTekAssigned(7) for
                WCM with BPI enabled, when the ccwbWBCmStatusValue
                is registrationComplete(6).
                This ccwbWBCmStatusValue could return either rejectBadMic(8),
                rejectBadCos(9) rejStaleConfig(19) or rejRegNack(22) when
                the ccwbWBCmStatusValue is accessDenied(7) for possible
                reasons of cable modem registration abort.
                This ccwbWBCmStatusValue could return either onlineKekAssigned(6),
                kekRejected(10), tekRejected(11), or online(12) for the WCM with
                BPI enabled when the ccwbWBCmStatusValue is
                The state rejectBadCos(9) is not applicable for DOCSIS1.1 modems.
                The WCMTS only needs to report states it is able to detect.";
            }  // list ccwbWBCmStatusEntry
          }  // container ccwbWBCmStatusTable
          container ccwbWBCmStatusExtTable {
            smiv2:oid "";
              "An entry in this table exists for each Wideband
            Cable Modem which links to one or more WB interface.";
            list ccwbWBCmStatusExtEntry {
              smiv2:oid "";
              key "docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex ccwbWBCmStatusExtIndex";
                "This entry exists for each Wideband Cable Modem(WCM)
              which links to one or more WB interface.";
              leaf docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex {
                type leafref {
                  path "/docs-if:DOCS-IF-MIB/docs-if:docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable/docs-if:docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry/docs-if:docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex";
              leaf ccwbWBCmStatusExtIndex {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type int32 {
                  range "1..2147483647";
                  "The value of this object uniquely identifies an
                association between a WCM and a BG.";
              leaf ccwbWBCmWBIfindex {
                smiv2:max-access "read-only";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type if-mib:InterfaceIndex;
                  "ifIndex of the wideband channel associated with the WCM.";
            }  // list ccwbWBCmStatusExtEntry
          }  // container ccwbWBCmStatusExtTable
          container ccwbFiberNodeDescrTable {
            smiv2:oid "";
              "This table contains the description of a Fiber Node
            on a CMTS. An entry in this table exists for each
            FiberNode ID.";
            list ccwbFiberNodeDescrEntry {
              smiv2:oid "";
              key "ccwbFiberNodeID";
                "This entry provides the description of each fiber node
              on the CMTS and it is part of the Fiber node configuration.";
              leaf ccwbFiberNodeID {
                type leafref {
              leaf ccwbFiberNodeDescription {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type snmp-framework:SnmpAdminString {
                  length "0..80";
                  "This object contains the user configured
                description string of the fiber node.";
              leaf ccwbFiberNodeDescrStorageType {
                smiv2:defval "volatile";
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type snmpv2-tc:StorageType;
                  "The storage type for this conceptual row.";
              leaf ccwbFiberNodeDescrRowStatus {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type snmpv2-tc:RowStatus;
                  "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this table.
                It can be used for creating and deleting
                entries in this table. ccwbFiberNodeDescription must
                not be null in order for row to be created.";
            }  // list ccwbFiberNodeDescrEntry
          }  // container ccwbFiberNodeDescrTable
          container ccwbFiberNodeTable {
            smiv2:oid "";
              "This table provides configuration information of each Fiber node.
            It will provide topology information of each Fiber node, which
            includes information such as, Narrowband and Wideband QAMs.";
            list ccwbFiberNodeEntry {
              smiv2:oid "";
              key "ccwbFiberNodeID ccwbFiberNodeGlobRFID";
                "An entry in this table exists for each FiberNode ID that is in use.
              It uses two indices, i.e. ccwbFiberNodeID which is the
              Fiber node ID, and ccwbFiberNodeGlobRFID, which is the combined
              bit mask of Narrowband RF channels and Wideband
              leaf ccwbFiberNodeID {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type uint32 {
                  range "1..1000";
                  "This object represents the Fiber node ID.
                Each Fiber node configuration on the CMTS is
                assigned a unique Fiber node ID.";
              leaf ccwbFiberNodeGlobRFID {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type uint32 {
                  range "0..4294967295";
                  "This is the RF ID of both Narrowband and
                Wideband QAMs(rf-channels) combined.";
              leaf ccwbFiberNodeNBIfIndx {
                smiv2:defval "0";
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type if-mib:InterfaceIndexOrZero;
                  "This object represents the Narrowband Ifindex
                of the  RF downstream channel which is part
                of the Fiber node configuation.";
              leaf ccwbFiberNodeWBContlrPhyIndx {
                smiv2:defval "0";
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type entity-mib:PhysicalIndexOrZero;
                  "This object represents the entity physical index of
                Wideband controller card. This card contains the RF
                port which is part of the ccwbFiberNodeGlobRFID
                bit mask. A value of zero means the index is invalid.
                ccwbFiberNodeWBRFPort and ccwbFiberNodeWBContlrPhyIndx
                are mutually inclusive.";
              leaf ccwbFiberNodeWBRFPort {
                smiv2:defval "0";
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type int32 {
                  range "0..1024";
                  "This object represents the RF downstream channel IDs
                (rf-ports) of the wideband controller card.
                Each Wideband controller can have 24 RF channels.
                ccwbFiberNodeWBRFPort and ccwbFiberNodeWBContlrPhyIndx
                are mutually inclusive.";
              leaf ccwbFiberNodeStorageType {
                smiv2:defval "volatile";
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type snmpv2-tc:StorageType;
                  "The storage type for this conceptual row.";
              leaf ccwbFiberNodeRowStatus {
                smiv2:max-access "read-write";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type snmpv2-tc:RowStatus;
                  "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this table.
                It can be used for creating and deleting
                entries in this table.";
            }  // list ccwbFiberNodeEntry
          }  // container ccwbFiberNodeTable
        }  // container CISCO-CABLE-WIDEBAND-MIB
          smiv2:oid "";
            "An entry provides a list of attributes for a single
          RF channel which can be physically present on an external
          edge QAM device.
          An entry in this table exists for each configured
          RF channel on the WCMTS module that provides the
          wideband DOCSIS functionality.";
          leaf ccwbRFChanQamIPAddressType {
            smiv2:defval "ipv4";
            smiv2:max-access "read-write";
            smiv2:oid "";
            type inet-address:InetAddressType;
              "The type of internet address. This object identifies
            the internet address type specified by
            ccwbRFChanQamIPAddress object.";
          leaf ccwbRFChanQamIPAddress {
            smiv2:max-access "read-write";
            smiv2:oid "";
            type inet-address:InetAddress;
              "The IP address of the edge QAM device or the CMTS cable
            interface which provides the physical RF channel.
            The IP address will be of the type represented by
            object ccwbRFChanQamIPAddressType.";
          leaf ccwbRFChanQamMacAddress {
            smiv2:max-access "read-write";
            smiv2:oid "";
            type yang:mac-address;
              "The MAC address of the edge QAM device or next hop router
            which might be present between the WCMTS and the edge QAM.";
          leaf ccwbRFChanQamUdpPort {
            smiv2:max-access "read-write";
            smiv2:oid "";
            type inet:port-number;
              "The port number on the edge QAM associated with
            this RF channel.";
          leaf ccwbRFChanQamTos {
            smiv2:defval "0";
            smiv2:max-access "read-write";
            smiv2:oid "";
            type uint32 {
              range "0..255";
              "The value of the TOS field in the IP header for all
            Ethernet frames destined for the given RF channel.";
          leaf ccwbRFChanQamVlanId {
            smiv2:max-access "read-write";
            smiv2:oid "";
            type uint32 {
              range "0..4095";
              "The VLAN ID to be inserted in the Ethernet frames when
            using 802.1q frames instead of normal 802.1 frames for the
            given RF channel. The value of 0 indicates that 802.1 frames
            are being used and is not supported in setting this object.";
          leaf ccwbRFChanQamPriorityBits {
            smiv2:max-access "read-write";
            smiv2:oid "";
            type uint32 {
              range "0..7";
              "The priority bits used when inserting Ethernet 802.1q VLAN
            tags into the Ethernet frames destined for a given RF
            Priority Bits (0=Best effort, 1=background, 2=spare,
            3=excellent effort, 4=controlled load, 5=video,
            6=voice, 7=network control).";
          leaf ccwbRFChanQamDepiRemoteId {
            smiv2:max-access "read-write";
            smiv2:oid "";
            type uint32 {
              range "0..4294967295";
              "The DEPI remote ID on edge QAM associated with this RF channel.";
          leaf ccwbRFChanQamDepiTunnel {
            smiv2:max-access "read-write";
            smiv2:oid "";
            type snmp-framework:SnmpAdminString {
              length "0..255";
              "This object specifies the name of the DEPI tunnel which determines
            the DEPI data session configuration associated with this RF channel.";
          leaf ccwbRFChanQamTsid {
            smiv2:max-access "read-write";
            smiv2:oid "";
            type uint32 {
              range "0..65535";
              "This object specifies the MPEG2 transport stream ID which is
            associated with this RF channel.";
        notification ccwbSFPLinkDownNotification {
          smiv2:oid "";
            "This notification is generated when link of SFP port is
          lost. entPhysicalName identifies the SFP port.";
          container object-1 {
            leaf entPhysicalIndex {
              type leafref {
                path "/entity-mib:ENTITY-MIB/entity-mib:entPhysicalTable/entity-mib:entPhysicalEntry/entity-mib:entPhysicalIndex";
            leaf entPhysicalName {
              type leafref {
                path "/entity-mib:ENTITY-MIB/entity-mib:entPhysicalTable/entity-mib:entPhysicalEntry/entity-mib:entPhysicalName";
          }  // container object-1
        }  // notification ccwbSFPLinkDownNotification
        notification ccwbSFPLinkUpNotification {
          smiv2:oid "";
            "This notification is generated when link of SFP port is
          up. entPhysicalName identifies the SFP port.";
          container object-1 {
            leaf entPhysicalIndex {
              type leafref {
                path "/entity-mib:ENTITY-MIB/entity-mib:entPhysicalTable/entity-mib:entPhysicalEntry/entity-mib:entPhysicalIndex";
            leaf entPhysicalName {
              type leafref {
                path "/entity-mib:ENTITY-MIB/entity-mib:entPhysicalTable/entity-mib:entPhysicalEntry/entity-mib:entPhysicalName";
          }  // container object-1
        }  // notification ccwbSFPLinkUpNotification
      }  // module CISCO-CABLE-WIDEBAND-MIB

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