This is the MIB Module for Cable Spectrum Management for DOCSIS-compliant Cable Modem Termination Systems (CMTS). Spectrum mana...

Typedef Base type Abstract
CCSFrequency int32 This data type represents the frequency. The unit is in KHz. A range of 5000KHz to 42000KHz is appropriate for a cable plant using a North American Sub-Split channel plan. The spectrum range has been expanded to accommodate an upper edge of 65000KHz for some European channel plans. The spectrum range has been further expanded with DOCSIS 3.0 to an upper edge of 85000KHz.If DOCSIS is extended to cover other types of channel plans (and frequency allocations) this object will be modified accordingly.
CCSMeasuredFrequency int32 This data type represents the actual measured frequency. The unit is in KHz.
CCSRequestOperation enumeration The CCSRequestOperation is used to control various spectrum tests. It has the following defined values: - 'none', initial value at row creation and also indicates test completion; - 'start', which is used to start the test; - 'abort', which is used to abort the test;
CCSRequestOperState enumeration The CCSRequestOperState is used to represent the current test status. It has the following defined values: - 'idle', which indicates the test has not been initiated; - 'pending', which indicates the test is in the pending queue; - 'running', which indicates the test is in process; - 'noError', which indicates the test has completed without error; - 'aborted', which indicates the test was stopped before the test was completed; - 'notOnLine', which indicates the Mac Address is not online; - 'invalidMac', which indicates the Mac Address is not valid; - 'timeOut', which indicates timeout has occurred while receiving data from DSP; - 'fftBusy', which indicates the FFT is busy; - 'fftFailed', which indicates the FFT is failed due to a hardware problem; - 'others', other errors;

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