This MIB Module is a supplement to the CISCO-IETF-ATM2-PVCTRAP-MIB.
Version: 2003-01-20
module CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:smiv2:CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB"; prefix CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB; import ATM-MIB { prefix atm-mib; } import CISCO-IETF-ATM2-PVCTRAP-MIB { prefix cisco-ietf; } import IF-MIB { prefix if-mib; } import ietf-yang-smiv2 { prefix smiv2; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact " Cisco Systems Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This MIB Module is a supplement to the CISCO-IETF-ATM2-PVCTRAP-MIB."; revision "2003-01-20" { description "Initial version of this MIB module."; } smiv2:alias "catmInterfaceExt2Table" { description "This table contains ATM interface monitoring information not defined in the atmInterfaceConfTable from the ATM-MIB and atmInterfaceExtTable CISCO-IETF-ATM2-PVCTRAP-MIB."; smiv2:oid ""; } smiv2:alias "catmInterfaceExt2Entry" { description "An entry extends the atmInterfaceConfEntry defined in ATM MIB. Each entry corresponds to an ATM interface."; smiv2:oid ""; } smiv2:alias "ciscoAtmPvcTrapExtnMIB" { smiv2:oid ""; } smiv2:alias "ciscoAtmPvcTrapExtnMIBObjects" { smiv2:oid ""; } smiv2:alias "cAtmPvcTrapExtnMIBNotifPrefix" { smiv2:oid ""; } smiv2:alias "cAtmPvcTrapExtnMIBNotif" { smiv2:oid ""; } smiv2:alias "ciscoAtmPvcTrapExtnMIBConformance" { smiv2:oid ""; } smiv2:alias "ciscoAtmPvcTrapExtnMIBCompliances" { smiv2:oid ""; } smiv2:alias "ciscoAtmPvcTrapExtnMIBGroups" { smiv2:oid ""; } typedef CatmOAMRecoveryType { type enumeration { enum "catmLoopbackOAMRecover" { value 1; } enum "catmSegmentCCOAMRecover" { value 2; } enum "catmEndCCOAMRecover" { value 4; } enum "catmAISRDIOAMRecover" { value 8; } } description "Enums to indicate different types of OAM recoveries . catmLoopbackOAMRecover - The object in query is Loopback OAM type of recovery. catmSegmentCCOAMRecover - The object in query is Segment CC OAM type of recovery. catmEndCCOAMRecover - The object in query is End-to-End CC OAM type of recovery. catmAISRDIOAMRecover - The object in query is AISRDI OAM type of recovery."; } typedef CatmOAMFailureType { type enumeration { enum "catmLoopbackOAMFailure" { value 1; } enum "catmSegmentCCOAMFailure" { value 2; } enum "catmEndCCOAMFailure" { value 4; } enum "catmAISRDIOAMFailure" { value 8; } } description "Enums to indicate different types of OAM recoveries . catmLoopbackOAMFailure - The object in query is Loopback OAM type of failure. catmSegmentCCOAMFailure - The object in query is Segment CC OAM type of failure. catmEndCCOAMFailure - The object in query is End-to-End CC OAM type of failure. catmAISRDIOAMFailure - The object in query is AISRDI OAM type of failure."; } container CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB { config false; container catmCurStatChangePVclTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating all VCLs for which there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed in the last corresponding PVC notification."; list catmCurStatChangePVclEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi atmVclVci"; description "Each entry in the table represents a VCL for which there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed in the last corresponding PVC notification."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf atmVclVci { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVci"; } } leaf catmPVclStatusTransition { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:counter32; description "The number of state transitions that has happened on this PVCL in the last corresponding notification."; } leaf catmPVclStatusChangeStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state for the first time in the last corresponding notification."; } leaf catmPVclStatusChangeEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp of the last state change of this PVCL in the last corresponding notification."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCStatusTransition { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:counter32; description "The number of state transitions that has happened on this PVCL in the last corresponding notification due to Segment CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCStatusChangeStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state for the first time in the last corresponding notification due to Segment CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCStatusChangeEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp of the last state change of this PVCL in the last corresponding notification due to Segment CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCStatusTransition { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:counter32; description "The number of state transitions that has happened on this PVCL in the last corresponding notification due to End CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCStatusChangeStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state for the first time in the last corresponding notification due to End CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCStatusChangeEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp of the last state change of this PVCL in the last corresponding notification due to End CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIStatusTransition { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:counter32; description "The number of state transitions that has happened on this PVCL in the last corresponding notification due to AIS RDI OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIStatusChangeStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state for the first time in the last corresponding notification due to AIS RDI OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIStatusChangeEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp of the last state change of this PVCL in the last corresponding notification due to AIS RDI OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclCurFailTime { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to DOWN last time in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclPrevRecoverTime { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to UP last time in the previous corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclFailureReason { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type CatmOAMFailureType; description "Type of OAM failure."; } } // list catmCurStatChangePVclEntry } // container catmCurStatChangePVclTable container catmStatusChangePVclRangeTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating more than one VCLs in a consecutive range and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed in the same direction in the last corresponding PVC notification ."; list catmStatusChangePVclRangeEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; description "Each entry in this table represents a range of VCLs and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of 'pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed in the same direction in the last notification interval."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex { smiv2:max-access "not-accessible"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Index to represent different ranges, the first range is indexed by value 0, the second by 1 and so on..."; } leaf catmPVclLowerRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The first PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmVclOperStatus to have changed in the last corresponding notification due to Loopback OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclHigherRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The last PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmOperStatus to have changed in the last corresponding notification due to Loopback OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclRangeStatusChangeStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first PVCL in the range changed state in the last corresponding notification due to Loopback OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclRangeStatusChangeEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last PVCL in the range changed state in the last corresponding notification due to Loopback OAM failure."; } } // list catmStatusChangePVclRangeEntry } // container catmStatusChangePVclRangeTable container catmSegCCStatusChPVclRangeTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating more than one VCLs in a consecutive range and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed due to segment CC failure in the same direction in the last PVC corresponding notification ."; list catmSegCCStatusChPVclRangeEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; description "Each entry in this table represents a range of VCLs and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of 'pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed due to segment CC failure in the same direction in the last corresponding notification ."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex { type leafref { path "/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeTable/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; } } leaf catmPVclSegCCLowerRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The first PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmVclOperStatus to have changed in the last corresponding notification due to Segment CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCHigherRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The last PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmOperStatus to have changed in the last corresponding notification due to Segment CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCRangeStatusChStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first PVCL in the range changed state in the last corresponding notification due to Segment CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCRangeStatusChEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last PVCL in the range changed state in the last corresponding notification due to Segment CC OAM failure."; } } // list catmSegCCStatusChPVclRangeEntry } // container catmSegCCStatusChPVclRangeTable container catmEndCCStatusChPVclRangeTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating more than one VCLs in a consecutive range and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed due to End CC failure in the same direction in the last PVC notification interval."; list catmEndCCStatusChPVclRangeEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; description "Each entry in this table represents a range of VCLs and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of 'pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed due to End CC failure in the same direction in the last corresponding notification ."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex { type leafref { path "/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeTable/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; } } leaf catmPVclEndCCLowerRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The first PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmVclOperStatus to have changed in the last corresponding notification due to End CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCHigherRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The last PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmOperStatus to have changed in the last corresponding notification due to End CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCRangeStatusChStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first PVCL in the range changed state in the last corresponding notification due to End CC OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCRangeStatusChEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last PVCL in the range changed state in the last corresponding notification due to End CC OAM failure."; } } // list catmEndCCStatusChPVclRangeEntry } // container catmEndCCStatusChPVclRangeTable container catmAISRDIStatusChPVclRangeTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating more than one VCLs in a consecutive range and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed due to AIS/RDI failure in the same direction in the last corresponding PVC notification."; list catmAISRDIStatusChPVclRangeEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; description "Each entry in this table represents a range of VCLs and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of 'pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed due to AIS/RDI failure in the same direction in the last corresponding notification ."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex { type leafref { path "/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeTable/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; } } leaf catmPVclAISRDILowerRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The first PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmVclOperStatus to have changed in the last corresponding notification due to AISRDI OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIHigherRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The last PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmOperStatus to have changed in the last corresponding notification due to AISRDI OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIRangeStatusChStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first PVCL in the range changed state in the last corresponding notification due to AISRDI OAM failure."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIRangeStatusChEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last PVCL in the range changed state in the last corresponding notification due to AISRDI OAM failure."; } } // list catmAISRDIStatusChPVclRangeEntry } // container catmAISRDIStatusChPVclRangeTable container catmDownPVclRangeTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating more than one VCLs in a consecutive range and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have detected as Down in the last corresponding PVC notification ."; list catmDownPVclRangeEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; description "Each entry in this table represents a range of VCLs and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of 'pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have detected as Down in the last notification interval."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex { type leafref { path "/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeTable/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; } } leaf catmDownPVclLowerRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The first PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmVclOperStatus has been detected as Down in the corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmDownPVclHigherRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The last PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmVclOperStatus has been detected as Down in the corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmDownPVclRangeStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first atmVclOperStatus is detected as Down on any of the PVCLs in the range in the corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmDownPVclRangeEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last atmVclOperStatus is detected as Down on any of the PVCLs in the range in the corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPrevUpPVclRangeStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first atmVclOperStatus is detected as Up on any of the PVCLs in the range in the previous catmIntfPvcUp2Trap notification."; } leaf catmPrevUpPVclRangeEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last atmVclOperStatus is detected as Up on any of the PVCLs in the range in the previous catmIntfPvcUp2Trap notification."; } leaf catmPVclRangeFailureReason { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type CatmOAMFailureType; description "Type of OAM failure."; } } // list catmDownPVclRangeEntry } // container catmDownPVclRangeTable container catmCurStatusUpPVclTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating all VCLs for which there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed to UP in the last corresponding PVC notification ."; list catmCurStatusUpPVclEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi atmVclVci"; description "Each entry in the table represents a VCL for which there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have changed to UP in the last PVC notification interval."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf atmVclVci { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVci"; } } leaf catmPVclStatusUpTransition { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:gauge32; description "The number of Down to Up state transitions due to OAM loopback recovery that has happened on this PVCL in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclStatusUpStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to UP for the first time due to OAM loopback recovery in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclStatusUpEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to UP for the last time due to OAM loopback recovery in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCStatusUpTransition { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:gauge32; description "The number of Down to Up state transitions that has happened on this PVCL in the last corresponding notification due to Segment CC OAM recovery."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCStatusUpStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to Up for the first time in the last corresponding notification due to Segment CC OAM recovery."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCStatusUpEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp of the last state change of this PVCL in the last corresponding notification due to Segment CC OAM recovery."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCStatusUpTransition { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:gauge32; description "The number of Down to UP state transitions that has happened on this PVCL in the last notification interval due to End CC OAM recovery."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCStatusUpStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to Up for the first time in the last corresponding notification due to End CC OAM recovery."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCStatusUpEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to Up for the last time in the last corresponding notification due to End CC OAM recovery."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIStatusUpTransition { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:gauge32; description "The number of Down to Up state transitions that has happened on this PVCL in the last notification interval due to AIS RDI OAM recovery."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIStatusUpStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to Up for the first time in the last corresponding notification due to AIS/RDI OAM recovery."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIStatusUpEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to Up for the last time in the last corresponding notification due to AIS/RDI OAM recovery."; } leaf catmPVclCurRecoverTime { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to UP last time in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclPrevFailTime { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which this PVCL changed state to DOWN last time in the previous corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclRecoveryReason { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type CatmOAMRecoveryType; description "Type of OAM Recovered"; } } // list catmCurStatusUpPVclEntry } // container catmCurStatusUpPVclTable container catmStatusUpPVclRangeTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating more than one VCLs in a consecutive range and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and loopback OAM status to have detected as recovered in the last corresponding PVC notification ."; list catmStatusUpPVclRangeEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; description "Each entry in this table represents a range of VCLs and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of 'pvc' and loopback OAM status to have detected as recovered in the last notification interval."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex { type leafref { path "/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeTable/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; } } leaf catmPVclUpLowerRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The first PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the Loopback OAM recovery has been detected in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclUpHigherRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The last PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the Loopback OAM recovery has been detected in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclRangeStatusUpStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first Loopback OAM recovery is detected on any of the PVCLs in the range in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclRangeStatusUpEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last Loopback OAM recovery is detected on any of the PVCLs in the range in the last corresponding notification ."; } } // list catmStatusUpPVclRangeEntry } // container catmStatusUpPVclRangeTable container catmSegCCStatusUpPVclRangeTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating more than one VCLs in a consecutive range and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and Segment CC OAM status to have detected as recovered in the last corresponding PVC notification ."; list catmSegCCStatusUpPVclRangeEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; description "Each entry in this table represents a range of VCLs and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of 'pvc' and Segment CC OAM status to have detected as recovered in the last notification interval."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex { type leafref { path "/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeTable/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; } } leaf catmPVclSegCCUpLowerRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The first PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the Segment CC OAM recovery has been detected in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCUpHigherRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The last PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the Segment CC OAM recovery has been detected in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCRangeStatusUpStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first Segment CC OAM recovery is detected on any of the PVCLs in the range in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclSegCCRangeStatusUpEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last Segment CC OAM recovery is detected on any of the PVCLs in the range in the last corresponding notification ."; } } // list catmSegCCStatusUpPVclRangeEntry } // container catmSegCCStatusUpPVclRangeTable container catmEndCCStatusUpPVclRangeTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating more than one VCLs in a consecutive range and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and End-to-End CC OAM status to have detected as recovered in the last corresponding PVC notification ."; list catmEndCCStatusUpPVclRangeEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; description "Each entry in this table represents a range of VCLs and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of 'pvc' and End-to-End CC OAM status to have detected as recovered in the last notification interval."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex { type leafref { path "/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeTable/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; } } leaf catmPVclEndCCUpLowerRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The first PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the End-to-End CC OAM recovery has been detected in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCUpHigherRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The last PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the End-to-End CC OAM recovery has been detected in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCRangeStatusUpStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first End-to-End CC OAM recovery is detected on any of the PVCLs in the range in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclEndCCRangeStatusUpEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last End-to-End CC OAM recovery is detected on any of the PVCLs in the range in the last corresponding notification ."; } } // list catmEndCCStatusUpPVclRangeEntry } // container catmEndCCStatusUpPVclRangeTable container catmAISRDIStatusUpPVclRangeTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating more than one VCLs in a consecutive range and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and AISRDI OAM status to have detected as recovered in the last corresponding PVC notification ."; list catmAISRDIStatusUpPVclRangeEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; description "Each entry in this table represents a range of VCLs and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of 'pvc' and AISRDI OAM status to have detected as recovered in the last notification interval."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex { type leafref { path "/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeTable/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; } } leaf catmPVclAISRDIUpLowerRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The first PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the AISRDI OAM recovery has been detected in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIUpHigherRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The last PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the AISRDI OAM recovery has been detected in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIRangeStatusUpStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first AISRDI OAM recovery is detected on any of the PVCLs in the range in the last corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPVclAISRDIRangeStatusUpEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last AISRDI OAM recovery is detected on any of the PVCLs in the range in the last corresponding notification ."; } } // list catmAISRDIStatusUpPVclRangeEntry } // container catmAISRDIStatusUpPVclRangeTable container catmUpPVclRangeTable { smiv2:oid ""; description "A table indicating more than one VCLs in a consecutive range and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of `pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have detected as Up in the last corresponding PVC notification ."; list catmUpPVclRangeEntry { smiv2:oid ""; key "ifIndex atmVclVpi catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; description "Each entry in this table represents a range of VCLs and for each VCL there is an active row in the atmVclTable having an atmVclConnKind value of 'pvc' and atmVclOperStatus to have detected as Up in the last notification interval."; leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmVclVpi { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmVclTable/atm-mib:atmVclEntry/atm-mib:atmVclVpi"; } } leaf catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex { type leafref { path "/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeTable/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmStatusChangePVclRangeIndex"; } } leaf catmUpPVclLowerRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The first PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmVclOperStatus has been detected as Up in the corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmUpPVclHigherRangeValue { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type int32 { range "0..65536"; } description "The last PVCL in a range of PVCLs for which the atmVclOperStatus has been detected as Up in the corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmUpPVclRangeStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first atmVclOperStatus is detected as Up on any of the PVCLs in the range in the corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmUpPVclRangeEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last atmVclOperStatus is detected as Up on any of the PVCLs in the range in the corresponding notification ."; } leaf catmPrevDownPVclRangeStart { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the first atmVclOperStatus is detected as Down on any of the PVCLs in the range in the previous catmIntfPvcDownTrap notification."; } leaf catmPrevDownPVclRangeEnd { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type yang:timestamp; description "The time stamp at which the last atmVclOperStatus is detected as Down on any of the PVCLs in the range in the previous catmIntfPvcDownTrap notification."; } leaf catmPVclRangeRecoveryReason { smiv2:max-access "read-only"; smiv2:oid ""; type CatmOAMRecoveryType; description "Type of OAM Recovered"; } } // list catmUpPVclRangeEntry } // container catmUpPVclRangeTable } // container CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB notification catmIntfPvcUpTrap { smiv2:oid ""; status deprecated; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has changed state back to 'up' since the last catmIntfPvcUpTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurrentlyDownToUpPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurrentlyDownToUpPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 } // notification catmIntfPvcUpTrap notification catmIntfPvcOAMFailureTrap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has OAM loop back failed since the last catmIntfPvcOAMFailuresTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfOAMFailedPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfOAMFailedPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 container object-3 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurrentOAMFailingPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurrentOAMFailingPVcls"; } } } // container object-3 } // notification catmIntfPvcOAMFailureTrap notification catmIntfPvcSegCCOAMFailureTrap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has Segment CC OAM failure since the last catmIntfPvcSegCCOAMFailureTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfSegCCOAMFailedPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfSegCCOAMFailedPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 container object-3 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurSegCCOAMFailingPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurSegCCOAMFailingPVcls"; } } } // container object-3 } // notification catmIntfPvcSegCCOAMFailureTrap notification catmIntfPvcEndCCOAMFailureTrap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has End-to-End CC OAM failure since the last catmIntfPvcEndCCOAMFailureTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfEndCCOAMFailedPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfEndCCOAMFailedPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 container object-3 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurEndCCOAMFailingPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurEndCCOAMFailingPVcls"; } } } // container object-3 } // notification catmIntfPvcEndCCOAMFailureTrap notification catmIntfPvcAISRDIOAMFailureTrap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has AIS RDI OAM failure since the last catmIntfPvcAISRDIOAMFailureTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfAISRDIOAMFailedPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfAISRDIOAMFailedPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 container object-3 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurAISRDIOAMFailingPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurAISRDIOAMFailingPVcls"; } } } // container object-3 } // notification catmIntfPvcAISRDIOAMFailureTrap notification catmIntfPvcAnyOAMFailureTrap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has one or more OAM failed since the last catmIntfPvcAnyOAMFailureTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfAnyOAMFailedPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfAnyOAMFailedPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 container object-3 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurAnyOAMFailingPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurAnyOAMFailingPVcls"; } } } // container object-3 container object-4 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfTypeOfOAMFailure { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfTypeOfOAMFailure"; } } } // container object-4 } // notification catmIntfPvcAnyOAMFailureTrap notification catmIntfPvcOAMRecoverTrap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has OAM loop back recovered since the last catmIntfPvcOAMRecoversTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfOAMRcovedPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfOAMRcovedPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 container object-3 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurrentOAMRcovingPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurrentOAMRcovingPVcls"; } } } // container object-3 } // notification catmIntfPvcOAMRecoverTrap notification catmIntfPvcSegCCOAMRecoverTrap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has Segment CC OAM recovery since the last catmIntfPvcSegCCOAMRecoverTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfSegCCOAMRcovedPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfSegCCOAMRcovedPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 container object-3 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurSegCCOAMRcovingPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurSegCCOAMRcovingPVcls"; } } } // container object-3 } // notification catmIntfPvcSegCCOAMRecoverTrap notification catmIntfPvcEndCCOAMRecoverTrap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has End-to-End CC OAM recovery since the last catmIntfPvcEndCCOAMRecoverTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfEndCCOAMRcovedPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfEndCCOAMRcovedPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 container object-3 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurEndCCOAMRcovingPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurEndCCOAMRcovingPVcls"; } } } // container object-3 } // notification catmIntfPvcEndCCOAMRecoverTrap notification catmIntfPvcAISRDIOAMRecoverTrap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has AIS RDI OAM recovery since the last catmIntfPvcAISRDIOAMRecoverTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfAISRDIOAMRcovedPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfAISRDIOAMRcovedPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 container object-3 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurAISRDIOAMRcovingPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurAISRDIOAMRcovingPVcls"; } } } // container object-3 } // notification catmIntfPvcAISRDIOAMRecoverTrap notification catmIntfPvcAnyOAMRecoverTrap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has one or more OAM recovered since the last catmIntfPvcAnyOAMRecoverTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfAnyOAMRcovedPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfAnyOAMRcovedPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 container object-3 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurAnyOAMRcovingPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurAnyOAMRcovingPVcls"; } } } // container object-3 container object-4 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfTypeOfOAMRecover { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfTypeOfOAMRecover"; } } } // container object-4 } // notification catmIntfPvcAnyOAMRecoverTrap notification catmIntfPvcUp2Trap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has changed state back to 'up' since the last catmIntfPvcUp2Trap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf catmIntfCurrentlyDownToUpPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB:catmIntfCurrentlyDownToUpPVcls"; } } } // container object-2 } // notification catmIntfPvcUp2Trap notification catmIntfPvcDownTrap { smiv2:oid ""; description "A notification indicating that one or more PVCLs on this interface has changed state back to 'down' since the last catmIntfPvcDownTrap was sent."; container object-1 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } } // container object-1 container object-2 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmIntfPvcFailures { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/cisco-ietf:atmIntfPvcFailures"; } } } // container object-2 container object-3 { leaf ifIndex { type leafref { path "/if-mib:IF-MIB/if-mib:ifTable/if-mib:ifEntry/if-mib:ifIndex"; } } leaf atmIntfCurrentlyFailingPVcls { type leafref { path "/atm-mib:ATM-MIB/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfTable/atm-mib:atmInterfaceConfEntry/cisco-ietf:atmIntfCurrentlyFailingPVcls"; } } } // container object-3 } // notification catmIntfPvcDownTrap } // module CISCO-ATM-PVCTRAP-EXTN-MIB
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